Ok, i'll try to explain with my poor english. Cross your fingers!PX
First of all, to have this control you need install and activate two Plugins, both of Yanfly:
You can found both of in
Now we can continue:
1 - Copy the .tff file of the new font to "\ProjectFolder\fonts". If the name of file is too complex, rename it to something more easy.
Ex.: Font2.tff
2 - In the same folder, open the file "gamefont.css" with notepad and add this to the end of the file. Change the
names for your needs.
@font-face {
font-family: FontName;
src: url("FileName.ttf");
And save overwriting the original.
3 - Inside the RMMV, when you need to use your new font in the text you must put the escape code "\fn<x>". Where X is the name of the font, like you put in CSS file and in the plugin's config, Like that:
\fn<FontName> Hello World!
Other escape codes of YEP_MessageCore:
\fr - Reset the font to the default.
\fs[x] - Change the size of the font to x.
\fb - Change the font to bold, if possible.
\fi - Change the font to italic, if possible.
Well, thats all. You can repeat the process to put more fonts in the game.
Hope it can help you in your project.:thumbsup: