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  1. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    It's definitely a trade-off situation. The table here shows my observations about the trade-off. I am guessing your word "disturbated" is supposed to be "distorted" - this is very likely a device + sound file specific issue. If it is custom audio files, consider changing them to .ogg format...
  2. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    Adding on-screen controls will require either a Plugin for MV or additional Java code. I suggest you get a Plugin as that will be easier for you and there's likely already a Plugin out there that adds on-screen controls.
  3. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    Sounds like either your game is causing a problem or your device isn't behaving nicely. Try your exported game on another device or in a web browser (open the index.html file inside the www with a browser like Firefox). If it works on other devices, then it is your device's fault. If it...
  4. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    You see where it says "Project" at the top? Click that and it will give you a list, select "Android" and then you'll see what the tutorial shows. This is described in Step 3 underneath the picture. The folder you found works too - obviously - but you'll be lost on the rest of the tutorial which...
  5. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    You're looking at the wrong thing. Notice how what you're looking at is completely different to the image in the tutorial. If you look to the left, you'll see the "Project" tab on its side with a green icon. Click on that to expand it and see your project files. EDIT: I've gone ahead and...
  6. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    The ZIP doesn't have an architecture associated with it, it's not a program, it's literally just a load of text files. This error is related to your JDK environment. I suggest you switch to using Android Studio's embedded JDK: File -> Project Structure... -> SDK Location -> JDK Location Make...
  7. Xilefian

    Been practising programming for the Gameboy Advance. Lovely piece of hardware.

    Been practising programming for the Gameboy Advance. Lovely piece of hardware.
  8. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    Updated project to android_104 This sets the default gradle to be the stable version, as suggested by @cuzisaidso earlier - the project should require less configuring that before, but the tutorial remains unchanged. I also tidied up the project, removing unused folders, comments that aren't...
  9. Xilefian

    Plugin Pixel Movement

    Progress update! I've re-written the Plugin for a 6th time, finally settled on an architecture that works well and doesn't produce strange bugs. I'm currently working on circle collision, you can see what that looks like with the debugging collision enabled below with me swapping from a 1x...
  10. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    This error means that your computer is not giving Java enough memory for Android Studio to compile properly (either your computer doesn't have enough RAM or Java isn't getting enough RAM). You should search on Google about this error as I'm not sure how to fix for your operating system. My...
  11. Xilefian

    Event Touch Trigger

    If the bugs disappear when you disable Orange Custom Events, then there's your answer. Try re-ordering the Plugin too (so Event Touch Trigger is after Orange Custom Events). Event Touch Trigger will always call the base methods of what it overrides, so it should be compatible with any Plugin...
  12. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    RPG Maker MV is just standard web stuff, so you could use any web server software you want, doesn't matter if it's miniweb or Bob's Mega WebServer 2.0, the hard part is coding the user interface for such an Android App.
  13. Xilefian

    One way to make spammers' lives difficult is to not handle your own registration system and...

    One way to make spammers' lives difficult is to not handle your own registration system and exclusively use 3rd party sign-in (Facebook, Google, Twitter), this is what I do for the online services my company offers.
  14. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    This error is basically a perfect storm of your device and your computer having a weird complaint. You will need to search on Google how to solve this particular problem. The method I've seen is changing the Gradle version used, but this is slightly difficult if you have no idea what you're...
  15. Xilefian

    Plugin Pixel Movement

    Thank you very much for telling me this, I have not see Quasi's Plugin before. I downloaded and tried it out, changed some of the settings to configure it as much as possible, but I've found it still has many bugs. For one, non-collision events incorrectly have collision by default. The...
  16. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    I've added Crosswalk into a version android_103 Here's how you switch between Crosswalk and WebView (pick whichever one works best for your game); First, open Build Variants on the left of Android Studio (with your app project open). In this window, you can click in the Build Variant column...
  17. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    Not much can be done about the bad performance when your device doesn't allow WebGL to be used. WebGL helps with performance a lot. This is probably where Crosswalk could help - probably. When I have some free time, I'll experiment with Crosswalk and see if it can boost performance. I'm...
  18. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    Do not follow my advice for Emilien, that is for the old version; android_101 is supposed to fix the problem. I will need time to investigate this issue. A version android_102 will be made to fix it. EDIT: has been uploaded (attached to first post again). Sorry about the...
  19. Xilefian

    Taking Damage With Every Move

    You can do this with a parallel process event that checks if the player's X/Y has changed and apply damage if it has. You could even make it only work if the player is standing on certain regions by adding a conditional check for what region the player is currently in.
  20. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    In the build.gradle for the app there are the two lines; minSdkVersion 11 targetSdkVersion 25 The minSdkVersion is set to API 11 (Android 3.0 Honeycomb), which means you need at minimum Android 3.0 Honeycomb to play your game, which equates to roughly 99% of all Google Play Store Android...