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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
So over the weekend, I decided to make my own message bust plugin. I got the idea after being annoyed at how Galv's bust plugin which requires you to use a plugin command to turn busts off and on if a bust image was not available. If you failed to do so you would end up with a game breaking error. My plugin so far detects if there is a bust image to be used and if none is available automatically switch to the regular face. I still have a bit of work to do on it for changing positions and mirroring but I'm quite happy with it. Now my game requires one less name in the credits.
LTN Busted.gif


Praised Adventurer
So over the weekend, I decided to make my own message bust plugin. I got the idea after being annoyed at how Galv's bust plugin which requires you to use a plugin command to turn busts off and on if a bust image was not available. If you failed to do so you would end up with a game breaking error. My plugin so far detects if there is a bust image to be used and if none is available automatically switch to the regular face. I still have a bit of work to do on it for changing positions and mirroring but I'm quite happy with it. Now my game requires one less name in the credits.
That would certainly be very handy for that purpose yeah. xD good luck on getting it exactly how you want it. Busts make a lot of games even better!

For my project I've created a few new enemies and troops and spent a little bit of time creating some more RTP edits to go with my enchanted forest that chapter 3 will take place in. This will be as immersive as the sudden change can be without use of Parallax mapping. It looks okay with the map, but can always be improved upon when I have more variations finished and such. But currently, my goals are finishing Chapter 3 before the 5th and then working on further gen parts for the rest of our cast in the game. (We currently have 36 unique and different characters, and there will at least be 75 in total lol think Suikoden type. We like huge casts.) Each character will have a purpose though, that no other will have xD. Each will have a set of abilities that make them different and will be usable for several different quests that only they can help with. I don't like useless characters, so we'll have none. In addition to the editing and such above, I finished the layout for another two maps and got the immersion done with those so if put side by side they'll appear to be one map (as all of our maps in the game are like for use in a world map later that I will create for the walkthrough and such)


That's impressive, LTN. I actually was tired of Galv's for the same reason that I just started manually adding pictures with macros or copy+pasting over and over.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I'm finally working on something again. Yay, did some sprites and tiles as well as a storyline and some plot.
Alik.png Luna.png

@LTN Games that looks awesome :D Hope you can get things done and good luck. Can only agree with @Macro about Galvs bust plugin.
I got the idea after being annoyed at how Galv's bust plugin which requires you to use a plugin command to turn busts off and on if a bust image was not available.
I actually was tired of Galv's for the same reason that I just started manually adding pictures with macros or copy+pasting over and over.
Not only that it relies on the facesets, which (for me anyway) is annoying. I've started writing my own as well, where it relies on the actor name plus a "bust" or "profile" suffix. I often found I had several of the same files renamed - unnecessary clutter.

As far as Gaia's Dream, lots of work is being done to it (since I have 4 days off), but most of the updates are now - and will be - on Twitter. My goal is to have a short playable demo by the time I have to go back to work or at the very latest by the weekend.


Praised Adventurer
silly one adding somethin silly

"pinkie pie" posters :D
xD That's what I like seeing in games lol. I'ma have pictures like that too in TOTL but not of Pinkie of course heh. Easter Eggs ftw eh.

So today was a HUGE day for my progress in Tales of the Lumminai! First off, I got all the remaining events I want in this next demo finished up and finalized. Second, I have a total addition of over 15 maps that are new to this build (the entirety of Chapters 2 and 3 with side quests and so on). Next, I created a good bunch of skills (roughly 16 new ones, some variable based which means they'll grow stronger as they're used). Then, I went in and added in a bunch more interactions with world objects that are found everywhere. Every map now has a secret in it somewhere, and somewhere you'll get some history on that region and why it appears as it does. I finished up the 'Glasses' encounter events that occur at the end of Chapter 3. And finally, this means that the build is ready for my team to test it, whoot! That means that it's one step away from the next public demo release which will hold an entire 10% of the total game, over 5 hours of content, material gathering, lots of enemies, 5 total playable characters, and so much more!

My team has been working quite hard on this build and I'm glad we're finally finished with Chapter 3 for Lucia's story. There's still too little on Leon's side to include it this time around, but progress will be speeding up now that they have a guideline of sorts to follow. Either way, I'm excited to hear some feedback for all the work that I personally put into making this world as immersive as I possibly could. So in the next few days sometime, the next demo will be uploaded on here for further testing!
That's what I like seeing in games lol. I'ma have pictures like that too in TOTL but not of Pinkie of course heh. Easter Eggs ftw eh.
Agreed. That's the kind of "personal" touch all games need. (Doom is a prime example. Lots of hidden gems, secrets and Easter-egged content. And The Stanley Parable has a level nod to Minecraft. Awesome!)


