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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


not added yet, I have to work on it more, but I hope it will be funny puzzle :)

*inspired by fonline game
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Praised Adventurer
So today I've done quite a bit of database work in Ebony Stars (TOTL is still undergoing Chapter 3 editing, but Chapter 2 is now done). I got several skills added in for enemies and the player, created a way for the player to learn new abilities based off of items they get from the enemies each time they kill one. I also created a basic enemy for each of the elemental types and a physical one as well. I got an idea going for the AI named "Yofie" aboard the Colony Ship 173, who will be voiced by a synthetic TTS voice (I know...terrible but yeah I want it robotic sounding sorta) on everything that she says. This will even take effect into the main parts of the game where the ship has crashed and the AI is pretty much all that was left intact.

I've also come up with a good idea for another minigame involving cards that can be collected but I have to figure out how to get this idea working in MV now heh. Basically this will involve the player collecting a certain number of cards (Which 3 cards you use can be selected by you) and then you get to use them against an NPC in the game called "Paw Clip Pow!" (This is literally my Cat Lumminai's minigame lol so it's gotta have a silly cat name but others can change it to whatever). Once you challenge the NPC they will select 3 random cards out of 10, and show them on screen with your 3. These will be placed in the order you chose, and the opponents will be random. And so Paw Clip Pow takes effect, which means each of the cards will battle basically with the one across from them. Since they all have two numbers on them, one for offense and one defense, they will be able to win or lose the battles. Best 2 of 3 wins of course. The fun twist to this very generic card battle however is that if the NPC wins the first battle, they call out a number, and if any of your cards have this number on them the offense/defense is swapped. If the enemy has the number, they get 3 added to both of their numbers on every card they have. Could totally make or break a challenge, so always a good idea to use the best card first. (I may make it random on which one will trigger the number call too just to make it less predictable). But anyway, it's the idea lol and it's gonna be complex and confusing but I will figure it out eventually heh.


Staff member
I am making character sets, battlers, and trees for 'Marked Up RPG."


Praised Adventurer
So tonight I worked on creating the primary logo for Tales of the Lumminai and I'm very satisfied with the outcome! I'm not sure exactly on the color scheme I want to go with but creating the two protagonist choices on the logo was the primary goal here. xD This took awhile to get done heh.

On other thoughts, I have created the first dungeon map for Ebony Stars and TOTL is almost ready for further progression after I testplay the edits and begin again on the next 2-3 chapters. The demo will end with Chapter 7 which is a pretty big turning point for the story xP and there's 34 total chapters so it's a pretty long game when it's done. The next set will be dealing with ships, pirates, crafting, salvaging, getting kidnapped, launching a joint party rescue, learning how to Pact Link with the protagonist and so much more! So once I begin it may be awhile before I upload the final demo, but I want to make sure everything is as good as possible before that one (although if anything changes after it's uploaded I'll update the demo of course). xD a long few months ahead of me on this one but I think it will turn out well (based on the feedback I've been getting anyway heh). That about sums up my day lol, just thinking ahead and working on that really neat logo I wanted to use (the words have this sunrise/sunset effect to them that symbolizes the closing of two worlds which is the main plot of the game heh so it's for a good reason!)

Ignore the background as it will be transparent in the game but that's to show the full design xD


Praised Adventurer
OK, I'll play, but modestly...

