Indie Dev

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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Spent almost the entire day yesterday creating a basic custom battle system for my game. I have idle animations for inactive battlers, a battle transition animation, voices when attacking or getting hit (from both enemies and friends), and victory quotes. I'll build on to it more and more in the future.

Next plan is to make some custom attack graphic animations. Basically doing as much as I can without using any MV Sideview battler sprites, because it's harder for me to make an entire sheet of battle sprites for this game and be bound by its rules at all times.


Staff member
Worked on base map for newest board game that I am working on. This time it is going to be a race to the mountain top. Here is the base map WIP.

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Haven't done too much to my project because of work, but I did finish my Map/Compass HUD plugin and started on the Karma one. Also finished the first Stonehenge map.


Staff member
Added five playable character, both genders, to mountain board game: dwarf miner, half-orc pilgrim, human alchemist, elf ranger, and necron looter (grave robber).
Each has a bird that accompanies them: hindsight bird, crow, red bird, swift, and deathwing.
Added thirty-four enemy types.


Towns Guard
Today and yesterday, I spent most of my time to work effects that would suit any of my classrooms for a small project that I'm making for a small contest. These are in game screenshots.

First effect I made, it looked well in another classroom that had a different angle.
Tried to find a second type of light effect.

@Chaos17 Just stunning!! Love it!

I started work on the Karma System plugin, converted my Stonehenge to Tileset E (NOT happy with the way it turned out though), rewrote some key areas of the plot (especially the intro), and re-composed Swan's Dream with the same underlying theme, just with more notes.


Praised Adventurer
Cool ouo Looks creative and inspiring and you didn't even work with too many pixels which is not as easy as it might seem. I like it(thumbsup)
Yeah that's one of the Lumminai for Tales of the Lumminai xP We're putting in some good progress with it now.

Today I've remodelled the entire first tutorial level for Lucia's side and have added in the concepts for 4 more characters. On top of that, I've been working on more tribal face markings to fit the various tribal peoples that will be in the game in certain areas. And lastly, I'm working on a modified window scheme and title screen exclusive to TOTL!

I haven't actually been doing too much since I'm trying to hold back until my new computer is working fine, but sadly it's taking too long so I just have to do something lol. But yeah when that's up and running I'll be doing a LOT more in terms of developing as well as creating new resources since I won't have to worry about copying everything over then.


Praised Adventurer
Welp, today I got to making some more tribal markings and weapon icons. I'll post my public versions sometime soonish. xD Aside from that, with my project, I've added in the rest of the Ashii Plains maps to finish off the chapter 2 section for Lucia's story. (This is where the third playable character is met, and she's not even a main character xP) I've also come up with 4 new spirit concepts that will fit into the enemy side quite well.
I had plans to make a major update to the Otherworld and RPG Maker Times blogs today. And to continue working on the project. Things didn't quite work out, as I had some things unexpectedly turned up and I ran out of time. Still, this week I'm working three nights and then have the rest of the week off to focus on them.

I'd also like to add that it's VERY interesting (to me anyway) seeing others' projects progress. Not only does it "wet my appetite", but it "whets my determination" as well. And I can't wait to play some of these games.
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Towns Guard
Repolished my custom Battle system and added own custom animations

And applied this custom made window(looks good for the game theme I'm working on)...still needs polishing and fixing though...
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Praised Adventurer
Continued working on the rest of the Chapter 2 maps for Lucia's path in TOTL. As well, I've been working on some profile images for some of the characters which should turn out pretty nicely. May eventually make them flash during certain animations for skills (like they would be actually using them heh) but not sure how to do all that just yet. Aside from that, I've been practicing on composing some music so I can get an idea of what sort of BGM I want to fit the game with. I might end up being able to compose my own soundtrack for it, wouldn't that be cool! xP


After working a few weeks on my game structure, plot and cast, last night I decided how I would start it. So finally today got the opening sequence programmed. Now I am smoking to get going. It's my first /real/ project.

(I can't count the learning how to use RPG maker mv game as it really didn't have much of a story and was done tongue and cheek BUT I did finish it)