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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Praised Adventurer
I didn't add anything but I did run it through a test play myself and I found a bunch of issues but managed to fix all but one. For some reason on one of my skills, there's an error about text gradient? I'm not sure why that happens but it's only that one specific skill...I haven't done anything with gradients in terms of changing so to me that's alien not sure how to fix it. I may just have to rework how that skill works I guess.

Aside from that, I managed to play the 2 side quests, all three story chapters and I got my party of 4. So as far as I'm concerned it's a success and it's almost ready for public demo release xP. I do have to input one small event introducing the next character they will bump into. I have created a trade item system that the player can use to trade goods between towns to make small coin profits. (The Guild Quests are still a work in progress, so despite the story telling you to check into it, you won't be able to do any of the 3 quests it offers since the enemies don't exist.) I'm still working out a way to get that system working, as my initial idea is a bit chaotic and not really workable heh. But look forward to the next demo prolly tomorrow unless my team finds something else wrong!
Will be spending most of the day Saturday and possibly half of Sunday (since I'm working the next 3 nights) focusing on the first part of Chapter 1. THEN I'll have a very small playable demo online by Sunday night. That's the plan anyway!!
[doublepost=1462620234,1462423191][/doublepost](Hopefully this will auto-merge.) Looks like the playable demo (very short for now) for Gaia's Dream IS going ahead and will be uploaded to my blogsite Sunday night. Shortly thereafter, I'll give out the link IF people are interested. Meantime, here's a screenie of the almost complete (90%) Status Screen:

Not sure about the font though!


Praised Adventurer
Today I created up a new character that will be in my project eventually. I also came up with 2 unique ideas for sub classes of the main protagonist in both stories too. They both utilize the abilities of those characters (communing with animals or spirits to empower themselves in some way). This is just a small idea that will likely only effect a very small amount of content, but it provides some more uniqueness to those characters.

Aside from that, I figured out how to use some more plugins that will make TOTL more visually appealing for the next demo release (which may or may not be the final Demo version depending on how much gets done in it). But I can animate enemies now, use name tags so the protagonist isn't the only one displaying their name, and a bunch of other fun stuff! (I am slow at learning how to use plugins I know all these simple things are pretty big for me! But meh, I've figured out one of the most complicated plugins already so I feel pretty confident I can figure out any that we plan on using!) That's pretty much it for today, not too much else other than tiny fixes.
The Gaia's Dream demo has made it online! Yay! At least the non-interactive Prologue has. I uploaded it to see how it would work, and how well. If anyone's interested, here's the link, which is just for members of this forum at this point.

Note: If it doesn't load, try refreshing your browser first. The Title music will likely play mid-way through the opening movie, which has to do with the way MV pre-caches things. Pressing CTRL+Refresh will resolve this most of the time (I'll be working on something to forcibly hold off pre-caching certain things to get rid of ths @&^$%$ annoyance).

I am also aware of a the parallax image isn't quite lined up yet, so it has a black line through it. I only noticed it online! Haha!

I've also left it open after the Prologue (screen goes white) to view the Scene Menu system in-place, which is still a work in progress.

I'll also be updating some of my plugins and uploading a few more I've done some time this week.
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Praised Adventurer
Well since I'm not working on the project while one of my writers are editing it, I've been coming up with new ideas for it. Firstly, we're planning out a subclass reward system for doing Guild Missions, which will allow the player to further customize their playstyle and equip new weapon types. Then I have just created 3 new characters to add into the game to further expand the cast within it. That's pretty much it other than working on an entirely custom iconset exclusive to TOTL.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
So I been having a blast with Javascript and MV, I decided to make a simple mini-game for Sock Quest, and yes I will be releasing to the public later on. It's a fruit catch game, I should be done tomorrow or the next day, right now it's all random images I found on the internet I'm hoping I can find some nice free images to replace them all or do my best to draw them myself. anyway here is a gif of what I created so far, just the basic mechanics.


Praised Adventurer
So I been having a blast with Javascript and MV, I decided to make a simple mini-game for Sock Quest, and yes I will be releasing to the public later on. It's a fruit catch game, I should be done tomorrow or the next day, right now it's all random images I found on the internet I'm hoping I can find some nice free images to replace them all or do my best to draw them myself. anyway here is a gif of what I created so far, just the basic mechanics.
More mini-games are always something we need more lol. I'm gonna be attempting to create a few using common events, that I would share if they work, but those will never work like java scripted ones could lol. Nice idea you have going there though, I remember that type of game from way back haha.