Praised Adventurer
Agreed. That's the kind of "personal" touch all games need. (Doom is a prime example. Lots of hidden gems, secrets and Easter-egged content. And The Stanley Parable has a level nod to Minecraft. Awesome!)
For sure lol. The well known ones are the ones that do it right xP. I've actually got several references to Fire Emblem (a huge influence on my game's characters lol) with my character names (Lianna - Lucina - Lucia for an example heh). But I'ma have others too like an "Ultraman Doll" (Megaman xP) and a bunch of other fun ones heheh. I will have to manually make the tile piece for those though so will be awhile before they exist in TOTL but it'll get there!

And non-game related references too. Especially the ones to my team working on the project, and anyone who's created plugins I'm using xP. I love Easter Eggs lol so yeah I want to have a bunch to add that extra "search" to the game world.

As for Tales of the Lumminai, good news! I've finished everything I wanted to get into Chapter 3 lol. So it's ready for my team's playtest and directly after it should be solid for a public demo release again (it's been a couple months lol...I know I know....but hey it is going to be a big change compared to the first couple of demos! So look forward to the good changes we've made while keeping the world consistent and in tune with our story and lore!)
I haven't had time to do much for my project, unfortunately, but I've been working on some tiles.
That's a pretty nifty tileset you got going on there. Has that classic RPG cartoony feel. xD
And non-game related references too. Especially the ones to my team working on the project, and anyone who's created plugins I'm using xP. I love Easter Eggs lol so yeah I want to have a bunch to add that extra "search" to the game world.
I'm with you on that! Gaia's Dream has a few nods to Otherworld, and vice versa, plus some not-so-subtle ones (such as Gaia being modelled loosely on my other half in her youth). And some subtle ones, references to things mostly. In fact, I was thinking of giving a prize for anyone who finds them all (the first person anyway).


Praised Adventurer
I'm with you on that! Gaia's Dream has a few nods to Otherworld, and vice versa, plus some not-so-subtle ones (such as Gaia being modelled loosely on my other half in her youth). And some subtle ones, references to things mostly. In fact, I was thinking of giving a prize for anyone who finds them all (the first person anyway).
xD Giving a prize to someone dedicated to finding them all like a scavenger hunt is an awesome idea lol. TOTL is loosely based on my novels "The Knight Walkers" lol so there's a lot of common character ideas that come originally from that (The traitorous son, the Golden Dragon Rider, and so on) But, I will actually input characters based on the people who have worked on my project as well xP ( a bit of a secret on to how I plan on doing this heheh). I love having nods to other games too, so I'll prolly have an "Ice Crest" somewhere on a wall of a castle as a nod to "Fire Emblem" lol since that's such a major influence on the characters personalities and ideals. We'll likely have a nod to my first game "Mazi Raia" as well somewhere (even though there's already a loose reference considering Ellie looks just like Sabrina from that game lol). Things like that make for fun stuff for the players to enjoy! I like doing it heh, it's too fun.

Today I've wrapped up the remaining skills that I needed to put in place and added in some easter eggs within the interactable objects around the world. I'm gonna pack the game up and send it to my team for testing shortly and then once we've tested and fixed any issues it'll be on the forums here xD It's been so long lol I look forward to hearing the different feedback on it now. (Sadly there will still be placeholders lol so everything's not even close to being completely original just yet, but it'll get there in time)
@Sinnistar It certainly is like a scavenger hunt. Plus it gives that extra incentive to play and possibly increases the replayability. A good example is perhaps Ocarina of Time, which has so many secrets, easter eggs, other game nods, etc. that I spent a good part of my life finding them all. And find them all I did! I explored every nook and cranny of that game!

Most of the ones in Gaia's Dream (as short as it's intended to be) will probably be quite subtle, mostly references to things I like, such as my favorite games, or things that inspire me. Nods to Otherworld may not be immediately noticeable until after the game's completion and release. I have a VERY small team, comprising three members, so I do most of the work myself. Mentions of my other half (aside from the fact that the main character, Gaia, is loosely modelled on her) will most likely make their way into Gaia's Dream, so for those who know me - or who have been paying attention haha! - will be able to find them.

As far as the project itself, I realised reading through others' updates that I've spent more time working on the graphics and very little time on the gameplay itself. (Graphics has never been my strong point anyway.) I decided to stick with the default RTP for now to get a playable demo out as soon as possible. The weekend deadline seems to be looming awfully close!


