@Companion Wulf Thank you. And by the way, if you don't mind, I've one more plug-in suggestion but it's regarding the HP gauge. I promise this is the last one and I'm done.
It's an HP bar plug-in that optionally displays a "??", instead of a number but only in certain conditions. (either "??" or whatever the user wants to name it). This can possibly create more depth in the RPG battle system. It can be a optional parameter feature or optionally for the actor and enemy notetags.
On important note, it would also ensure compatibility with Yanfly's Visual HP Gauges, DreamX's Battle Status Core, and to a lesser extent, the HP color changer (and it comes with a separate plug-in to make Yanfly's Visual HP use its color bar setting when under HP conditions).
DreamX - Battle Status Core:
Say you have an enemy with 50,000 HP and you make a conditional notetag for the enemy, where if its HP is at or less than like say 15,000, it would finally reveal the remaining value of the HP instead of a "??" text.
Though when you or the enemy gets attacked, the unknown value bar doesn't display any motion of decreasing its HP, until it reveals its HP number. Along with that is have a different color applied the "??" bar, which can be done with a parameter setting.
To be more clear about the purpose of this HP plug-in request:
-Dragon has 50,000 HP.
-In the battle, the Dragon displays a "??" (or what the user types in) on its health bar (also with a different bar color, depending on the user's choice).
-If Dragon's HP is <= 0.30 (or 15,000 HP), reveal the number value of its HP bar. (Can be done with Actor / Enemy notetag).
Here's the link to what I mean in regards to the details of the request:
It's a really cool plug-in idea, I promise you. It can make the battle experience so much better when it comes to fighting powerful boss characters and monsters. Some RPGs like Fire Emblem 7 and 8 actually accomplish this, and would be a very welcomed addition to this program.
As I said, I promise this is the last plug-in suggestion. What are your words on this idea? If you're only taking 1 suggestion, I understand. I thought that a HP bar plug-in like this would be a really cool feature to have in battle.