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  1. Companion Wulf

    Seems to be a sudden interest in my plugins. Isn't that incentive to rekindle MV? Will have to...

    Seems to be a sudden interest in my plugins. Isn't that incentive to rekindle MV? Will have to make some sacrifices, but that's fine, right!
  2. Companion Wulf

    Custom Loading Screens?

    Hi @Alice Bunny. Just noticed this. If I remember (off the top of my head), the images go in the img/system folder of your project. They're named Loading1, Loading2, etc. all the way up to (in your case) Loading10. Keep the default image in the folder as well. Make sure the Total Loading...
  3. Companion Wulf

    I haven't been active with MV at all focused more on SGB. Maybe sometime in the future I'll get...

    I haven't been active with MV at all focused more on SGB. Maybe sometime in the future I'll get back to it and update all my plugins. Maybe.
  4. Companion Wulf

    Haven't been active, sooo busy! But new year, determined that strict micro-time management will...

    Haven't been active, sooo busy! But new year, determined that strict micro-time management will change that. Finally got Discord so TTYT.
  5. Companion Wulf

    Happy Halloween 2017 - however or whether you celebrate it!

    Happy Halloween 2017 - however or whether you celebrate it!
  6. Companion Wulf

    Title Screen Add-On Plugin

    You know, I'm getting this as well (which is bloody ridiculous since I'm Admin! Haha!). It should be fixed now and downloadable. If not, let me know and either I'll give you the direct link or readjust the link here.
  7. Companion Wulf

    They can indeed. It's up and running again, it seems, and took 3 hours to sort the mess out, but...

    They can indeed. It's up and running again, it seems, and took 3 hours to sort the mess out, but kudos to Dreamhost. :)
  8. Companion Wulf

    The entire RPG Maker Times network is down due to a DDoS. Hopefully it'll be resolved as soon as...

    The entire RPG Maker Times network is down due to a DDoS. Hopefully it'll be resolved as soon as Dreamhost is able to. Then back to normal.
  9. Companion Wulf

    Social Media Buttons v1.6 now available. Includes YouTube (Username/Channel, Video & Playlist)...

    Social Media Buttons v1.6 now available. Includes YouTube (Username/Channel, Video & Playlist). How-to tutorial video also up.
  10. Companion Wulf

    Dethroned King - free music for your RPG

    These are really good. In "Cold Sweat", notably, I like the way the tension builds up, culminates and then drops off. "The Sorceress" is also one of my favourites!
  11. Companion Wulf

    Social Media Buttons Plugin

    Companion Wulf updated Social Media Buttons/In-Game Website Plugin with a new update entry: YouTube options (Username, Channel, Video and Playlist) Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. Companion Wulf

    RPG Maker Social Media Buttons Plugin - YouTube options (Username, Channel, Video and Playlist)

    Added a YouTube social media button, where you can opt to take your players to your username or channel, or to show them a specific video or playlist. Also (finally!) shortened the name to Social Media Buttons.
  13. Companion Wulf


    @VGMMarkH I like this! And the introduction of the violin/strings midway through gives it a little enhancing nudge.
  14. Companion Wulf

    Updating my Social Media Buttons plugin. Been a year since the last one. Will include YouTube...

    Updating my Social Media Buttons plugin. Been a year since the last one. Will include YouTube, maybe others. Also updating/cleaning it up.
  15. Companion Wulf

    Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV)

    Hi @RK DracoRoy, I absolutely love this idea. Again, thanks for the suggestion. I'm gonna look into this further (and maybe steal it for TGP).
  16. Companion Wulf

    MV and Others

    From their FAQ: So, yes. In fact, a few people I know have been converting/using ComiPo! stuff for/in VX Ace!
  17. Companion Wulf

    About the default resources

    According to the EULA, RPG Maker resources and packs can only be used in RPG Maker projects (this applies to all RPG Makers). And you are allowed to use them in non-commercial or commercial projects ONLY if RPG Maker is owned and used. With some packs, however, a non-RM license can be bought...
  18. Companion Wulf

    Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV)

    @RK DracoRoy I thought that's what you meant, but it's still good to have the visuals and details. I like this idea a lot! I'd originally thought of creating something similar to Yanfly's "Gab Window" plugin, but with TGP exclusive elements. I will finish work on the main Core Engine first and...
  19. Companion Wulf

    @[3695:@Starbird] Thank you!! Not sure yet, as I'm trying to design them all from scratch, but...

    @[3695:@Starbird] Thank you!! Not sure yet, as I'm trying to design them all from scratch, but if I end up scratching my head instead, I'll let you know. I do like a number of your resources, so...
  20. Companion Wulf

    Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV)

    Hi @RK DracoRoy, I'm still open to suggestions and this is a good one! But I'm not adding anything to it yet. I'll try this out at some point and if it works will update it with the QEngine version later. Thanks for the suggestion! :)