OK, I'll play, but modestly...
It started out as a personal challenge, to see how to use MV 'native', without the use of scripts or plug-ins. From a simple village, it spread to a whole map, and a story developed. Still a demo (Rachdale Cheese, posted in the Demo section...), it's now up to v0.42, with just under forty maps completed (as much as anything is ever completed..!). Every day there's a new element to be added, making sure to integrate into existing stuff. Yesterday..? I added a new 'Rune' weapon/armour category, which necessitated the invention of Runes, which had to be made available to the Actor in some way. Done; onto the next addition. What will it be..? Hmm... Now, then, let me think...
[doublepost=1464537787,1464530874][/doublepost]What's this I see..? Winner..? Oh dear; if only I'd known..! What pie have I stuck my finger into, eh..? Darn it, now I'll have to actually do something today, and another tomorrow and yet another...
Pas de panique..! Firstly, the essential. A cup of tea. OK then, what next..?
(Scratches behind ear, then forehead, then ear again. Looks vacantly to the ceiling; no inspiration there, either. Stirs tea absently, even though it's never sugared...)
[doublepost=1464546288][/doublepost]OK, that's done, for today (although I may yet be inspired later on; there's nowt on 'telly...). Having taken on board the notion of Runic items, it then beholds to have a Mystic of sorts to 'understand' magic and stuff. There was a spare building in the village, quickly commandeered for the purpose. A 'magic' door (only works when Magic items are present, otherwise a puff of smoke...), a new map modelled on the Ruined House, but bearing no resemblance once 'redecorated'. The Mystic now handles the first of the Runic items, for a sum, but also requires Runes, for which one has to return to the Beach..! Not such a long journey, and worth it for the rewards of the new items.
All very well, but I compose all of the music, so now, with a new map, a new, suitable, piece is needed. Luckily I have 'in stock' a fair few snippets and odds'n'ends from other compositions (I use Reaper, with Vst orchestras and the like, although I have a full complement of 'real' instruments on hand also...), and so was able to create a sitar-drone magic ambience quite easily. I had come across a description of how to loop the 'ogg' files; this works well, and is easy to do with Reaper and Audacity to count the samples for me.
There we have it; today's RPG task is done..! Tomorrow is another day. I'll have to run through these new functions tonight or tomorrow, and will probably update the Demo here after that. Step by step, eh..?