It started out as a personal challenge, to see how to use MV 'native', without the use of scripts or plug-ins. From a simple village, it spread to a whole map, and a story developed. Still a demo (Rachdale Cheese, posted in the Demo section...), it's now up to v0.42, with just under forty maps completed (as much as anything is ever completed..!). Every day there's a new element to be added, making sure to integrate into existing stuff. Yesterday..? I added a new 'Rune' weapon/armour category, which necessitated the invention of Runes, which had to be made available to the Actor in some way. Done; onto the next addition. What will it be..? Hmm... Now, then, let me think...
[doublepost=1464537787,1464530874][/doublepost]What's this I see..? Winner..? Oh dear; if only I'd known..! What pie have I stuck my finger into, eh..? Darn it, now I'll have to actually do something today, and another tomorrow and yet another...
Pas de panique..! Firstly, the essential. A cup of tea. OK then, what next..?
(Scratches behind ear, then forehead, then ear again. Looks vacantly to the ceiling; no inspiration there, either. Stirs tea absently, even though it's never sugared...)
[doublepost=1464546288][/doublepost]OK, that's done, for today (although I may yet be inspired later on; there's nowt on 'telly...). Having taken on board the notion of Runic items, it then beholds to have a Mystic of sorts to 'understand' magic and stuff. There was a spare building in the village, quickly commandeered for the purpose. A 'magic' door (only works when Magic items are present, otherwise a puff of smoke...), a new map modelled on the Ruined House, but bearing no resemblance once 'redecorated'. The Mystic now handles the first of the Runic items, for a sum, but also requires Runes, for which one has to return to the Beach..! Not such a long journey, and worth it for the rewards of the new items.
All very well, but I compose all of the music, so now, with a new map, a new, suitable, piece is needed. Luckily I have 'in stock' a fair few snippets and odds'n'ends from other compositions (I use Reaper, with Vst orchestras and the like, although I have a full complement of 'real' instruments on hand also...), and so was able to create a sitar-drone magic ambience quite easily. I had come across a description of how to loop the 'ogg' files; this works well, and is easy to do with Reaper and Audacity to count the samples for me.
There we have it; today's RPG task is done..! Tomorrow is another day. I'll have to run through these new functions tonight or tomorrow, and will probably update the Demo here after that. Step by step, eh..?


Praised Adventurer
lol so today I imported a bunch of plugins into TOTL since it will now be making use of some awesome stuff xP.
Today I re-made some old XP tiles I found (Were they made by Ben-Ben, no idea. Regardless, inspired by their work. xD) into new ones in the style of MVs. I'm very pleased with the result. Hopefully tomorrow, my boat will be finished.

Old XP:
New MV:

Looks a little blurrier then normal. (Maybe I'm just going blind) o-o


Praised Adventurer
Today's progress... Having introduced new functions into the game, there needs to be a way of explaining how it works, and give clues to the Player; I do this through a Diary that may be consulted from time to time. The Village and Towns have a 'pivot' character, usually an old Sage or such, who's role in the game is to advise and drop hints, which evolve as and when the Player gets further into the plot. Each new event, then, implies updating these hints, and that was done today. The latest version (0.42...) is being uploaded as I type to the Google Drive folder; I'll update the version declared here once that upload is complete. Next task..? The Hero is now able to reach the Fort, where better weapons and armour will be available, but at a price. Not just Gold, either; metals will be required, so I have to check that the gameplay has allowed enough accumulation of these. I've already increased the limit on items carried, by inventing Stores for these mined metals, which are a cumulation of 99 items. One can therefore envisage having (in theory...) 99 x 99 items. That should be enough for a Sharp Sword, no..? ;-)


Praised Adventurer
So today I remade the entire title scheme for Tales of the Lumminai and I am quite happy with the result! I enjoy the black and white scheme I have going for it now and it serves a purpose since the story's main enemy force is known as Dakrumi or "Reach of Darkness". So in a sense it's reflective on the constant conflict between light and dark in the story too.

In addition to this, I finished importing the rest of the plugins, added in 3 new mystery enemy characters and 1 being a recruitable. There's also the start of the romance/friendship system! I finally got a way to make it work out. I've also been working on making the guild task system working (this was excluded from the previous versions since we couldn't get it to function properly.) xD So the next time it will be fully functioning and the player can get reputation by doing the quests from the guild hall and it's task managers all around the game world. As a result of time invested into the system you'll be able to unlock special classes only available through the guild ranks which will have some really unique skillsets and functions in combat! One of these will be able to transform outside of battle to unlock special rooms and such that only they can enter when transformed. It's a great way to uncover many of the hidden secrets I will have throughout the world of Oricai! So with all this started up, I think I'm making some pretty good progress on the next large set of stuff that I will have into the game.

