That's kinda what I'm doing for Otherworld, except there are 5 characters in total who unite. And considering I've only created 3 and put together only a rough draft of how they'll meet, along with some parallels along the way so when you play through as the various characters you get "hints" of the other characters. Talk about NOT doing things the easy way!!
That sounds familiar xP Such as a game like, Infinite Undiscovery, where the different parties are doing things parallel to each other during their missions. I enjoy the playstyles that do this. In a way TOTL has something similar to that coming in Chapter 5 lol, since someone gets kidnapped and while they're trying to break out, the rest of their friends try and rescue them as well. So in that way there's 2 parallel events going on at the same time where both will see the results of the other group's actions lol. Definitely makes for an interesting and enjoyable game style in my opinion!
So finally got a bit more finished for today with Ebony Stars. I've recreated the same intro sequence for 3 of the 6 characters now. Each will be spawned in a different area (the video above showed where they will spawn since they're NPC's unless it's the character you chose). They will all also have their own medical staff talking to them xP making a pretty unique set up while the other doctors will be roaming about and checking other pods during the wake protocol of your chosen character. I've also started adding in some items and weapons (as the intro would suggest, the items that they had before entering stasis will be returned to them after the tests that are run on them again.)
It's coming along pretty well so far, but still has a ways to go before I'm satisfied with it. So for now, I'm still trying to focus primarily on figuring out what's causing the random class stats to randomize after the class is initialized, since it shouldn't be doing this at all. Being new to plugins isn't helping lol as I'm sure this is something extremely easily bypassed but I just dunno about what it is. Anyway, I'll finish up the rest of the intros and get all the characters to the point of Bran Lee's intro so I can make the next sequence of events that will allow them to claim their items and begin the battle tutorials and such as well. xP Virtualized random dungeon on a space ship, anyone?
[doublepost=1463567389,1463526505][/doublepost]Today I refined the intro a bit more and added in the first idea (robotic voice acting) for the computerized AI that's starting the waking sequence. It doesn't sound too bad but the size of the audio files isn't exactly small so not sure if this idea will stick or not. I may just do a series of animations with a second event running in parallel to the autorun one. I will have a vital monitoring image that I'm going to try to animate to appear realistic in terms of monitoring a living patient. (gotta figure out which animating program will be best to do it) Other than that, I've started to add in the equips that are given after you're awake and go through the series of tests (which will determine some extra stats for ya xP so it will further the playstyle of your choice). Well, that's about it for now. I'll prolly finish up the female side tomorrow and then I should be set to move on further with the rest of the mass intro series of events lol. It shouldn't be a long intro but it's all needed to make things the way I want them to be!