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Search results

  1. Companion Wulf

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I've learned over the years that you can never have too many backups! Even backups OF backups. LOL For the game development, I've not been doing much in the way of RPG Maker projects, but have been updating some of my old RMMV plugins, plus writing some more. Be releasing them at some point...
  2. Companion Wulf

    Show off your mapping skills

    Here's a map from Otherworld. It's from the Realms of the Invisibles. ;) EDIT: Funny thing, this is actually a map in Otherworld, though obviously there's something there. You just can't see it (without the proper item).
  3. Companion Wulf

    Why Enter in RPG Maker MV Game Making Contest?

    I like your thinking. I never thought of putting contest games into a portfolio. But it makes sense to. Most of the time, especially this year I've had frustratingly little time to enter any, notably with RPG Maker MV, as much as I may have wanted to. Time is always a factor, even with the best...
  4. Companion Wulf

    Well, mostly SGB stuff (plus 2 other projects), the details of which I can't reveal just yet...

    Well, mostly SGB stuff (plus 2 other projects), the details of which I can't reveal just yet. ;) I started updating some of my plugins and will be adding a few more soon.
  5. Companion Wulf

    Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV)

    Companion Wulf updated Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV) with a new update entry: Big Update: Text Alignment + More Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. Companion Wulf

    RPG Maker Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV) - Big Update: Text Alignment + More

    As well as some tweaks and bug fixes, the following have been added: The main update is Text Alignment, where text can be aligned left, center and right. This is what I call "true form alignment" because it doesn't have additional whitespace when centring. Note: It's far from perfect, but it's...
  7. Companion Wulf

    Finally able to get back to some RMMV dev, but not for long! December through January is another...

    Finally able to get back to some RMMV dev, but not for long! December through January is another busy period for the commissioned work! 0_0
  8. Companion Wulf

    It's so rewarding working at what you hate, then coming home and working on what you love! :D

    It's so rewarding working at what you hate, then coming home and working on what you love! :D
  9. Companion Wulf

    Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV)

    Companion Wulf updated Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV) with a new update entry: Add 3 More Control Characters Read the rest of this update entry... Update Coming Soon These are some of the upcoming updates for this plugin, scheduled for some time this month. Bold and Italic fonts (and I'm...
  10. Companion Wulf

    "After climbing a great hill, one only finds there are many more hills to climb." --Nelson Mandela

    "After climbing a great hill, one only finds there are many more hills to climb." --Nelson Mandela
  11. Companion Wulf

    The funnest part is they can't really sell it because the company name is still trademarked...

    The funnest part is they can't really sell it because the company name is still trademarked. (Not going into details, except that our original registrar/host screwed us over and we weren't able to pursue it further and GoDaddy refuses to retransfer/resell the full rights back to us. LOL)
  12. Companion Wulf

    It's considered as a "premium unique" domain. Those tend to be a bit more expensive. When we had...

    It's considered as a "premium unique" domain. Those tend to be a bit more expensive. When we had ours it peaked at around $1,000, but was a "premium" domain. Also at its peak, it had a site worth of around $5,000. Now, GoDaddy is selling it for roughly $15 (on sale for just about $1 right now).
  13. Companion Wulf

    Backspace in Name Input Proccessing

    I had this plugin bookmarked: Backspace functionality to text input. Might be what you're looking for.
  14. Companion Wulf

    Not much RPG Maker activity at all. Doing 2 commissioned "secret" projects. Very exciting times.

    Not much RPG Maker activity at all. Doing 2 commissioned "secret" projects. Very exciting times.
  15. Companion Wulf

    What Is The One Area of the Development Process You Find the Hardest?

    I have to say my bugbear is graphics/art. I've never really been that good at it, so that's probably (ironically) the first thing I work on. LOL
  16. Companion Wulf

    Feel like I'm going very slowly, very fast. Kinda like a reverse Matrix but as "aware" as Neo...

    Feel like I'm going very slowly, very fast. Kinda like a reverse Matrix but as "aware" as Neo when bullets slow down.
  17. Companion Wulf

    RPG Maker Halloween Challenge! ($10 Steam Card Reward)

    Ooh too bad I don't have the time. Horror is my speciality. Good luck to all who enter!
  18. Companion Wulf

    Might start voice acting for peoples games

    I think you should! You have a versatile enough voice that you can adapt easily. I couldn't do a child's or woman's voice because my voice is too deep. Not enough soprano! What kinds of accents can you do?
  19. Companion Wulf

    Your Old Projects/What Were You Like When You Started Out

    I first started with RM95, but didn't seriously start developing games until RM2K/3. The few games I did release were popular in their own rights, but were never widely known or circulated. When it came to RMXP, at the time its engine and prospect of using RGSS to change virtually every aspect...
  20. Companion Wulf

    Areas of Development

    Writing, of course, is an area I excel in and have no problems creating stories or plots. When it comes to translating them into a workable game format, the difficulties for me mostly lie in creating the graphics. I seem to spend more time on that than anything else because, to the perfectionist...