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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Praised Adventurer
Today I've got the start of the game finally rolling! (Ebony Stars that is) So to show you what I've done so far (while it don't seem like much it took awhile to complete lol) I've attached a video here! This is only the beginning (pre-animations) so it's pretty rough still but it'll get better I promise.

But yeah, lemme know if you think this is a unique way of allowing the player to choose their character! They will get to rename their character later too so the name's are only temporary to give a brief history of that character and why they joined the ES program basically.


Praised Adventurer
Hi Sinnistar, If I may suggest, showing picture of selected character above description would improve your choice system too :)
Pictures? Like busts? Cause I don't have any of those lol. But yeah that would certainly improve it compared to showing them at the last second. I wasn't really sure how to design it better than that myself (I'm a newbie when it comes to using pictures on maps tbh). If I could have it show each one as they select them or even have it show the portraits prior to selecting (like beside the names if that's possible) would also work. But alas...I'm not sure how to do any of that lol x.x

But yeah, that would be an awesome idea to put in there, especially since customization is a primary focus for this game (although character choice doesn't effect anything except start gear basically) it would help to have something neat like that. If you know how to make something like that work I'd love to hear it lol cause I honestly have no clue xP


Widen my map today and found out that I had to redo all the teleports on all the doors, and teleports though out. Mental note, don't do that again.



∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Widen my map today and found out that I had to redo all the teleports on all the doors, and teleports though out. Mental note, don't do that again.
Ohhh I know that ewe and moving events doesn't get you anywhere cuz you still gotta change the demands. It's a pain in the ass XD


Praised Adventurer
Widen my map today and found out that I had to redo all the teleports on all the doors, and teleports though out. Mental note, don't do that again.

Oh yeah I hate having to do that too lol. I make stupid mistakes like that all too often it would seem >.< and I pay for it with hours since I don't realize it until much later lol.

As for Ebony Stars, today I did this:
In the video, an extended version of the intro is shown which now allows the player to get through the waking process from Cryogenic Stasis and be able to walk around. I've added in my customized classes, although for some reason, they seem to randomize when they're not supposed to lol so not sure what's up with that but yeah...I equipped nothing and the stats changed lol. But it's a good start, still got a ways to go before the intro is how I want it to be however!
Widen my map today and found out that I had to redo all the teleports on all the doors, and teleports though out. Mental note, don't do that again.
I can so relate. Generic copying and pasting then forgetting to change the teleport locations. Haha!

I spent most of yesterday doing tilesets for both Otherworld and Gaia's Dream. Being a complete graphics noob when it comes to THESE kinds of things...What a @%&$@ nightmare! Still, I didn't do too badly all things considered. I'm dreading the autotiles!! Haha! This is the price one pays for wanting all custom graphics. I now have the parts created and will be fitting them into the tilesets today.

I guess this isn't TOO bad considering this is my first official attempt at a tileset. It could be far worse! I forgot to add the trees with this mapshot! 0_0


Praised Adventurer
Those don't look too bad at all lol. Making your own tilesets can be a challenge but fun too! xD seeing the end result is always the best part for sure.
Those don't look too bad at all lol. Making your own tilesets can be a challenge but fun too! xD seeing the end result is always the best part for sure.
Thanks, and completely agree. What was the most challenging part was aligning the doors just right so characters didn't walk through the walls LOL. Of course, I've added to them, but getting the hang of it. Hopefully, I'll have a complete tileset soon. I'm lucky in that I work three nights a week (and don't work Sundays), so I've at least 4 days to work on this part of it. Very time-consuming though.


Praised Adventurer
Thanks, and completely agree. What was the most challenging part was aligning the doors just right so characters didn't walk through the walls LOL. Of course, I've added to them, but getting the hang of it. Hopefully, I'll have a complete tileset soon. I'm lucky in that I work three nights a week (and don't work Sundays), so I've at least 4 days to work on this part of it. Very time-consuming though.
Heh, yeah getting the doors right is always a challenge lol. Making tilesets does take time though xD and it shows too.


(puppy eyes)
Heh, I wanted to show you short video of my new cutscene, but realized it not fit together with previous choices yet :P

-Finally I found suitable way how to unite both heroes and start journey together without that damn net of choices I made before :D
Its my first project at all, and I have to hold on the ground hehe.


Praised Adventurer
(puppy eyes)
Heh, I wanted to show you short video of my new cutscene, but realized it not fit together with previous choices yet :P

-Finally I found suitable way how to unite both heroes and start journey together without that damn net of choices I made before :D
Its my first project at all, and I have to hold on the ground hehe.
Oh heh, that sounds like a Wild Arms style xD I loved that game franchise lol. The multiple paths merging into one is always a great way to do things! (Oddly enough TOTL has this system as well. Albeit you're not meeting the other playable choice, but their opposite alternate instead xP) I'm curious to see how your next cutscene is gonna play out lol.
Finally I found suitable way how to unite both heroes and start journey together without that damn net of choices I made before :D
That's kinda what I'm doing for Otherworld, except there are 5 characters in total who unite. And considering I've only created 3 and put together only a rough draft of how they'll meet, along with some parallels along the way so when you play through as the various characters you get "hints" of the other characters. Talk about NOT doing things the easy way!!


Praised Adventurer
That's kinda what I'm doing for Otherworld, except there are 5 characters in total who unite. And considering I've only created 3 and put together only a rough draft of how they'll meet, along with some parallels along the way so when you play through as the various characters you get "hints" of the other characters. Talk about NOT doing things the easy way!!
That sounds familiar xP Such as a game like, Infinite Undiscovery, where the different parties are doing things parallel to each other during their missions. I enjoy the playstyles that do this. In a way TOTL has something similar to that coming in Chapter 5 lol, since someone gets kidnapped and while they're trying to break out, the rest of their friends try and rescue them as well. So in that way there's 2 parallel events going on at the same time where both will see the results of the other group's actions lol. Definitely makes for an interesting and enjoyable game style in my opinion!

