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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Praised Adventurer
Yeah a lot of work goes into developing a project lol. I've been pushing my team to get more done with Leon's storyline than working with me on Lucia's lately lol. I need to get his side caught up to hers. But her's is progressing too. With the revamp of the entire beginning, things are finally looking immersive enough to fit the lore.

So, today, I've managed to get 3 new gen parts fixed up so I can finally finish off making my tribal npc's looks work well. I've also created a very demented enemy Lumminai....literally just evil as it gets. Heh, should be an interesting boss fight to say the least xD. Thinking about also revamping the window scheme to fit with the lore better. I really do need one custom to the project so that's my next goal.
While I didn't do anything to the game, I did uber-update the Otherworld blogsite, retro-updating all of the updates I have done, including adding the new character Swan.

After, Wednesday, however, I have 4 days off and I'm determined to start work on the actual game itself.


Hopeless desert filed just with few cacti and so, better not go there without map or you will get lost for sure !
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I fixed a lot of dialogue today, I've added details where necessary and removed redundant dialogue or dialogue that just did not fit right. Most cutscenes are a bit longer and a bit more interesting lol. It takes about 10-12 minutes for me to finish the first quest whereas before it took about 5-8 minutes, there is about 15-20 minutes of gameplay before you reach the first town. Just remember that's how long it takes me and I know exactly what to do and I don't explore anything other than the main quest, which means no alchemy, and no battles lol.
On top of that I added dialogue to almost every NPC, and tutorial dialogue to the first NPC you interact with, mom's always have good advice (wink) Finally Sock Quest is starting to feel alive, it finally has depth, not just this linear storyline. The next beta release should be in a week maybe two, then after all bugs found are fixed the demo will be released :)


Towns Guard
Just added a SCARM battle mechanic xD
Very unusually different and originally made for RA(Reverse Azure)
And it fits well w/ the game as well as the characters(especially the main character)
But still functional enuff...Could be an advantage or disadvantage when used x3
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Praised Adventurer
I now have all of Chapter 3 completed for Lucia's story. And I've added in the new sprite for Leon and the Pact Link (spirit infused) version of Lumi. xD things just got interesting heh. So now all that's left to do for this next demo of TOTL is to get Leon's stuff (what we have so far) and package that into the game and hopefully everything will be set on the 20th for that xP That's our goal anyway. But yeah, made some good progress today on that.
This has actually taken a couple of days, but I restructured the entire Status Screen for Otherworld, a complete departure from its original layout. Along with it, created a Bio section that includes Name, Gender, Birthday and Zodiac Sign, and then revamped the Equipment section to include a model (depending on gender). At the moment, it's more generic but will be further tailored to the actual characters in-game. I haven't gotten around to screenshots yet, but will have some soon.

IF - big IF - I release this plugin (instead of using it as game-exclusive), I'll be aiming at the Zodiac Signs doing something, such as giving certain traits and parameter bonuses, especially if it works well and efficiently in Otherworld.


Connected some maps together :) There is so much work still left eeeee !
[doublepost=1458344748,1458278119][/doublepost]I just was not satisfied of leaving town just easily. sand, dust and thirstiness will await all who will not obtain map :P
[doublepost=1458375535][/doublepost]random encounter in desert

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I added two new maps, including a farm map and I plan on adding 3-5 more maps today which shouid complete the entire prologue of Sock Quest. Making the prologue contain 48maps to explore. If my mapping today goes as smooth as it has been, I should be able to start filling in events on all those maps. My plans for this game are getting rather large, I need to take a step back and re-plan how the mechanics are to be implemented, IE: save points, crafting, farming/fishing, time system, buying new skills, world map etc etc. So much to do, so little time...sigh.


police station and town prison map :)
- prisoners are able go back to their cells at sleeptime thanks to new plugin !
and hospital before night.
town starting to be complex :)
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Not really related the project itself, but Otherworld's main website is having a facelift in preparation for a huge update. Everyone here gets an exclusive preview of some of the updates (way too many to put here)! This is before it's officially on the website.

As far as game development goes, I have done some more work on the plugins and graphics. And since I have much more time off from work now, I'll be able to spend more time on the project and updates to the website.


Praised Adventurer
Well, today marks the beginning of me designing the title screen images xP. The first will be of the two protagonist choices and their Lumminai spirits in close ups so that should prove interesting. I'm also working hard on the next chapter and have fleshed out a way to do the romance/relationship system that will be in TOTL. The other thing I'm working hard on it getting the Guild Task System set up properly and making some of the enemies into SV enemies so the game uses no static images for battlers. And finally, I've wrapping up the last little bits for the March resource pack (unrelated to my project but it's still kinda a project heh). I will get that out this week hopefully xP possibly the next demo for TOTL as well (depends how well the rest of the team is doing on the male's story and maps).


Made a forest map and 4 new types of enemies. Once work is done on this map the prologue will be finally complete! Then it's on to more complicated things like character art and a custom battle system.


This weekend I spent time eventing a dance routine by the dancing girls at a club in my project. I want to say it took all weekend, but in truth it was only a few hours. I got them to strut to the music lol. I have to say, now that I have watched it a few dozen times while debugging the area, it amuses me no end. The office is still buggy and I have to figure that out today :P Might just scrap it and start the office eventing over. Got to get my switches in the right places.
Now that most of the blogsite upgrade is complete, I decided to rewrite the main Title Screen sequence and, since the menu is buggy, separated it from the main title as a separate plugin to work on. I may then merge it back into the main script or keep it as is and generalise it so it can also be used on the Game Over screen as well. This also gave me a chance to tweak/slightly improve the floating effect on the on-screen character.

The main storyline has been rewritten and most of the plot fleshed out. And I finally completed 3 maps. The first puzzle is complete; I'm experimenting with Yanfly's Gab Window plugin, which was integrated into the VXA version of Otherworld. (I am SO glad it was converted to MV!). Still have to work out some of the details on the main characters stories and how they converge to the endgame, including the complexities of "alternate timelines" for the different endings.

Now that I have 10 days off - Wednesday next week I'm working, though - I will have MUCH more time to rework the project and make some progress on it. Two of the biggest updates I'd like to achieve are the Status Screen layout and Karma plugins.
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Praised Adventurer
Well, today I test played TOTL and found a crap ton of issues most of which I fixed....but I bumped into a serious one which deals with my day/night cycle not working properly....I'm not really sure how to fix it at this moment....and it's needed to progress the it's a big issue for me right now. Aside from that though, game's working out great! Balanced the enemies, skills, and classes better so it's easier to get through the first hour of gameplay so it's not long and drawn out for what should be simple fights. I've also added 6 new skills and changed how some enemies react to elements (strengths and weaknesses) making those skills stronger or weaker on those enemies. I've been pretty busy trying to make sure everything's in working order in TOTL this week. But with the day/night cycle issue....I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to fix it before the end of this week anyway. I'll certainly give it my all though! (If anyone has a working day/night cycle setup using common events I'd love to see it! Mine got screwed up during the revamping of my it's a bit off now...)


Towns Guard
Things have been slow for my project...due to (reasons)...tho I've added a somewhat "Enemy summon rune circle thingy(can't explain it exactly xP)"...silly reasons for it being there is , it's for the twisted main character and also adding extra-FUN optional challenge and more rewarding rewards for anyone who wants to x3
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