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  1. Companion Wulf

    New site for my MV stuff is up. Still in development, but will be kept up-to-date...

    New site for my MV stuff is up. Still in development, but will be kept up-to-date.
  2. Companion Wulf

    Console log not working anymore?

    Ah! I get the same thing when downloading RAW files from Pastebin (one reason I don't use that any more). MS Defender doesn't like direct downloads of JS. The reason I asked if you could write directly in the console was because it reminded me of a similar problem someone I knew had and was due...
  3. Companion Wulf

    Console log not working anymore?

    Can you still write directly into the console log window and get results printed?
  4. Companion Wulf

    New Year New Theme!

    Holy kajoly! I came online today and noticed the overhaul. Actually, I really like it! Much cleaner. And, of course, it'll take a bit to get used to it, but that's fine! Looks like I'm not the only "busy beaver" today either. I made constructive use of my time off, in preparation for the New...
  5. Companion Wulf

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! HAPPIER 2017! May this year bring Happiness, Wealth & Peace! And, of course, RPG...

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! HAPPIER 2017! May this year bring Happiness, Wealth & Peace! And, of course, RPG Maker MV games and dev!
  6. Companion Wulf

    I've given up on my Skyrim and FW "peccadillos" (as I call it). ;)

    I've given up on my Skyrim and FW "peccadillos" (as I call it). ;)
  7. Companion Wulf

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I haven't been able to focus on MV stuff for AGES! I finally had the chance get back into it and revisit Otherworld again before the business of the New Year's commitments take over. While there's not much in the way of game progress yet, I decided to revisit some of the plugins I started for...
  8. Companion Wulf

    Will be releasing my "Extra Stats MV" plugin as Private Beta next year before its official...

    Will be releasing my "Extra Stats MV" plugin as Private Beta next year before its official public release. Probably change its title too.
  9. Companion Wulf

    I write mostly fantasy, but also paranormal horror. At the moment, I'm writing the plot for a...

    I write mostly fantasy, but also paranormal horror. At the moment, I'm writing the plot for a (secret) game, which is kind of a paranormal spin based on another horror story. And also a compilation of short fantasy-esque stories (fingers crossed, published next year).
  10. Companion Wulf

    Reading Event Notes

    Thanks @LTN Games. Such a comprehensive explanation. I'll have a look after work and also came up with an idea at work. Of course with no way of testing it out. Lol EDIT: Ended up using another method for my purposes, but this will be a very useful resource for the future. And I'm finally...
  11. Companion Wulf

    I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, but this year I am. To finish my writing and game...

    I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, but this year I am. To finish my writing and game projects. What are yours?
  12. Companion Wulf

    The old familiar! :D I have a dozen finished but not published works, and more unpublished...

    The old familiar! :D I have a dozen finished but not published works, and more unpublished, unfinished works. Determined that 2017 is when they're all done and dusted!
  13. Companion Wulf

    Reading Event Notes

    Now, while I know how to read notes from the Database (things like Actors, Skills, etc.), reading them from events elude me. As an example, Event001 has the note <dosomething> where each time that event is touched by the player, that event's note is read and it does something, like adds to a...
  14. Companion Wulf

    Wishing everyone a Happy Xmas (or Happy Day) and a New Game Dev Year. See you all in 2017!!

    Wishing everyone a Happy Xmas (or Happy Day) and a New Game Dev Year. See you all in 2017!!
  15. Companion Wulf

    After Xmas, things should settle. Hopefully I'll be able to divide enough time between SGB and...

    After Xmas, things should settle. Hopefully I'll be able to divide enough time between SGB and RMMV, and fully update the blog as well.
  16. Companion Wulf

    The "What I'm Cooking" Thread

    Although I can cook, nowadays I don't. Since I'm living on my own, I don't see the point in cooking gourmet meals, but still eat healthily enough. My other half and I are apart at the moment (very sad, convoluted story), but we often share recipe ideas. And then when we are reunited, the kitchen...
  17. Companion Wulf

    Error Message When Testing First Browser Game

    I have been successful, yes. Uploaded it to RPG Maker Times MV Fun, which is specifically a test site for live testing. You probably won't have much luck with many free sites, as they mostly tend to have their own limitations. I've heard that Google Drive can be used to upload and play a game...
  18. Companion Wulf

    Opinions on background

    I actually like this idea and it has a lot of potential. In fact, studies have shown that this is viable. The mind, body and soul are interconnected, so one is affected by another. Each condition has different, often multiple, effects.
  19. Companion Wulf

    New Google+ Community for RPG Maker MV

    Unfortunately, I'm starting to steer away from Google (including Chrome and G+). I still joined to get updates, but really don't use it any more for much. :(
  20. Companion Wulf

    Error Message When Testing First Browser Game

    This is VERY typical of most browsers. It has something to do with security protocols not being able to run "live" sites locally, or something like that. Sites like are very useful. However, if you want to test locally, you still can. Firefox is the only browser to date that I've found...