Indie Dev

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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Started play with items in shop, added scene to introduction (all in greyscale couse its memory like), set up few events to get em together. Not much but I am happy today how it goes - slowly, but goes :)
And most important thingy is, no event crisis with player will possibilities :D
Today has been the Day of Distraction for me!

I started out continuing work on Otherworld's Karma plugin, but ended up being distracted by the Status Menu, so installed Galv's Bust Menu plugin. This, however, proved to be another distraction, so I attempted on creating my own using this new layout template I designed for it and it all didn't quite turn out the way I hoped it would. So I got distracted again and browsed around Otherworld's official Twitter account and noticed that, while it's receiving quite a bit of attention, it's not really that much. My next distraction was a random thought about in-game promotion (for when a demo is actually ready) for its Twitter and website, as well as the RPG Maker Times & Projects Facebook page, so I was completely distracted by Sprite Buttons. As I was looking through, my next distraction was designing some new social media icons to go with the website's theme, and found myself importing them into MV, along with a plugin with clickable icons that go directly to their corresponding pages. After that and floating a Beta version here, my last distraction was RIFT (where I discovered a very distracting bug that made the GRAPHICS DISAPPEAR, causing me to wander blindly and then die - multiple times - in an invisible pool of scorching lava!).

All in all, I'd say it's been a productively distracting day!


Praised Adventurer
Set up 3 maps for the sheep ranch that two of the side quests take place on. One will be to find a lost sheep dog, and the other to milk a cow heh. Simple stuff, but hey, even in dark times they gotta have some easy work. Then there's the start of chapter 3 of 34 heh. I've got 2 of the 9 maps that will take place in that chapter and it's just a matter of eventing all the dialogue and such into them to progress it further. Aside from that, added descriptions to a bunch of crafting materials and gear that can be crafted. Not too much else heh, but it's getting there slowly!
[doublepost=1459861322,1459768909][/doublepost]Finished the Sheep Dog quest, gonna be fun since one of my personal added villains is introduced by it too xP, and this entire quest uses Lucia's ability to commune with animals quite a bit (it's important for later). Other than that, added Scarlet caverns map along with 3 mining nodes for materials from within it (one of which will respawn every time you enter those caverns). Created 2 more BGM's (can be listened to on my soundcloud page) that are also public downloadable too. Hm, other than that not too much else today, though I did have to create some "elite" enemies for inside of the Scarlet Caverns since it is a mining zone (they won't be much stronger and should rarely show up on these but there are a few). The big hint on what type of region the caverns are is the arrow's color xP. Should be a fun adventure, but I wouldn't recommend going into there without Lumi lol.

OH, can't forget the fun part heh. Added a bunch of Sheep Puns to that ranch's maps heh. It has a bunch of sheep on it since the girl who gives the quest is a Shepherd. But yeah there's some pretty fun little puns in that xP


Praised Adventurer
I added in a few more recipes, and a new dialogue option for one of the side quests. Fixed up something involving finding the Lost Puppy side quest. That side quest will now branch into another which involves the player doing what the girl wasn't supposed to, or ignoring it and waiting for a cat Lumminai with a master key tail to unlock it. It's a puzzle to find the key, so some may now choose whether or not to do it. They can wait till they have the Cat Lumminai if they like, or they can do the puzzle and get the awesome reward that awaits them much earlier. Anyway, just figured I'd throw that bit in here. I did add some more onto that quest chain and fixed a few other minor things too.


Staff member
Resource Team
I've added some face sets to the game. My goal is to get all the graphics done prior to making the game, and when the graphics are done I'll start working on the game, and adding in custom music as I get it.

Here are some character faces of the characters for the game I'm making! Thanks to @JoePie as he's my artist for the game I'm making. He's been hard at work!
I just realised. I have done NOTHING to Otherworld in a few days, maybe a week, although I did start rewriting the "Otherworld Engine" for better compatibility and functionality. Instead, my focus seems to have been on updating the blogsites, updating the Terms of Use for my scripts/plugins, and trying to figure out a way to open a link in a browser directly from within RMMV (succeeded!) by studying Node and Gui. And reading through "Javascript: The Definitive Guide" - a HUGE book I'm barely 5% through - not exactly "light" reading either.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I been working on re-designing the menu for Sock Quest, I'm trying my best to stick with the original MV layout but with more pizazz lol. I'm much happier with this menu than sticking with those plain old window skins. Still quite a bit of work to do, I still have to fix up a few scenes, starting with programming in some Hp,Mp & Tp gauges that will take images instead of the plain graident squares. Then move on to the other scenes like the status, equip and battle. Should look pretty good in the end though.

