Indie Dev

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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Praised Adventurer
I finished the revamp of Lucia's starting map as well as Yurai before it's untimely destruction. I've also gone through and editing multiple dialogues and transitions to fit the new map style. There's 1 large map in between all the smaller sections so far, and it will serve as a cross pathway the player will have to go through multiple times. (The signs also have a bit of comedy in them xP)

In addition to that, I've finished the entire Chapter 2 events leaving one more step to go in order to release demo version 0.30. That demo will cover the first 3 chapters, roughly 10% of the overall game (Roughly 5 hours of content), and a bunch of side content and hidden content. (One of the events in the cross-path map will involve using Lucia's ability to understand animals in order to access a chest blocked by a goat.) It is certainly turning into an interesting story so far with so much more to go!
Well, my grand plans for some major updates yesterday fell flat. This bout of flu I recently caught has kicked my butt! I'm rarely ill but when I am...It flattens me!! My other half's concoction (hot water, lemon, lime, cinnamon and strong Halls) eventually kicked ITS butt!

Today's updates (since I'm feeling better kinda) are: reconstructed Title Screen and put together all of the different components - background, randomized character and floating blur effect, and particles. The menu is still quite buggy; at least I'm not happy with it. "Dead" poses for each character. The windowskin I used for VXA was finally converted to MV (easy enough) and, along with my Windowskin Tool plugin, it looks quite cool. And finally, a randomized Game Over screen (still buggy); I'm planning on having a menu here too in the same style as the Title Screen. And updated the project to v1.1 (the recent MV update).



I am still fighting with town map, its really not easy ! Meanwhile I looked at minimap possibilities for quest destination guiding, but not sure if I will use it.. Then I felt into depression couse of my story afraid if at least someone will like :P


Staff member
My PC is cutting up. It will not let me open up Steam nor RPG Maker MV. (tears)

I can still open GIMP, so I am making abstract battlers and other images. (cheeky)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
For the last week when I been getting free time, I been working on Sock Quest and so far I got about 30% of the skills setup with the action sequences and skill costs in order to learn them. I also fixed up about 75% of the skill & item descriptions with color codes and detailed information. I also added a few recipe books and filled in about 80% of the item synthesis note tags. I been doing a ton of balancing as well and re-working the animations etc, I still have a ton of work to do in the database so it feels like I have not been getting anywhere at all but the battling feels pretty awesome now, not so boring and lame. Aside from that I also been updating my Window Pop plugin, I added a few new features and started a Popup History prototype.
EarlyStage History.png
@LTN Games Been secretly following your game and I'm becoming more intrigued by it.

I haven't done anything to my game lately. Nor have I updated any of my blogs. And that's not just because of work or personal life, although I am experimenting with a Zodiac system for something!


rats hanging around gloomy poor town district - they are really cool, region restrictions Yep plugin for events (just test, I am not sure if it wont cause more damage then advantage), fixed lights buttons around maps and that's all.... I wish have more time :)


Praised Adventurer
Well, today I've wrapped up the main theme for Tales of the Lumminai. So it now has an official BGM for the main theme. I like how it turned out so that's what really matters for a start of a soundtrack. On top of that, I've fixed up Leon's appearance so he looks less like a child and more like an awesome gutsy teen. As well, I've finished the rest of Chapter 2 for Lucia with some new side quests added into the connecting maps. This will add an additional 10-20 mins to the game if the player does those. Now it's time for Chapter 3 and to get that finished so I can release demo V0.30!
Today straight after work (and previous days off), I was playing around with the Status Screen, with the intentions of revamping the layout specifically, and something very interesting happened. I added bio information (birthday, age, etc.) and decided to add zodiac signs based on the birth dates. The rest of the Status Screen started taking shape. I decided that this will now be the OFFICIAL Status Screen for Otherworld. With the VXA version, each menu and window had a uniquely laid-out background, so now I've imported them to MV format and will be using them as well. (I have 3 days off, 3 days work, then 4 days off, so will be working on this area on the days off!)


Praised Adventurer
I have rad rats in my game lol too xP but they are much larger.

Today I'll be working on wrapping up Chapter 3 for Lucia's storyline and adding in a few things for Leon's as well (yes it's guranteed that there will be some more for Leon's side in demo release 3). I'ma also be putting in a few new NPC styles (guards with colored uniforms for each region, some highwaymen to "pay the toll or fight" with, and a few civilian types that will roam the roads like they were travelling or trading etc.)

Then there's the idea of getting the March resource pack put together for my side project heh xP. So hopefully that gets packed up today, but it's coming soon for anyone looking forward to those each month! It shall have a few interesting bits in it this time.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Hmmm radiated rats may be an interesting battle and that green definitely makes it look toxic. I been working hours on Sock Quest over the weekend and still feel like I'm not getting anywhere but that's probably because I have not evented anything new for the main story, I've been working on filling what I already have, giving the environment substance and depth, adding side-quests, dialogue tutorials, and overall lore. I still have a ton of database work to do but I have also been doing a ton of work in there as well.
The good thing about all the small details I been working on, is that now there is more than just the main story to have fun, you can do whatever you please once you make it to the first town, including getting your very first alchemy book(recommended to do so) or doing a few side quests to earn some money and experience. I must admit I keep forgetting how much work has to go into developing a game but it's all good, at least I'm making progress.