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  1. Companion Wulf

    Amy's Art Assistance [OPEN!]

    That would be awesome, Amy. It would probably be a crash course, indeed. I'm a fast learner except when it comes to one thing: I can't wrap my head (no pun intended) around UV Wrapping. Of course, one day it will click...(snicker)
  2. Companion Wulf

    MinsterJay's Promotion!

    Whoohoo! Congrats! (icecream)
  3. Companion Wulf

    An Introduction

    Hi @Moussa and welcome to the forum. If you need help, there will almost certainly be someone here who can answer any questions you may have or point you in the right direction. I know all about infrequent online time. And lack of it in general lol.
  4. Companion Wulf

    Welcome to our latest Mod!

    Awesome! (icecream)Go go, Amy. As you know, I took a hiatus, but am going to get back into RPG Maker, notably MV, soon. And back active on the forum again.
  5. Companion Wulf

    Amy's Art Assistance [OPEN!]

    I think this is an awesome idea! I've always admired your artwork and often wish I'd pursued it more, especially with 3D and Blender stuff. If/when you manage to get some tutorials on YouTube, I'd sub for sure. (thumbsup)
  6. Companion Wulf

    Returning to MV after my current SGB project. Will be redeveloping and MV-ing The Gladiator Project.

    Returning to MV after my current SGB project. Will be redeveloping and MV-ing The Gladiator Project.
  7. Companion Wulf

    The QEngine's release is next month, including Message Codes add-on that includes one for proper...

    The QEngine's release is next month, including Message Codes add-on that includes one for proper gender-based pronouns.
  8. Companion Wulf

    Should I add To This?/How Can This Be Improved?

    Hi @Arythorn. I really like this. It's simple but effective. And my opinion is, yes, it needs something to break that repetitiveness; perhaps a deep dynamic string accompaniment or a viola/violin with a pizzicato interlude before returning to arco again. I've recently started playing keyboard...
  9. Companion Wulf

    Been awhile. QEngine plugin's almost ready; converting Message Codes plugin to a QEngine Add-On...

    Been awhile. QEngine plugin's almost ready; converting Message Codes plugin to a QEngine Add-On and added a lot more escape codes.
  10. Companion Wulf

    Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV)

    Hi @Nemo . Thanks for the suggestion. I had the same thoughts, so I'll look further into that for sure. Right now, I'm working on my QEngine plugin, intended to add and consolidate frequently used functions across my plugins, but will pursue this idea some time this week (since I'm on holiday).
  11. Companion Wulf

    RPG Maker MV.EXE is displayed as a Virus.

    This is obviously a false-positive. Norton is notorious for these, one of the reasons I uninstalled it a long time ago and haven't used it since (sometimes it would even "quarantine" text files for me LOL). Add an exception for the EXE file (depending on which antivirus program you use this...
  12. Companion Wulf

    Steam Greenlight shutting down

    I'm in two minds, although do gear towards the "good riddance". There have been a LOT of unfinished and downright **** games on Greenlight. So if this cuts down on these types, I'm in favour of the move. The increase in fees isn't a surprise because it's one of those rules where "if you're...
  13. Companion Wulf

    learning to create plugin , having some problem

    What @LTN Games said. You can - or should be - able to type directly in the console log (press F8 and it'll bring it up) during playtesting. Then you can test which things work; it'll do an autocomplete for you. So if you type in Naqua it should return an object. Or if you type in...
  14. Companion Wulf

    Work, work on SGB, work on Otherworld, work on commissions. Work! So much work! So little time...

    Work, work on SGB, work on Otherworld, work on commissions. Work! So much work! So little time! Haha!
  15. Companion Wulf

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I've been slowly continuing with Otherworld, small things really. Added the Mature Content plugin for anyone who doesn't want blood and "life profanity" and completed the Character Selection plugin (although there's a bug in it that still needs to be squished). Started revising the characters...
  16. Companion Wulf

    Building a Free Library of Images for Everyone

    Hi Eric, I have been to Soundimage often and used a lot of the music in my projects (unpublished and/or experimental). It's been one of my recommended sites for awhile. It's really cool that you're adding texture images as well. I'm particularly drawn to the rock and brick ones! Admittedly, I...
  17. Companion Wulf

    Mature Content Option Plugin [Deleted]

    Companion Wulf submitted a new resource: Mature Content Option Plugin - Option to turn mature/adult content ON or OFF in-game Read more about this resource...
  18. Companion Wulf

    Title Screen Add-On Plugin

    Companion Wulf updated Title Screen Add-On Plugin with a new update entry: Title Screen Add-Ons - New features: Skip title screen & title splash effect Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. Companion Wulf

    RPG Maker Title Screen Add-On Plugin - Title Screen Add-Ons - New features: Skip title screen & title splash effect

    As well as some bug fixes and tweaks, the following new features have been added: Skip Title Screen - Allows you to skip the title screen and go straight to the start map. Change Title Font - Change the title's font to a more appropriate one for your game. Main Title Splash Effect - Add a...
  20. Companion Wulf

    I'll be uploading my latest plugins (plus updated ones) next week to the blog first before...

    I'll be uploading my latest plugins (plus updated ones) next week to the blog first before anywhere else.