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Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV)

Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV) 1.6

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Companion Wulf submitted a new resource:

Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV) - Adds some extra Message Box control characters, such as battles won and number of followers.

Name: Extra Message Codes Plugin
Version: 1.0
Author: Companion Wulf
Release Versions:
1.0 (Public) - 24 June 2016

This plugin adds a number of features to the Title Screen:
  • Total number of battles.
  • Number of battles won.
  • Number of battles escaped.
  • Current (local) date.
  • Current map display name.
  • Number of followers in the party.
  • Total amount of gold in the party (with...
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Companion Wulf updated Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV) with a new update entry:

Add 3 More Control Characters

Control codes added:
  • Party leader name
  • Number of steps
  • Save menu status (enabled/disabled)

Also fixed a bug where "Unknown" now displays (instead of a blank) if no map display name is set.
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[doublepost=1479790994,1467099986][/doublepost]Update Coming Soon

These are some of the upcoming updates for this plugin, scheduled for some time this month.

Bold and Italic fonts (and I'm looking into underline as well).

Align text - you can use LEFT, CENTER and RIGHT.

Outline - Change font outline colour and width in message windows.

Pictures - I'm looking at being able to put pictures in message windows (although this'll likely be deferred until the next update after this one).
Companion Wulf updated Extra Message Codes Plugin (RMMV) with a new update entry:

Big Update: Text Alignment + More

As well as some tweaks and bug fixes, the following have been added:

The main update is Text Alignment, where text can be aligned left, center and right. This is what I call "true form alignment" because it doesn't have additional whitespace when centring.

Note: It's far from perfect, but it's functional and roughly centers the text in the window, although I'm not sure how or if Yanfly's Message plugin affects this, as I haven't had a chance to test that.

Other updates are:...
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I have a suggestion, if it's not too much trouble. Could you add some options for gender specific pronouns (ie him/her, his/hers) based on the character's gender tag? I've been digging around but haven't seen those, and it'd be really neat to have with the character maker plugin. :)
Hi @Nemo . Thanks for the suggestion. I had the same thoughts, so I'll look further into that for sure. Right now, I'm working on my QEngine plugin, intended to add and consolidate frequently used functions across my plugins, but will pursue this idea some time this week (since I'm on holiday).

RK DracoRoy

@Companion Wulf Are you taking any plug-in suggestions at the moment?

It's a plug-in that would display two messages at the same time instead of one. (e.g. Two dialogue boxes in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776.) while compatible with Yanfly's Message Core and Extended Message Pack.
Are you taking any plug-in suggestions at the moment?

It's a plug-in that would display two messages at the same time instead of one. (e.g. Two dialogue boxes in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776.) while compatible with Yanfly's Message Core and Extended Message Pack.
Hi @RK DracoRoy, I'm still open to suggestions and this is a good one! But I'm not adding anything to it yet. I'll try this out at some point and if it works will update it with the QEngine version later. Thanks for the suggestion! :)
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@RK DracoRoy I thought that's what you meant, but it's still good to have the visuals and details. I like this idea a lot! I'd originally thought of creating something similar to Yanfly's "Gab Window" plugin, but with TGP exclusive elements. I will finish work on the main Core Engine first and then start on the Message system. And then if it works will port it over as a separate plugin. Thanks for this idea!

RK DracoRoy

@Companion Wulf Thank you. And by the way, if you don't mind, I've one more plug-in suggestion but it's regarding the HP gauge. I promise this is the last one and I'm done.

It's an HP bar plug-in that optionally displays a "??", instead of a number but only in certain conditions. (either "??" or whatever the user wants to name it). This can possibly create more depth in the RPG battle system. It can be a optional parameter feature or optionally for the actor and enemy notetags.

On important note, it would also ensure compatibility with Yanfly's Visual HP Gauges, DreamX's Battle Status Core, and to a lesser extent, the HP color changer (and it comes with a separate plug-in to make Yanfly's Visual HP use its color bar setting when under HP conditions).

DreamX - Battle Status Core:



Say you have an enemy with 50,000 HP and you make a conditional notetag for the enemy, where if its HP is at or less than like say 15,000, it would finally reveal the remaining value of the HP instead of a "??" text.

Though when you or the enemy gets attacked, the unknown value bar doesn't display any motion of decreasing its HP, until it reveals its HP number. Along with that is have a different color applied the "??" bar, which can be done with a parameter setting.

To be more clear about the purpose of this HP plug-in request:
-Dragon has 50,000 HP.
-In the battle, the Dragon displays a "??" (or what the user types in) on its health bar (also with a different bar color, depending on the user's choice).
-If Dragon's HP is <= 0.30 (or 15,000 HP), reveal the number value of its HP bar. (Can be done with Actor / Enemy notetag).

Here's the link to what I mean in regards to the details of the request:

It's a really cool plug-in idea, I promise you. It can make the battle experience so much better when it comes to fighting powerful boss characters and monsters. Some RPGs like Fire Emblem 7 and 8 actually accomplish this, and would be a very welcomed addition to this program.

As I said, I promise this is the last plug-in suggestion. What are your words on this idea? If you're only taking 1 suggestion, I understand. I thought that a HP bar plug-in like this would be a really cool feature to have in battle.

RK DracoRoy

@Companion Wulf I had to think back on this idea on displaying a ?? bar unless a certain percentage. If going by that, actors and enemies would be displaying a ?? HP bar from the start especially if they were starting a new game adventure. And that'd be really unusual for starting a RPG adventure off of a new game.

I guess we can go with this idea instead like say your actors start off with 2000 HP and the maximum HP stat they can go is 10,000 (with Yanfly's Core Engine settings), but when you exceed that HP amount with the use of a HP stat booster, it'll display the ?? HP bar. I apologize for bringing it up again, but I knew this had to be said after taking into thought.