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Ask for plugin - monsters hunt, contracts


Hello everyone !!

I've searched for a plugin that allows to create a hunt scene for contracts, where the player can access to certain informations in order to hunt known monsters.

It seems like it doesn't exist, but if it does, one of you will certainly confirm me that :D

I think this plugin may interest many developpers !

The plugin may allow to access from an event on map a menu, with a background as the titles ones for example; on the menu, there would be some monsters' names and choosing them would allow to access on average information about these monsters.

I hope I'm understandable, because my english may be a bit poor (I'm a french maker).

If someone is able to do that, it could be very great for me and for everyone out there :D Naturally, credits would be
given !!

The plugin is naturally meant to work on RPG MAKER MV ^^

Sincerely yours,

Nantas, french maker, working on High Chivalry


I believe the Steam version of MV has the "EnemyBook" Plugin, which is a Bestiary that details stats on the monsters.

Are you asking for something similar to the FFXII "Hunts" and FFXIII "Missions"?

So one would select a "Hunt" from the "Hunt Menu" and it details what monster they need to defeat, and then after accepting the "Hunt" the player must defeat that monster, then return to the "Hunt Menu" to claim a reward.

Is this what you are describing?

If you could reply with what you need in French inside a spoiler tag as such:
[spoiler=En français]Votre description du Plugin...[/spoiler]
Then I may have a better understanding of what you need (and any other French speakers). I'm sure the staff would allow a non-English description if it is marked inside a spoiler block and if it is not the full contents of the post.


The Hunt System from Final Fantasy XII is exactly what I need !

It is difficult to introduce with evenementials, and the player would not access to a list of monsters well designed, so I think that it si best to refer to a plugin.

If you (or someone else) knows some plugin that allows to do that, it would be wonderful !!
Or if someone is able and willing to do that, this person would be credited !

I will use spoilers for french descriptions if someone needs it to understand something or to have better details, but at te moment, I believe I am understandable ^^


Nantas, this may not be 100% what you had in mind, but over the weekends I'm working on a small MV Plugin that may do what you want here.

You design the parameters for your quests in a JSON file and in an event you can add them to the quest board. When viewing a quest you flip through the pages and it gives you details on the monsters you need to defeat.

It's a bit advanced and beyond the needs of what you're looking for, but it can definitely be used to make a FF XII style hunt system.


Oh ! That looks perfect, but seems like I need some scripting hability to make a good use of this plugin, because of the json files (amazed)
But a quest system is not something I've thought of before, but that would be perfect ! :D


Oh ! That looks perfect, but seems like I need some scripting hability to make a good use of this plugin, because of the json files (amazed)
But a quest system is not something I've thought of before, but that would be perfect ! :D
JSON is not scripting, it's a data format.

Could probably make it use XML, which non-programmers tend to find easier


JSON is not scripting, it's a data format.

Could probably make it use XML, which non-programmers tend to find easier

My god :O I don't know anything about XML or whatever :O
Maybe there is a tutorial somewhere, so I will search for a tutorial ^^

Thank you for your help :)


You really don't need a tutorial, you just need to look at my example quest file and then copy the format.
Here's a JSON quest;
    "iconIndex" : 176,
    "name" : "Snow In Lutia",
    "description" : [
        "Would you please take my children to play in the ",
        "snow on Lutia Pass? I'll make you lunch!",
        "Please watch out for monsters.",
        "\n\tAuntie Larsu"
    "rank" : 1,
    "price" : 600,
    "cancellation" : 0,
    "defeat" : [
            "id" : 1,
            "count" : 1
            "id" : 2,
            "count" : 2
    "rewards" : {
        "gold" : 3600,
        "items" : [
                "id" : 1,
                "count" : 1

The XML quest could look like this (I haven't settled on a format yet):
    <name>Snow In Lutia</name>
        <line>Would you please take my children to play in the </line>
        <line>snow on Lutia Pass? I'll make you lunch!</line>
        <line>Please what out for monsters</line>
        <line>\n\tAuntie Larsu</line>


But I could also make the XML behave as such: <quest name="Snow In Lutia" iconIndex=176> ... </quest>

Depends on what I feel is right at the time. XML also supports comments, so I can write explanations of how it works in the actual file:
<!--The defeat section describes what enemies need to be defeated to complete the quest-->

I'll make sure to write an explanation and have some examples and demos when I finish the Plugin. As I said before, I am doing this Plugin during my free time at weekends - and I'm quite busy this weekend - so may be another few weeks before I have it finished.


Woaaaw, I thought that it was difficult, but seeing the example for the json file, it seems like it is really accessible :O

I do not need this plugin now, because on my game, hunting monsters will only be accessible on the mod Exploration, and I'm working on the mod Story ^^ So I have a lot of time :)

But your plugin seems to be really interesting ! It would be a great help for me :)