Title Scheme for TOTL


Praised Adventurer
A metaphysical question: when does 'today' start..? (joking) If it's midnight, then I've already over-stepped my quota for the day..! I already had mice scuttling around in the Maze, and decided that they would be useful (and even expected...) in the Mines. I dutifully copied 'em over (that's the easy part...); each one, however, has to jump back to its start position if the Hero gets bitten (otherwise one could be blocked in the rather narrow confines of the Maze...). Each copy, therefore, has to have its origins hard-wired, one by one. Only a dozen or so, so no big deal, really. Once embarked upon this course, however, I decided that it would be opportune to make use of the Common Events, and so transformed, not only these new mice, but all existing mice in the game to this new format. I will thus be able to 'fine tune' the mice all at once, or even make 'em conditional (the Hero is wearing boots..? No bite, for instance...).
Not content with that, I've extended the World map by detailing regions which will soon become reachable by my test Hero. New challenges (how to cross lava..?), and now using Damage Floor tiles for the first time.
Breaking news..! A new resource has just been made available by Sinnistar, which enable translucent sun rays..! Immediately adopted and adapted for the Lakeshore Village, where they now shimmer gently. Many thanks, Sinnistar for that.
A new version will be posted shortly, with these new features included. Meanwhile the task continues.

( Asbestos boots..? No, too anachronistic. Build a Bridge..? Needs timber; we're in the mountains. A balloon..? Too early, too sophisticated. They just bur their feet..? Hmm... Now there's an idea... Mwahaha..!)
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Staff member
Drew the title "Marked Up: Color Quest." Also worked more on title screen for same area. One of my goals is to make an entire font out of permanent marker.


last night I designed new characters for my game. I also built onto a rather large map
[doublepost=1464759341,1464717019][/doublepost]I added new maps, added more story, I added new skills and yanfly's animations.


Praised Adventurer
Today I've been doing a lot of edits and revamping of the intro (revamped first map the player sees to better reflect how neat the rest of the game is since it was very generic before). I fixed the text to work with word wrapping so it fits better with the 1280 x 720 window sizes now. Continuing on my edits before actually working on the next segment, I've went ahead and created a road map to work with and I have things going the way I want.

Aside from that, I've changed the battle system to CTB and all the texts and such now work while in the battle as they should. The intro map now shows the ship you arrived to Yurai on and Lumi will still greet you as before but now she's in front of some shack that is where newcomers get info and such. Anyhow, I've done several other things and started scaling the enemies so their stats are balanced as they scale to the party's level. Once I'm done with all of this stuff there's still a ton more for me to do so I'm definitely going to be busy with all this for some time. And for some reason, with the new plugins, the skills aren't showing up anymore so I have to look into that and fix that too, but meh seems normal heh everything breaks when it's first put in for me!

The new intro map
last night I designed new characters for my game. I also built onto a rather large map
[doublepost=1464759341,1464717019][/doublepost]I added new maps, added more story, I added new skills and yanfly's animations.
Got a question for ya. Where do you get those animations at anyhow? I've actually been looking for those lol and no luck actually finding them. Are they a public resource or is it like his patrons only or something? I'm curious to see how he made his custom ones I see in tutorials all over YT heh.


Today I've been doing a lot of edits and revamping of the intro (revamped first map the player sees to better reflect how neat the rest of the game is since it was very generic before). I fixed the text to work with word wrapping so it fits better with the 1280 x 720 window sizes now. Continuing on my edits before actually working on the next segment, I've went ahead and created a road map to work with and I have things going the way I want.

Aside from that, I've changed the battle system to CTB and all the texts and such now work while in the battle as they should. The intro map now shows the ship you arrived to Yurai on and Lumi will still greet you as before but now she's in front of some shack that is where newcomers get info and such. Anyhow, I've done several other things and started scaling the enemies so their stats are balanced as they scale to the party's level. Once I'm done with all of this stuff there's still a ton more for me to do so I'm definitely going to be busy with all this for some time. And for some reason, with the new plugins, the skills aren't showing up anymore so I have to look into that and fix that too, but meh seems normal heh everything breaks when it's first put in for me!

