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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Towns Guard
Okay just done w/ RUtorials...(abit)

Now replaced that Damned
"Random encounter" (it gets on my nerves now :/)
To "Onmap encounter w/ a TWIZT!" XD

(WARNING:Button spamming syndrome and hyper reflexes deficiency at work!)

Plus, it's related to the gameplay now :D
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Praised Adventurer
Well, haven't gotten too much done over this past week due to my internet going down and dying heh (their tech guy never showed to fix it so they lost a customer xP). I'm back now though and have finished up that side quest I was interrupted on. I've fixed my animal sprites as well, added in a couple BGM's, got my writer to edit the entire first chapter of Lucia's story to sound more professional in terms of dialogue, created half of a tileset for a Ranch type setting (this is important for that side quest, and this will be in the April resource pack from me!), created 4 new enemies, 3 new skills, and started the events leading up to Chapter 3 of Lucia's story.

Sheesh....I only been back one day and have already been busy heh xP I had a lot of time to think up stuff. (I did have an awesome title screen image of Lucia.....but stupid me overwrit it with the editted files so it got deleted....gotta remake it bleh. But I do plan to have at least one of the title screen images in the game by this next demo release that's the end of this month.)
[doublepost=1461226030,1461070712][/doublepost]Today I create my character "Esra" from scratch xD quite proud of how she turned out too. She's the ranch girl in Tales of the Lumminai. In addition to that I added another map to my project and created a side quest to go with it and added in my other hidden character (by request of a certain someone). This will all be in Chapters 2-3 which will all be new to the demo with this next release.

Other than that I got the resource pack for this month uploaded (which contains everything that I was working on for the ranch Esra lives on heh). Hopefully it keeps getting better as I go! That's the plan lol, so here's to the future. Anyhow, I'll be fully focused on wrapping up Chapter 3 for this demo now, so it should go smoothly heh.
In an interesting turn of events, my main game dev partner wants to make Otherworld commercial, despite the fact that I have no games developed (at least not ones that anyone remembers). I really don't want the rigmarole of Greenlighting on Steam, but did have plans for purchasable novels and other merchandise for Otherworld. The viability of selling a game from a "literal unknown" game developer, in my opinion, isn't viable at all without the time and dedication it takes to be able to commit to the project. My work schedule dictates that I can't invest what's needed for a commercial game, so I continue with it on my days off more as a hobbyist game developer.

While development on Otherworld WILL continue, the prospect of being able to capitalize on something that's essentially been in development since I was 15 (in the form of short stories, novels and other RPG Maker games), IS appealing. So time will tell.

That said, in light of @Xyphien 's new crowd-sourcing site, Raise Gamer, I decided to work on a short MV game in collaboration with my wife, who has actually secretly wanted to make a game for quite some time now. This will give her an opportunity to contribute and not feel so left out, plus I guess it'll put me out there as a game developer. I'm planning on starting there when I have something of substance to promote.

The game is called (at the moment) Gaia's Dream. It revolves around a bored young witch, who craves adventure. As fate would have it, one day something happens that changes her life forever and she's forced to embark on a quest to "find herself" and ultimately save the world from a very dark force.

After this, there will likely be far fewer update posts, as most will now take place on their respective blogsites (a new one will be created for Gaia's Dream very soon). I will, however, be keeping watch on this post, as I'm interested in others' projects.


Praised Adventurer
Today I decided to finish what little remained with my 2 side quests that begin in Chapter 2. This will allow the player to receive a ring containing a Lumminus (light) Lumminai that will be a good ally and skill giver (any character except Esra will gain 1 skill from it, that being a decently strong attack. If equipped on Esra, she'll become a charmer and have the full set of skills linked to the Lumminai.) Then I decided to start adding in the "History" of the game and its lore via books found on shelves in common location (yes, TOTL will be one of those games where you can use action on the items found everything for random dialogue and stuff xP). This will explain why some of the world is how it is, show some of the borders for the Herald controlled regions, as well as other things relating to the past and its major events like the Great Calamity, War of the Kingdoms, Diamatus Revelus, and the Twilight Calamity. xD Will prove helpful in understanding the very complicated lore of the game.