Inventory.png mainmenu.png Options.png SaveScene.png


The bright blue and yellow is kind of hard on my eyes, they don't seem to clash well with the dark indigo. The super long HP/MP bars seem just that, TOO long. I'm loving the cartoonish font and cute little menu icons though. ^^
Now that I finally finished with the blog and plugin updates, I took some time to "get things right" for Otherworld. The new windowskin, Nexus2, is perfectly aligned. And so it was easy to recreate the Status Screen to stop all that awful stretching in the original. Most of the day, however, has been working (or reworking) Chapter One's main storyline in a movie script format to more easily translate to game format.


LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
The bright blue and yellow is kind of hard on my eyes, they don't seem to clash well with the dark indigo. The super long HP/MP bars seem just that, TOO long. I'm loving the cartoonish font and cute little menu icons though. ^^
Thanks for the feedback, I been wanting to re-work the colors but it's kind of hard to get cute colors without making them bright lol. I'll see what I can do though because I notice the blinding of the eyes as well and the white text almost gets lost in it all.

@Companion Wulf I'm really like your status menu, it has a really clean layout and has a true rpg feel to it, something like elder scrolls would have.
I been wanting to re-work the colors but it's kind of hard to get cute colors without making them bright lol. I'll see what I can do though because I notice the blinding of the eyes as well and the white text almost gets lost in it all.
I think all that's needed is more of a softer, pastel colour scheme to keep these cutesy colours. Possibly with a slightly larger font outline to detract from the font colour getting lost.

I'm really like your status menu, it has a really clean layout and has a true rpg feel to it, something like elder scrolls would have.
Thanks. I didn't really think about that, but now you mention it... I was aiming for a subdued gothic horror theme, so the only thing that's missing now is the "blood splash", not for each section, but a subtle one that expands from the bottom right going up. Can't quite get it right yet though LOL.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Today I took a break from game development and attempted to work on my photoshop painting skills, I want to start making tiles so I figured I would start off making larger maps without worrying about tile size limits and work my way down in size. This is what I came up with in a span of an hour, not bad considering my art skills are basically zero, the dirt texture is one I found on the web I plan on making my own eventually but the rock grass and flowers are all me. For the grass I made a brush preset then painted it on. This is only a small part of the map the rest is unfinished.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I'd take that over the RPG Maker default graphics any day!
I know right, now I just have to find my zen and be able to do this style for all my maps lol Imagine what a town would look like painted, my games would look great.
@MistyDay Looking good but you have a spelling error, it's "break" not "breake" (wink)


Towns Guard
Everything has been so slow for me so... Just added some more
"RUtorials" (Tutorials) lolz

These RUtorials are really important to know for the gameplay basics and to know more about the story deeper and a more serious thought into it xD

(And to not scare off the pants of the players...cuz the graphics of my maps are well...bizarrely unususual Dungeon colors and tilesets...and there's a reason for it, not for the faint of heart)
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There's been so much BS this past week (suffice to say that something has angered me beyond anger and I've still not come down from it yet), BUT - as a "redirection channel" - the few project updates I have managed to do are pretty BIG ones.

The entire Otherworld Engine has been rewritten; this includes the settings for all of the main menus (Status Menu, Equipment Menu, etc.) and screens (Status Screen notably), with the equipment sections in the Status Screen and Equip Menu being worked on next.

The Swan's Dream song has entered its Prototype 2 Final stage; just a few more tweaks and ordering the proper recording equipment and I'll record it proper. If anyone's interested, you can listen to the song (poor sound quality) on my Soundcloud account and let me know what you think, I think!!

I've also been trying to figure out the tilesheets setup, not too successfully I might add, so I may have to ask for help/advice about that. We'll see.