I know what you mean, I get caught up in graphics way too much! Then the gameplay, instead of the eventing, then the dialogue instead of the gameplay..etc.. X_X


Praised Adventurer
@Sinnistar It certainly is like a scavenger hunt. Plus it gives that extra incentive to play and possibly increases the replayability. A good example is perhaps Ocarina of Time, which has so many secrets, easter eggs, other game nods, etc. that I spent a good part of my life finding them all. And find them all I did! I explored every nook and cranny of that game!

Most of the ones in Gaia's Dream (as short as it's intended to be) will probably be quite subtle, mostly references to things I like, such as my favorite games, or things that inspire me. Nods to Otherworld may not be immediately noticeable until after the game's completion and release. I have a VERY small team, comprising three members, so I do most of the work myself. Mentions of my other half (aside from the fact that the main character, Gaia, is loosely modelled on her) will most likely make their way into Gaia's Dream, so for those who know me - or who have been paying attention haha! - will be able to find them.

As far as the project itself, I realised reading through others' updates that I've spent more time working on the graphics and very little time on the gameplay itself. (Graphics has never been my strong point anyway.) I decided to stick with the default RTP for now to get a playable demo out as soon as possible. The weekend deadline seems to be looming awfully close!
lol true that. I have a small team working on Tales of the Lumminai with me too but it consists of 8 total members. I still find myself doing most of the work because it's just easier for me to do it then let one of the two writers edit my work to make it sound and look better lol. I'm letting the entire other story mode be designed by the rest of the team however (Leon's path. I'm doing Lucia's all alone). I do get their input for skills, game mechanics, and overall general direction we should take each chapter since there's 34 chapters. But yeah, for the most part I try to put as little work on the others as I can so I can keep a steady pace in the game's progress. Our references will be mostly stuff we like lol definitely one being favorite games since we're all gamers ourselves.

Sticking with the default RTP isn't always a bad thing lol. So long as the story is good and immersive, the defaults can easily be improved just by that. I
started with the similar idea of doing it that way and then modified it based on needs of each map xP which seems to make it easy enough to keep doing like that. The only other thing I really want to use that will be custom is image overlays (fog, sun rays, cloud shadows, etc.) and that should add a more believable feel to the world with all the customized tilesets I'm putting to use. I recently just made that enchanted forest edit to the RTP and I don't even think it looks remotely close to the original which may or may not be noticeable for those who know the defaults. But it definitely looks nice in the game world, kinda has a gloomy feel but yet pastel schemed appearance which I really enjoy. I can't wait to see what our musician comes up with for the BGM of this region!
I know what you mean, I get caught up in graphics way too much! Then the gameplay, instead of the eventing, then the dialogue instead of the gameplay..etc.. X_X
That's where a team comes in handy, but getting a good and reliable team who shares your vision of the game can be difficult for sure. But yeah, haha I know your pain! I do it far too much myself. I start with the graphics, be it maps or characters, then bounce to the database with skills and such, then to eventing, and get side tracked by noticing something with the graphics again lol. Rinse and's chaotic, but the end result is usually nice xP
Can't argue with you both on those points. My biggest problem - so the other half tells me constantly - is I tend to be a perfectionist right from the start. Bash something out and expect it to be good first time, then tweak it until it is. "Rinse and repeat..." (I like that). Haha!


Praised Adventurer
Can't argue with you both on those points. My biggest problem - so the other half tells me constantly - is I tend to be a perfectionist right from the start. Bash something out and expect it to be good first time, then tweak it until it is. "Rinse and repeat..." (I like that). Haha!
That's usually how I wind up doing some neat ideas lol. Like my Pact Linking xD was initially just replace the entire party, then was revised into a skill that transforms and adds unique skills, power ups on stats, and recovers lol. Definitely a fun idea. It also drains mp each turn as well, since it's something that uses a lot of energy.

I like this idea. I added a ship today to my tileset.
That's a pretty cool idea for a ship too. Looks the part! I'ma have to actually make more ships myself so I can import them into my game (now that it's at Chapter 4 which will be entirely centered around recovering a stolen pirate ship lol). That will be a fun project in itself I think heh (parallaxing a ship into a tileset o.o not sure how to do it but I'll make it work!)


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
More sprites, more story and more characters. Still don't know where this is going but it's better than doing nothing :D Can't wait to finish the walking sprites and single animtions and starting with the facesets~


Finally put in a complete 5 step quest series, my first ever. Still debugging it (the hard way) and I almost got it finished just a few rough edges and I am done with it. I been basically laying out the game setting and have about 1/2 the maps done. I think tomorrow it will be totally debugged and I will take a day off. This was a tough day :P I hope it gets better as I get smarter about doing things. At the same time, been working the plugins out that I have been slowly adding as I figure them out and how I can use them. They also need debugging but.. that's for another day. Yay!