In addition to that, I've been working on the next map and pushing it further through the third chapter to complete that for this next demo. This chapter will introduce Fardin (one of the Heralds and potential romance partners for Lucia once that system is put in play in Chapter 5). It will also have another run in with one of our major enemy figures and a hidden character that's linked to a smaller less complicated side quest. So all in all, it will be a long and busy chapter with at least 3 boss fights in it xP

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
@MistyDay your maps are really unique I really like your creativity when it comes to the small details, like that toilet and sink, it was really smart putting a small wall there but I also feel the wall is a bit too close to the jail bars, maybe move the bars and corresponding wall up 1 tile? So the player can move behind the sink and toilet. Still though good job.

As for me I've stopped game development after that contest and got motivated again to play around with programming new plugins. I plan on getting some help for Sock Quest as I feel it's a bit much for me right now, with working every week and what not.
Anyway recently I been making a Time System plugin, the first part was really easy, I have the basics down, a window which shows the time and some simple methods to control the speed of the time and setting it etc. I am having a lot of fun with it and I hope to have it ready for Sock Quest by the end of the week.


Towns Guard
Today, I tested my SBS, I 'm in the process of restarting the project because of many reasons.
I've commissioned some tweaks and today I noticed that one them needed a small plugin for it to be "showed" properly.
Unfortunaly for me, the coder decided to go on break this week till summer. (heartbreak)


Praised Adventurer
I added a bit more eventing to the Chapter 3 section of my game and have went back to add more stuff to that Ranch Tileset pack. I've added in a large variety of different support beam types (that match pretty well with the RTP) and used these as my "Stables" building supports for the loft area and such. Because I updated this tileset I'm gonna update that monthly pack that contained it too, but there's still a bit more I want to add before that.

For now though it has new support beams, and stable stall gates, as well as a stable side wall/window thingy that will work for the front for interaction with the animals inside as well. Overall it's coming along pretty nicely and the entire Stables section of my Ranch maps will be entirely custom work create by me xD so I'm pretty happy at how well it's looking in the game. Looking forward to sharing the completed tileset for that. Other than that though, there's not too much else going on here other than trying to push it's third chapter into completion now.


@MistyDay your maps are really unique I really like your creativity when it comes to the small details, like that toilet and sink, it was really smart putting a small wall there but I also feel the wall is a bit too close to the jail bars, maybe move the bars and corresponding wall up 1 tile? So the player can move behind the sink and toilet. .
I think ill try it :) but its really funny, all maps are in the stage of concept without details :D


Staff member
My computer has been sick for a while. I finally was able to get the operating system updated.

I am BACK at making RPG Maker MC games.

I started on a new one today. I am planning to make a few games every month. I might even start making customized games based on a prototype board game set up I made.


Praised Adventurer
Today was a slower day (due to being a weekend and where I spend all day with my gf) but I did manage to add in 3 new event segments for chapter 3, 2 new skills, and the ability to recruit this special hidden character xP. Other than that, I've just been planning up ways to create a new scheme for Lucia, my main character for the female protagonist path (I want her to have a custom outfit made by me as well, eventually all of the characters will have one but she'll be next.)


Staff member
I downloaded some beautiful desert (Egyptian) resources created by @PandaMaru . I took some of them and resized to make useable as evented images, mainly the 96 X 96 Big Images to be used as characters, that has the question marks in front of file names.


Praised Adventurer
I downloaded some beautiful desert (Egyptian) resources created by @PandaMaru . I took some of them and resized to make useable as evented images, mainly the 96 X 96 Big Images to be used as characters, that has the question marks in front of file names.
Maru's got amazing resources lol. Most of my map tilesets use bits from their works. Definitely brings it to life.

