Today has been the Day of Distraction for me!
I started out continuing work on Otherworld's Karma plugin, but ended up being distracted by the Status Menu, so installed Galv's Bust Menu plugin. This, however, proved to be another distraction, so I attempted on creating my own using this new layout template I designed for it and it all didn't quite turn out the way I hoped it would. So I got distracted again and browsed around Otherworld's official Twitter account and noticed that, while it's receiving quite a bit of attention, it's not really that much. My next distraction was a random thought about in-game promotion (for when a demo is actually ready) for its Twitter and website, as well as the RPG Maker Times & Projects Facebook page, so I was completely distracted by Sprite Buttons. As I was looking through, my next distraction was designing some new social media icons to go with the website's theme, and found myself importing them into MV, along with a plugin with clickable icons that go directly to their corresponding pages. After that and floating a Beta version here, my last distraction was RIFT (where I discovered a very distracting bug that made the GRAPHICS DISAPPEAR, causing me to wander blindly and then die - multiple times - in an invisible pool of scorching lava!).
All in all, I'd say it's been a productively distracting day!