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Search results

  1. David FoxFire

    Baldur's Gate Investigations

    I've compiled all the brainstorms I have so far and started a blog with it. That'll keep me from breaking any rules. I also would like to put up a progress chart of my maping: That's the map of Baldur's Gate, where most of the game will tale place in. The area in green is what I have on RPG...
  2. David FoxFire

    Running out of ideas!

    Running out of ideas, or more truthfully, running out of steam and desire to continue a project, has been the bane of my existance for most of my life. More often then not it's because of my rather annoying tendency to attract people who tend to criticize me as a person (be it some snippy...
  3. David FoxFire

    Baldur's Gate Investigations

    I never thought about diagonals. All of the maps are squares so I only thought of up down left and right. Although to some places, such as player destinations and homebase, diagonals might come in handy. (I'll have plenty of taverns around for the middle one. Addendum: I've created a page...
  4. David FoxFire

    Google Star Wars

    Well, I would've have a more stark showing of the human condition: I'd have it set in the modern day, or in a 'real life' like world where somehow the mythos behind the movie became reality. Although It's best that this story not be made; the end result would be tears for all.
  5. David FoxFire

    Google Star Wars

    I had a story idea related to Star Wars. Remember midichlorians? If you have enough of them in your bloodstream, you have the Force. What if someone was able to manufacture, gather, cultivate, or whatever enough Midichlorians to make it injectable using (this) real world technology. One...
  6. David FoxFire

    Need two tweaks to the "Dead" State

    All right then, I'll put it in, and when I start testing my encounters, I'll let you know :) (The Admins can tag this as 'answered' now. Thanks to everyone.)
  7. David FoxFire

    Need two tweaks to the "Dead" State

    Okay then. Here's where I have the code at this point. I'm going to add this script at the bottom of my Number-Crunching Plugin: var _alias_removeBattleStates = Game_Battler.prototype.removeBattleStates; Game_Battler.prototype.removeBattleStates = function() {...
  8. David FoxFire

    Need two tweaks to the "Dead" State

    I knew I'd have it wrong. I'm surprised that I was able to do the array-loading plugin the way I did. I'll wait for you to connect the dots to me.
  9. David FoxFire

    Need two tweaks to the "Dead" State

    Let me call up my Elminster plugin as a reference. I think it'll be something like this: (function () { Game_Battler.prototype.removeBattleStates = function() { this.states().forEach(function(state) { if (state.removeAtBattleEnd) {...
  10. David FoxFire

    Added some mechanic notes on my Baldur's Gate Investigations Thread in "Development Showroom"

    Added some mechanic notes on my Baldur's Gate Investigations Thread in "Development Showroom"
  11. David FoxFire

    Need two tweaks to the "Dead" State

    Thanks in all for the assistance, and the required move, of course. I just have one thing: The code you mentioned, @eivl, where do i put it in? Put it in a plugin or in some Lunatic Mode note or somewhere else?
  12. David FoxFire

    Need two tweaks to the "Dead" State

    If that's the case, I made the edit in my own game. Definitely needs to have this noted under "Important"
  13. David FoxFire

    Need two tweaks to the "Dead" State

    That'll work, have the heals set to also work on KO'ed Individuals. And I have the Battle Manager victory plugin. I might need to code something like this: for (each character in party) { if (character is KOed) { set character.HP to 1; remove KO Status; }; }; Would...
  14. David FoxFire

    Game Resolutions

    I set my screen at 1024 x 768, which is considerably larger, but has enough screen real estate for me to work with. I like things roomy.
  15. David FoxFire

    Spriter Pro FREE COPY

    I'd probably will be getting into Sprite Animation myself with RPG Maker, so count me in. This site is going to be my portal for my MV games anyway, with links from my home page.
  16. David FoxFire

    Need two tweaks to the "Dead" State

    The game I'm working on right now isn't going to be much into Death. Granted, a party wipe (or in my lingo, a Total Party Kill, will result in a "Game Over, press 'R' to Restart", but I'd like to have two tweaks to this state. One, I'd like to have people heal form this state. Where you can...
  17. David FoxFire

    Complete MV-Tan graphic set.

    I can't believe that I'm the first one to ask for this: A VT-Tan graphic set of TV, TVD, and SD files so we can put her in our games. We created this character for all of us, it's about time we represent her. :)
  18. David FoxFire

    Photoshop Patterns of Roof Tiles

    This requrest isn't for anything RPG Maker, but for my Graphic Design needs to put those finishing touches on my maps. There are some instances where I'd like to embellish roofs on Photoshop, and I need to have better rooftile textures to use with that program. If someone could convert the...
  19. David FoxFire

    Mascot Voting!

    #20 All the way. MV-Tan for the win, and she's even becoming a part of every game i make. (Alongside Vivan James, but that's just me)
  20. David FoxFire

    Paris Incident

    Sure thing, @Companion Wulf , I'll continue developing Æthercoil for you. But in a nutshell, it's basically a Old School Renisance world where they experience the dawn of invention, where the earliest of inventions such as the Printing Press, Electricity, Steam Power, and the like were...