Got word that Chapter 2 is 90% editted and ready for testplay by me to see if it all works in TOTL lol. It's been awhile, but it's almost ready for me to continue on to the next 2 chapters. xD The next two are gonna be quite fun ones too heh since that's introducing the main protagonists' pact linking and an array of new features like the salvaging, crafting, guild, and relationships systems. All of these will play a big role in the later parts of the game, so the more you put work into those systems the easier the end game will be to beat xP. I'm excited to be starting the next set of chapters again! But yeah, the editing still needs finalized in chapter 3 and then it should be all set and ready for more additions.
As for Ebony Stars, I am working on a new set of Sci-fi themed tilesets (all of which I will share on here in my monthly resource packs) and I've got a new window scheme that should fit the idea behind the game, the "Ebony Window" xP. This will be available in this month's resource pack, along with some new gen parts (small scale but sci-fi inspired such as alien antenna on the heads and such heh. ), and some BGM that I've already uploaded to my soundcloud for anyone wanting to listen to them in advance. I may have one more in the BGM side, and I want to try making the first tileset since I plan to use it as the "crash site" for Ebony Stars and it will eventually become the HUB city named "Strivaia Nevella". So for an idea of what I want in it, there will be some debris, computer gadgets, and sci-fi machinery with some other sci-fi type things and an item synthesizer (which will be for crafting purposes in Ebony Stars but it can prolly be used for a variety of things).
So, that's about it for now. Haven't really done much in terms of progressing either game right now, but since my writer is finally back TOTL should be ready for more additions sometime this week! I'll have to get the window scheme nice and set up in Ebony Stars today but don't know if I'll do much else there.