As for my project's progress today, I added the events to get Galoran (a Lumminus light Lumminai who will only pact with Esra but can give a skill to all other characters if they equip his ring). This included making the cellar map he is on as well as some insight on what the abilities of a Lumminus Lumminai are. I also added in some interaction events where you can "read" books for bits of history on this particular Lumminai and his role in the Ranch he helped Esra's father run. The info will be in a journal found in the bookshelf that is in the same cellar. Events like that are now in many of the locations to help give some background info of what's really going on at this point in history for the people of Oricai. xP Definitely worth checking out as some will come into play later through dialogue choices with certain NPC's. Other than all of that, I'm gonna be making the next 3 maps later today and hopefully have Chapter 3 wrapped up in 2 days! Then it's just a test play to get it ready and as bug free as possible for demo release V0.30
[doublepost=1461667298,1461571302][/doublepost]Today I added in the cut scene thing for Weshrain's Castle Greymoore where Lumi and Wynn speak where the player can see them for the first time (sheds some light on Wynn's personality and how she treats Lumi for failing to protect Yurai). The map is complete for that (not enterable until later however) and I finished up the events in Weshrain that will send the player to the next area which is the ruined village and the woodlands beyond it (mystical woods anyone? shiny variation of colors!)

Other than those events and the castle map, I've been working on some new enemies that will appear in the new regions for Chapter 3. As well, this is the chapter Salvaging is introduced, so I'll have that all set up and put into it too (hopefully before this next demo but it may not make it in for the deadline I've set). But yeah, some small progress today. Will likely do even more later!


After a stagnation I decided jump over a problematic part and added few common thingy. What I am the most proud I managed to make storm with random flashes and thunders what do not annoy by repeating just with 4 or 5 rows in event :)
And npc at market place now hidding their goods at night and in rainy days :D
And added some dialogues in hospital :) YY heroine prettending insomnia to get sleeping pils to be able throw it in drink to someone - what will be one of possibility to get back key item, if she lost it :D
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Staff member
I started a little siege came called, "Wall Ram." In this one the player, is a blue boy that carries a basic ram. The battlers are different walls. They having different defenses, and can be 'repaired.'


Praised Adventurer
Today was another small update with my game. I created a minigame of sorts where you and your Lumminai, Laguis, will have to put out fires in a village that was attacked in Chapter 2. Some fun things happen here, and we see that there could possibly be a connection between this psycho enemy and the enemies that attacked the village since he is found in the nearby woodlands trying to murder one of the 8 Grand Heralds.

So I added that sequence of events that lead up to the confrontation and first fight with this mysterious "Alt-Cross". I added in 6 new enemies and troops that will utilize the variety of abilities from earlier enemies as well. And on top of all of that, I put in some hints of what the main protagonist's protector's mind is set on instead of the mission they're tasked with.

I'll be working more on it later and hopefully get this last little bit wrapped up before the end of the month lol, that's my goal anyway.
There have been very few updates (anywhere) on purpose. Both Otherworld and Gaia's Dream are being worked on. And both will have one of those "big reveals" when there's a little something of substance. Admittedly, I've been working more on Gaia's Dream than Otherworld, so I'm hoping to put a short playable demo up by the weekend - if all goes well - kind of a playtest. So if anyone's interested in playtesting it, let me know and I'll either put a link to it here or create a separate project topic. And only members of this forum will get to playtest it for now. Gaia's Dream is the main project I'd like to put on the Raise Gamer site when it's more complete.


Finally managed to do something that I've been trying to do for months- change the location of the text for my custom box text window. Thanks to a nice fellow named Black Mage, I can now do this! It was a pain figuring out the exact coords, but very worth the effort!

His plugin is here for those who are interested, it gives some great control over text placement -


Praised Adventurer
Today I continued my mass building of maps and events for the next region that Chapter 3 takes place in. I created another 2 enemies, 4 troops, 2 maps, and added in a few treasure chests and hidden treasure locations to give a reason for exploring the map. I enjoy putting in secrets, so it pays to check out everything on each map! I created the starter npc for Chapter 3 as well (which will be a scientist you will have encountered in Chapter 1 who once again will try an experiment and fail this time with an explosion lol). That will trigger the auto-start switch for Chapter 3, and if the time is right things will happen xD That's how each chapter will start (by talking to some NPC or doing something special to turn on the auto-start) and if timing is right the chapter's events will begin. After which, you can proceed at your own pace.

Other than that little bit, I created several new armors/weapons to fit the new level requirements to fight the enemies in the forest region. I also went in and created 2 new animations for Laguis to show off heh, and some other variations for some of the other elements since it went well with those as well. And finally, I have the run in with Alt-Cross set in stone now, so almost done with Chapter 3, but still have a bit of a ways to go. Working pretty hard on completing this quickly but also keeping its quality in tune since I'm against generic maps and events lol.