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RPG Maker MV.EXE is displayed as a Virus.


Towns Guard

I have a little Problem. Since Update to V. 1.3.5 my RPG Maker MV.EXE it displayed as a virus whenever I try to Install it the EXE-File is paced in to a quarantine an I´m not able to release it from there. I have not even the option to say to my antivirus program that that the EXE is trustworthy.

I restarted the PC several times, I reinstalled steam several times, I even did Install Steam in English. and I also deactivated Antivirus program itself until the Installation of MV was finished. Bu as soon as I activated the Antivirus the same things were happen again.

This problem is NOT happening with VX Ace or any other software/game that I own on steam. Because of this I am pretty Shure neither my PC ore the Antivirus program are the problem.

Does same one around Know wat the problem could be?


This is obviously a false-positive. Norton is notorious for these, one of the reasons I uninstalled it a long time ago and haven't used it since (sometimes it would even "quarantine" text files for me LOL).

Add an exception for the EXE file (depending on which antivirus program you use this should be quite easy) and use "verify integrity" to redownload MV (right-click, properties and it's under Local Files). You should be able to use it normally through Steam.


Because of this I am pretty Shure neither my PC ore the Antivirus program are the problem.
Well, clearly your Antivirus is 99.9% likely the problem...

Steam users reporting viruses or Steam games appearing as viruses will get a product taken down from Steam immediately. If you've bought and downloaded MV from Steam, then think about how the thousands of people before you also have done and yet their anti-viruses have said nothing.

There is a small, very, very small chance that Norton is correct. Incredibly small chance. Because that chance depends on all other anti-viruses on the market being incorrect, and there's hundreds of different anti-viruses on the market.

Incidentally, Norton is infamous for being the worst anti-virus on the market - whilst that may or may not be true - it means people will not take you seriously if you mention Norton anti-virus is causing a false positive. Unfortunately that's the reputation Norton gained for being so terrible in the past.

You will have to add an exception for RPG Maker MV's exe file into Norton to stop it from putting the file into quarantine, that's the only thing you can do.


Towns Guard
There is a small, very, very small chance that Norton is correct.
@Xilefian How do you get the idea that I use Norton? I have not written anything about it. I use Avira Antivirus Pro so Norton cannot be the problem.

I Also never said that the EXE has become viral in Purpose by the developers this could be just a Mistake that’s happen by making the new Update.

Also, there are others they have the problem that MV does not run anymore but since they wish as much as I do that RPG Maker remains on steam thay did not repord it in that detail. Did you ever think about that?
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My apologies, I seem to remember reading Norton at some point (I think the NOT triggered me?).

Avira, now that's an interesting one as they share the same definitions as Avast and AVG, so if Avira is picking it up then there's a good chance a large chunk of the community is, so you're right that this would be quite the problem.

However, it still stands that it is your anti-virus having a false positive.

There is a chance that your PC is already infected with another virus that is attaching itself to MV as a vector, so I think do a complete scan, then add MV as an exception.

Edit: also, when I mentioned Steam it wasn't under the idea that the developers purposefully put a virus in their programming (that would be ridiculous, why risk all the money they made?) it was the idea that they accidentally shipped a virus in their latest update, which even if that does happen, the high volume of users reporting it would lead to tests and for it to get taken down from Steam, so it's guaranteed not to be the case. Still leaving your anti-virus as 99.9% likely the problem.
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Towns Guard
First, my Avira makes System scans every week I did set it up that way.

Second, it looks for updates every Month, so that it is up to date.

Third, why did the Program not quarantining MV EXE of the older versions just this one if it is no Problem with the update?
If my Antivirus program is to 99.99 % the case for it shouldn´t that be happening to the older versions as well?

Fourth, if my Program is the reason for that why none of my Software DLC or even Games from Steam is quarantined?

Do you want to say that my Avira has an will of its own and that it said to itself: “To day is such nice day time to bring MV´s EXE in to a Quarantine.”
This would mean that Avira acks like person which is not possible since it has no AI that is even close to make such an decision .
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The update would have changed the EXE file's contents, so to Avira the new RPG Maker MV update is a completely new program and it's going to treat that differently; as such, it's incorrectly flagged it as a virus.

Other games and DLC content from Steam are not RPG Maker MV; they're complete different programs. Even the RPG Maker Game.exe is a different program to the RPG Maker MV editor.

Saying "why is none of my Software DLC or even Games from Steam quarantined?" is in the same vain as saying "why is Windows, MSPaint or even Notepad not quarantined?".

So yeah, it's 99.9% certain that your anti-virus is making a mistake here. End of story, I'm afraid. Hopefully a future MV update won't trigger your anti-virus, but for the time being you need to set it as an exception in Avira.

Anti-viruses aren't perfect, no software on the planet is perfect, they make false positives all the time, you just have to say to your self "silly anti-virus!" and add an exception for your program. Nothing else can be done - beyond contacting the anti-virus developers, but I can assure you someone has already done that for RPG Maker MV considering Avira/AVG/Avast share the same definitions pool.

If you wish to learn how anti-viruses work I can probably find some reading material. They're quite interesting pieces of technology and I'm good friends with a couple of people who work in the field (they do crazy assembly level inspection to see how viruses work and identify them). Basically an anti-virus will write down "if an app looks like this or behaves like this, there's N chance that it is a virus" and different anti-viruses will have different weights and rules for when N triggers a quarantine, a delete or a clean attempt.