So finally got a bit more finished for today with Ebony Stars. I've recreated the same intro sequence for 3 of the 6 characters now. Each will be spawned in a different area (the video above showed where they will spawn since they're NPC's unless it's the character you chose). They will all also have their own medical staff talking to them xP making a pretty unique set up while the other doctors will be roaming about and checking other pods during the wake protocol of your chosen character. I've also started adding in some items and weapons (as the intro would suggest, the items that they had before entering stasis will be returned to them after the tests that are run on them again.)

It's coming along pretty well so far, but still has a ways to go before I'm satisfied with it. So for now, I'm still trying to focus primarily on figuring out what's causing the random class stats to randomize after the class is initialized, since it shouldn't be doing this at all. Being new to plugins isn't helping lol as I'm sure this is something extremely easily bypassed but I just dunno about what it is. Anyway, I'll finish up the rest of the intros and get all the characters to the point of Bran Lee's intro so I can make the next sequence of events that will allow them to claim their items and begin the battle tutorials and such as well. xP Virtualized random dungeon on a space ship, anyone?
[doublepost=1463567389,1463526505][/doublepost]Today I refined the intro a bit more and added in the first idea (robotic voice acting) for the computerized AI that's starting the waking sequence. It doesn't sound too bad but the size of the audio files isn't exactly small so not sure if this idea will stick or not. I may just do a series of animations with a second event running in parallel to the autorun one. I will have a vital monitoring image that I'm going to try to animate to appear realistic in terms of monitoring a living patient. (gotta figure out which animating program will be best to do it) Other than that, I've started to add in the equips that are given after you're awake and go through the series of tests (which will determine some extra stats for ya xP so it will further the playstyle of your choice). Well, that's about it for now. I'll prolly finish up the female side tomorrow and then I should be set to move on further with the rest of the mass intro series of events lol. It shouldn't be a long intro but it's all needed to make things the way I want them to be!
the size of the audio files isn't exactly small so not sure if this idea will stick or not
Use Ogg Resizer. ;) It compresses the size up to 5 times. It's trialware (7 days), but costs around $25 for personal use. Not that bad for what it does. I downloaded this but haven't tried it on audio larger than 2Mb. Might be worth trying it to at least see if it makes a difference with your AI files. And for m4a audio files I believe there's also one called Audio Compressor. I don't know much about this, but again it's a 7-day trial and costs about the same amount as Ogg Resizer.

Project wise, I've made several attempts at continuing with the tilesets (specifically for Gaia's Dream), but lack the motivation. It's kinda overwhelming. I won't give up though. ;) I also resumed work on my At The Inn plugin, originally intended for Adventures of Tryggr, but since that project is on hold it'll be for public use (as beta) and will be tweaked for Gaia's Dream later.


Praised Adventurer
Use Ogg Resizer. ;) It compresses the size up to 5 times. It's trialware (7 days), but costs around $25 for personal use. Not that bad for what it does. I downloaded this but haven't tried it on audio larger than 2Mb. Might be worth trying it to at least see if it makes a difference with your AI files. And for m4a audio files I believe there's also one called Audio Compressor. I don't know much about this, but again it's a 7-day trial and costs about the same amount as Ogg Resizer.

Project wise, I've made several attempts at continuing with the tilesets (specifically for Gaia's Dream), but lack the motivation. It's kinda overwhelming. I won't give up though. ;) I also resumed work on my At The Inn plugin, originally intended for Adventures of Tryggr, but since that project is on hold it'll be for public use (as beta) and will be tweaked for Gaia's Dream later.
I'll have to check into it. The files aren't "large" like mb large lol they are however around 300kb which is pretty big compared to other audio files in mv. That may help with lowering those so I can make the "AI" a voice that comes continuously throughout the game (for things like the item synthesizer and general interaction with the space ships' AI) xP definitely worth looking into as that will bring some life to the game.

I think I want to try eventing a "Dance With Me" minigame for TOTL sometime soon heh. I think that'd be a fun minigame for the pub where the gambling cat, jester, and drunkard games are gonna be! xD I seriously have to learn how to make some unique minigames lol.


Staff member
Working on multiple projects. Worked on characters for Rocked Olympics.

Here is a basic Olympiad:


Gave the church digital board game to the pastor this past Sunday, for his kids to 'test'.

Rock character by Loki.


Praised Adventurer
Working on multiple projects. Worked on characters for Rocked Olympics.

Here is a basic Olympiad:

View attachment 3348

Gave the church digital board game to the pastor this past Sunday, for his kids to 'test'.

Rock character by Loki.
Pretty cool golem type character.
[doublepost=1463703631,1463578080][/doublepost]Today I added a sort of accented lingo to one of the medical characters for Ebony Stars! She sounds like a cross between Jamaican and Australian now xP (although it's just text but if you read it you'd get the point lol). She's a dark skinned character so figured it was kinda suiting since most of the other characters have (my) English style accented text.

Other than that, I created the first enemy! It's a virtual tutorial bot (robot obviously) that will guide the player through the various basics of fighting. (If I can figure it out) It should limit the player's actions to only be able to do what the bot is explaining for each tutorial segment. So for example, if they chose "Basics of Combat" they would be limited to Attack, Guard, or Wait. All of those would be explained each turn by the bot, forcing the player to use that specific action, and then once they've used all three, they can end the fight or fight it out and defeat the enemy (but no experience is gained as it's simply a way to 'train' the player on the combat basics). Stuff like that is my idea for it anyway (kinda like the way Star Ocean does it.)