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  1. Xilefian

    [SOLVED] Can I call functions from within a *.js plugin?

    CT_Bolt, you have my admiration. I'm impressed that you managed to solve these final few problems by yourself and figure out your way around my code to get it working. Very nice job, well done.
  2. Xilefian

    Add a "Technology" forum category

    That's actually not a bad idea. It would pull my suggestion back into the MV section of the site. Perhaps "MV Deployment" categories with "Desktop Deployment", "Mobile Deployment" and "Web Deployment" and people can ask for support for these platforms and discuss various methods of integrating...
  3. Xilefian

    [SOLVED] Can I call functions from within a *.js plugin?

    Now that's really bizarre. This suggests the line "((WebView) engineView).addJavascriptInterface(this, "MainActivity");" is not getting reached. What you've got there is a Javascript error, rather than a Java error. You can test this by adding logs: View engineView =...
  4. Xilefian

    [SOLVED] Can I call functions from within a *.js plugin?

    Cordova is a little weird. I've never used it before so I'm stabbing in the dark here and using what I can find on Google. Try putting this after the super.onCreate line: super.init(); Cordova apparently needs its init to be called manually, this doesn't sound right to me as this was working...
  5. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    You're best off making a new support thread asking this question as it's not related to this Android tutorial and I think there's other people who could give better suggestions and advice to you then I can. You basically need a web-server and you upload your exported project to that, but there's...
  6. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    Interesting. This sounds like a GPU bug I've encountered before with Samsung devices a few years back. My "deployment package" is just code for an Android project, nothing special. It simply opens your game in a webpage, so any bugs with that are bugs related to your actual device. I'm not sure...
  7. Xilefian

    [SOLVED] Can I call functions from within a *.js plugin?

    Well, to fix your crash you need to actually tell us what's crashing when lines 16 through 22 are there. Use LogCat in Android Studio, copy the red crash log for the app when it crashes in debug, and then paste it here and I'll be able to give you an immediate answer to the problem. Doing that...
  8. Xilefian

    Inverting Movement with Event in MV (plugin or script request)

    I consider this a messy solution, but you could just invert the directions of the player input method: Game_Player.prototype.getInputDirection = function() { return this.reverseDir( Input.dir4 ); }; Game_Player has the method "reverseDir", which conveniently inverts a direction, using this...
  9. Xilefian

    [SOLVED] Can I call functions from within a *.js plugin?

    Well, perhaps it's crashing because for some reason you deleted all your code before loadUrl... You forgot all these lines in your onCreate method: MobileAds.initialize(this, APP_ID); mRewardedVideoAd = MobileAds.getRewardedVideoAdInstance(this)...
  10. Xilefian

    Add a "Technology" forum category

    These thread by CT_Bolt highlights the need for this: (not picking on CT_Bolt, these are good threads with excellent...
  11. Xilefian

    [SOLVED] Can I call functions from within a *.js plugin?

    Yes it is possible, I do this in my Android Tutorial's code for detecting WebGL/WebAudio capabilities before loading the RPG Maker MV project. My code is downloadable in the tutorial; Now, about doing this in Cordova. Your MainActivity is...
  12. Xilefian

    What is your favourite Final Fantasy game?

    What is your favourite Final Fantasy game?
  13. Xilefian

    What's your mobile platform?

    This is exactly my opinion too. Any MV project will benefit massively from an HTML5 web demo, as long as that demo is made specifically with the web in mind. If I did a commercial MV project, it would definitely have a web demo.
  14. Xilefian

    What's your mobile platform?

    At this point, Windows Phone is a waste of time to develop on. If it ever makes a comeback, it will likely have a whole new set of development tools that would make any current work on the platform redundant. If you want to make money, then iOS is a requirement. It is very difficult to make...
  15. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    All "sound won't play" issues are related to your specific device; I honestly can't do anything to fix the problem without spending tens of thousands of dollars of my time to develop real-time audio conversion technology. You need to try different audio formats until you find one that works...
  16. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    This is going to sound rude, but if you don't know is how to split an APK then you probably shouldn't be attempting to publish to the Google Play Store. There's a very good reason why I didn't include information about signing a Release build for Google Play; if you're professionally publishing...
  17. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    That error is complaining about missing files. Did you import the correct folder into Android Studio? Make sure you import this folder (with the green icons inside it) and not the folder above it or any folder inside it; This is from Step 2 of the Tutorial.
  18. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    You are using an old version of RPG Maker MV; if possible, update your RPG Maker MV to the latest version (1.5.0) to gain this feature.
  19. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    You're welcome. This is all easy because I took the time out to write the run-time program myself and code everything to be as painless as possible, so please keep in mind that this isn't just a method to make an APK, this is a solution built by me for everyone to use for free.
  20. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    It's at the bottom of the first post, attached as ""