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  1. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    WebAudio is a hard one to solve as that's a strict requirement of default RPG Maker MV. I don't think there's a solution I can give for WebAudio. I may be able to hack something, but it would be done in code in the future, not anytime soon. Also, the fix would disable audio, so your game would...
  2. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    Aha, I was worried there'd be someone who'd get this error. Would you mind telling me what tablet you have exactly? The error means your tablet has a very old web browser, the best solution for your particular problem is to disable WebGL, which can be done by opening the strings.xml file (see...
  3. Xilefian

    Guide on Exporting your game to Android

    Literally the 2nd thread in this sub-forum, and it was the top thread until you decided to bump this one.
  4. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    The support library should be there. It's never going to disappear as it's a critical feature of Android. If it's definitely missing, but the APK builds fine, then everything is okay. I expect that having the support library written in the gradle file is making your Android Studio automatically...
  5. Xilefian

    Plugin Pixel Movement

    EDIT: There is now a test version over on RPG Maker Web:α.85408/ Give it a whirl, report back any problems so they can be added to the GitHub bug tracker. Most of the thread below is discussion of old test ideas and...
  6. Xilefian

    Any game stories in need of critique? Come here!

    I refrained from commenting on the plot itself because I think your biggest challenge will be the actual player relationship dynamic and writing for that, rather than writing the story. Your opening introduction of the blacksmith and a band of villains tearing through a village is a cliche. The...
  7. Xilefian

    Any game stories in need of critique? Come here!

    This is more of a scenario idea than a game idea. There's some design challenges you've created for yourself, in writing you'll have to figure out a way to separate the player character from the protagonist, which may offend the player if they are torn away from role-playing the blacksmith and...
  8. Xilefian

    Need Help With Passability Check

    In rpg_objects.js, line 5944: // This method of Game_Map checks if a tile can be passed when walking off it in a given direction Game_Map.prototype.isPassable = function(x, y, d) { return this.checkPassage(x, y, (1 << (d / 2 - 1)) & 0x0f); }; // It is used as such $gameMap.isPassable( xx...
  9. Xilefian

    Building a team for IRX17 Jam

    Just thinking you may have more luck getting a team if you post a few of your ideas so people can assess the viability.
  10. Xilefian

    Building a team for IRX17 Jam

    Theme does not necessarily mean genre. Could be a horror theme or a retro theme, so it's worth thinking about potential ideas across multiple genres in preparation.
  11. Xilefian

    Building a team for IRX17 Jam

    I'm guessing you'd want to use RPG Maker MV? Have you thought of types of game-play or genre that you'd like to use?
  12. Xilefian

    Please help. How do I "sync" a data file to be used as a global score system?

    Good job finding that project. It contains an example of using Firebase to upload player data; This is actually a rather small code-file - less than 500 lines - which should give you an idea of how easy Firebase...
  13. Xilefian

    Please help. How do I "sync" a data file to be used as a global score system?

    You're doing a classic XY problem here, where you're asking for how to implement a solution you've imagined for your problem, rather than ask how to solve your original problem to begin with. Don't download a file, especially with Android (where this will be a permissions nightmare). I...
  14. Xilefian

    Just spent an hour writing a tutorial on exporting MV Projects into an Android App. I feel worn...

    Just spent an hour writing a tutorial on exporting MV Projects into an Android App. I feel worn out now...
  15. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    The originating tutorial along with direct support can be found at: Index Prerequisites Creating the Android app Testing (Optional) Create Debug APK Customisation Crosswalk vs WebView What is the MV Android Client The MV Android Client is a...
  16. Xilefian

    Guide on Exporting your game to Android

    When I finish work today I'll go ahead and make a quick example project for everyone then. It'll be a very simple example project as I don't want to dedicate too much time to a free code example. Someone could probably even make a web-tool for automatically generating Android APKs out of MV...
  17. Xilefian

    Guide on Exporting your game to Android

    You really don't need Crosswalk, that's very much overkill for putting your MV Project into an Android app... If people are interested, I'll make an example Android project for people to easily put their games onto Android without downloading Python and Crosswalk and all the other unnecessary...
  18. Xilefian

    Dose a mode 7 plugin exist on MV?

    I started work on a Mode 7 system (more specifically, 3D maps and objects). You can see a web demo here; I stopped working on it because the MV community didn't seem interested at all. It's rather complicated too. In older RPG Makers we could call...
  19. Xilefian

    Steam Greenlight shutting down

    I also failed to take into account that the value of gold changes, asteroids have high amounts of platinum in them and people who make games could be lottery winners. Minimum wages/exchange rates are 100% irrelevant. If you want to publish your game on Steam, you will meet Steam's fee, no...
  20. Xilefian

    RPG Maker MV.EXE is displayed as a Virus.

    The update would have changed the EXE file's contents, so to Avira the new RPG Maker MV update is a completely new program and it's going to treat that differently; as such, it's incorrectly flagged it as a virus. Other games and DLC content from Steam are not RPG Maker MV; they're complete...