The new intro map

Got a question for ya. Where do you get those animations at anyhow? I've actually been looking for those lol and no luck actually finding them. Are they a public resource or is it like his patrons only or something? I'm curious to see how he made his custom ones I see in tutorials all over YT heh.
I use a public resource to get help. I am working on figuring it out on my own, but this helps for examples.


Praised Adventurer
I use a public resource to get help. I am working on figuring it out on my own, but this helps for examples.
So you made them manually? I'm confused lol. I saw that thread but I've also seen where people have a huge list of premade animations Yanfly created. Is all that on that thread? Thanks though as this will help heh.
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Praised Adventurer
Some fairly significant changes made, triggered in part by my own playing of the Demo, which reveals some tiny, some more important, niggles or problems. Today was yet another Chicken Chase, which I thought was already 'in the bag'. Alas, no; a re-think was required, resulting in re-writing the eventing and, of course, a whole series of fresh tests. I'm confident that it's all OK now (but I thought that before, too..!), and I managed to improve a couple of ancillary functions on the way.
Meanwhile, reflection on another aspect brought me to the conclusion that I could (and indeed, should...) remove the 'Save' option from the Menu screen, and only have it available through either a proper resting place (Home, an Inn...) or a Tent, on classic RPG fashion. It took little time to execute this, so now one has to reflect on where and when to save. Game play should be improved, I hope.
I've also thought about how to best deploy this, at least in the Demo stage, and wanted to try out Web hosting. This, I anticipate, would help with updating, as only a few, light-weight files need to be uploaded each time, as the music and graphic files don't change much. I ported the Demo to my Google Drive, and it works at first, but 'chokes' on the very first Map. I don't know why, as it works on my local PC, and all the files are present. I've posted a 'Help' request, with a 'live' link to the Web Demo if anyone would like to see the problem; we'll see if there's any light shed shortly. Meanwhile, I'll do a Mini-Demo, just to see if it's the hosting or the Map that's causing problems. I'll do a simple one, then add parts (if it works...) to try to find the source of the error.
I've an update all prepared in classic 'zip' format; I'll probably upload those tomorrow morning. Does anyone have a preference (or an aversion...) to running a Web version..? Depending, maybe on broadband speed, but the game play seems to be the same, with no installing to do. Any thoughts..?


Praised Adventurer
Say hello to my newest tileset creation! This will be a collaboration with Jodis (our second one heheh) and there will likely be 2 different versions for stone and wood on this and maybe a combined stone and wood one xP) But here's what I did today and the first rough draft for our next set "The working lighthouse!" inspired by Harvest Moon. We'll add other lighthouse stuff to this set too if it has room after both stone and wood are put on it. If not, it'll be a second tileset lol xP but we'll make some cool ideas happen! (This should work as is as an animation by using the light lit up parts in an event and altering them via switches but we plan to have an actual animated version that will function like a character too though so it's easier xP)



Praised Adventurer
@Sinnistar that looks gorgeous, I'm looking forward to seeing these tiles in action :D
It will only get better and better as the two of us improve this tileset xD. Once it's ready to be shared I'll prolly let Jodis upload it here since I already have over 66 resources on here lol. But it should turn out pretty nicely and with an animated version it will be the first of it's kind!


Praised Adventurer
Not a great deal, today (usual excuses: health, preparations for a week-end visiting family, life in general...), but am certain I'll appreciate having got my Demo hosted and playable. This will enable 'spot' updates, by simply uploading the 'data' folder. I did this twice yesterday, with tiny, detail, mods, such as adding a 'Game Credits' event innocently placed on the Hero's Home table.With this, game credits will be available on demand, without having to complete the game for the 'Game Over' titles and stuff. I should have thought of it before...
As said, away for the week-end, so a short hiatus; this will give me a space/time in which to cogitate the third Mini-Boss; the next step in the game progression. Inspiration will come (or not...); hoping my Muse doesn't suddenly pop up in the middle of the road in front of me..!
Back Monday, I hope and trust...