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  1. Xilefian

    RPG Maker MV.EXE is displayed as a Virus.

    My apologies, I seem to remember reading Norton at some point (I think the NOT triggered me?). Avira, now that's an interesting one as they share the same definitions as Avast and AVG, so if Avira is picking it up then there's a good chance a large chunk of the community is, so you're right...
  2. Xilefian

    Steam Greenlight shutting down

    I guess we'll see less low-quality, unfinished RPG Maker games being published to Steam now? Green-light was terrible. It was being exploited massively, it was promoting so much terrible shovel-ware (particularly Unity Asset-flips) and it was making lots of money for crooks. The better...
  3. Xilefian

    RPG Maker MV.EXE is displayed as a Virus.

    Well, clearly your Antivirus is 99.9% likely the problem... Steam users reporting viruses or Steam games appearing as viruses will get a product taken down from Steam immediately. If you've bought and downloaded MV from Steam, then think about how the thousands of people before you also have...
  4. Xilefian

    Having multiple events link to a single script

    A common event that plays the sound effect is what you're looking for
  5. Xilefian

    Starting a story and I need some opinions (and text correction)

    Is this for an RPG Maker game? This looks like a game opening script, rather than a story. RPG Maker is not suitable for lengthy dialogue, unless you're willing to add lots of animations and camera movements and to avoid repeating animations and awkward pauses. As for your content; apples...
  6. Xilefian

    "Co:LS" Intro and Release Discussion

    This kind of dilemma is usually dictated by how much stuff you have going on in your life away from game development. If this game gets 100% of your time (as in, it's a job) then absolutely finish it before releasing it, get it polished before you first reveal it. Otherwise; I think a good...
  7. Xilefian

    To move or not to move?

    I don't think there's a simple yes/no answer to this. There's a reason why older RPGs had NPCs marching in place and that reason disappeared as hardware improved, but there is still a potential application. With old, tile-based RPGs the hardware wasn't very good at animating high-detailed...
  8. Xilefian

    How to retrieve a skill id of the current action in battle?

    You want to look at Game_Action. var battler = BattleManager._subject; // Current battle subject var skillId = battler.currentAction().item().id; // This works if we can guarantee a skill is being used // If we can't guarantee it's a skill then we need to check first var currentAction =...
  9. Xilefian

    My Gaming Idea (Feel free to review harshly)

    The "open-world" of early final fantasy games were basically fetch quests that didn't tell you where you needed to go. There wasn't much to actually do between fetching and delivering the quest item - besides the insane random encounter rate (which existed to pad out game-play time because it...
  10. Xilefian

    Re-order, re-name categories for clarification

    I've noticed a number of RPG Maker MV support-related topics being posted in the Theory & Development sub-forum of the Developers Den. I think the ambiguity of "Developers Den" gives the impression that all game development related subjects (Including MV support and discussion) belongs in this...
  11. Xilefian

    Is it possible to enable or disable Plugins ingame?

    Unfortunately, unless the Plugin has specifically coded the ability to disable itself (which would be very kind of them) - you cannot disable a Plugin in game. The way Plugins work is that they re-write and modify the game-code at launch (Plugins are ran like programs, its their responsibility...
  12. Xilefian

    How to get an equip type Id?

    var actor = $; // Get actor 1 var equipment = actor.equips()[1]; // Get equipment in slot 2 (arrays start at 0) if ( equipment && equipment.etypeId == 2 ) { // There is something equipped and it is of type 2 // type 2 == shield in Database -> Types -> Equipment Types }...
  13. Xilefian

    Changing Conversations to PMs?

    Off topic, but Xyphien you can hold Alt and then hit PrtScn on Windows to take a screenshot of a just a window, then you wouldn't need to spend any time to crop any of the image. PMs is historically the terminology used. Conversations would be the modern, user-friendly version, however saying...
  14. Xilefian

    How to program objects to move around?

    It's most certainly not the Map ID that you should be setting and you definitely do not want to copy it into a script as what I posted is not a script. This is the control variable set: This is the conditional branch: Repeat the same for the second, Y variable. Just go through each page...
  15. Xilefian

    Move Ask Me Anything out of Introductions and Goodbyes

    I noticed that a high number of new users are posting simple, introductory posts into the Ask Me Anything sub-forum. Their intention may be to post a valid AMA thread, but there is some ambiguity in the usage here. I think the description "All AMA posts go here. Get to know your fellow members...
  16. Xilefian

    Ask for plugin - monsters hunt, contracts

    You really don't need a tutorial, you just need to look at my example quest file and then copy the format. Here's a JSON quest; The XML quest could look like this (I haven't settled on a format yet): But I could also make the XML behave as such: <quest name="Snow In Lutia" iconIndex=176> ...
  17. Xilefian

    Ask for plugin - monsters hunt, contracts

    JSON is not scripting, it's a data format. Could probably make it use XML, which non-programmers tend to find easier
  18. Xilefian

    How to program objects to move around?

    You want to enabled Skip if can't move for the set move route of the event, so if it goes into a wall or another object it won't freeze when you next push it. I've set up an example event for pushing a crate to a specific location (7, 10) here; The page order, self...
  19. Xilefian

    A float parameter 1 isn't finite?

    Saw the problem straight away; The parameter "Low HP Text" doesn't exist, you've called it "Low HP Text Color" (line 29) in the params list, but are dereferencing it as "Low HP Text" (line 98). This is why it's important to paste as much code as possible, you'll see that the first thing I...
  20. Xilefian

    A float parameter 1 isn't finite?

    I think you should set a breakpoint and inspect the value being passed to textColor, see which one of these variables is causing the problem. It's almost certainly a problem with the textColor argument, according to your error message. It's either CriticalHPText or HPLowText that is not a...