Today I just came up with some other ideas and created a rough draft of the entire Drahkin language that will be in TOTL (kinda like the Al Bhed language from Final Fantasy but unique to it's own.) It should work much like that however, since I will be able to tie letters to items that can be found to decode the language. Also to a character that understands it lol, so they can translate it if in the party (also similar to FF). I know, not original at all, but it adds more fun since some characters won't speak the common language. Aside from that, I've just been working on a custom icon set that will be exclusive looking to TOTL. I believe it'll turn out well enough lol, but we'll see. So far, they definitely appear more high def than the default MV icons and the ones it currently has. The main reason for this is to customly design hundreds of weapons and armor so no two look alike (in terms of icons lol). On other news, my writer has began to edit the second chapter of the game to make it sound better. This should prolly be something that'll be worked on by him for the next couple of weeks. So while he's doing that, not much I can do within the game itself, but I can create more gen parts and stuff xP and I certainly plan to, since I have the next Resource Pack to create!
More mini-games are always something we need more lol
Definitely! A long time ago (in a world far away now), I created a small JS racing game. It was hosted on a website that's now defunct and I lost my code, but that doesn't mean I'd not be able to recreate it somewhen. ;)

Been very busy project-wise. Taking full advantage of my days off before work! The Otherworld Engine has had a complete rewrite, integrating a lot of things previously set up as separate plugins. While I've not done ANY maps or progression on the storyline itself, the actual system is shaping nicely. The next thing now is to focus on developing the Karma plugin I've been putting off.

Gaia's Dream has had much more work done to it, however. Yesterday's focus was mainly to get something online to test how it would work. I shared the link with some of my trusted beta-testers (who have also been pre-testing Otherworld), as well as on the forum. So far, even though it's just the non-interactive Prologue, the feedback is mostly quite positive, so that in itself is encouragement to continue with it. Many said they like the "comic book" feel to the prologue cutscene, which somehow fits with the game itself (this was a bit of an experiment). It had such an impact on them that they want more... So, Gaia's Dream is officially going ahead and will be getting on Raise Gamer some time later when there's more content!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I'm having so much fun making this Fruit Basket game, I'm going to make it a full game before I release it as a plugin for the community so it may be a little while yet. Here is a short video of the new title screen and art that I found for free on the internet!, I also added the basics of the score window and timer window, it's coming along nice. Now all I have to do is polish the mechanics and make it an actual game with levels and stuff lol


Staff member
Started work on a short "mission fundraising game" for the children of the church I attend. They have to go down a city block, door to door, and face different encounters, while fundraising.


Praised Adventurer
Today I started a second project that I'll work on while my writers work on editing my primary game's dialogue in between each Chapter of the story. xP This one will be a sort of dungeon crawler game, with random selected levels to allow the most replay-ability as possible. This won't be a primary goal for me to work on, just more of a side project when I have no option to work on mine so we don't have to worry much about what's been changed between versions of it lol.

So, Ebony Stars, is a dungeon dwelling game where you take on the role of a young man or woman who has been recruited into a division of explorers who discover the new world of Hontarill. The Ebony Stars are basically the first group to land on new planets and explore them, and as the new recruit, you get stuck with the dirtier job of exploration. You are sent into a cavern which expands to the end of this world, and you'll discover lots of different regions within this massive cavern network. By mining out resources and fighting your way through this mysterious dungeon, you can earn more credits to use on better equipment that you'll need as you go further and further into the dungeon. The real spin however, is the ability to use Tethercalls. These little gadgets will aid you as you advance by allowing you to return to the Ebony Star base at any time to heal, save, or whatever you may need to do. In addition to that, you'll be fitted with a set of tools that do various tasks you'll require as you advance in the game. From a mining tool, to your weapon, to something as simple as a mechanical buddy, you'll find endless possibilities as you shape your character in the way you want it to be played! Don't just be a an Ebony Star! "Explore Beyond!"

That's the concept I got so far anyway lol. Very subject to change xP but my main goal for this one is absolute customization. I'll offer an option to choose from preset setups or to pick your own from a variety of starter stuff. Each level up will reward skill points and stat points that can be allocated freely on abilities and making your character custom to your playstyle. Another thing I really want to be an option, is the ability to customize your robot companion with different looking equipment and functions allowing it to fulfill multiple roles to support your character. As well, it should be able to equip some different equipment that may change it's overall appearance (eye color, etc. if I can manage to make this work through eventing lol. Will be simple, but it should be pretty neat if it works).


Not much today, It goes slowly these days. I was stuck on some decision choices, but I deleted some today (spending days by thinking was not productive) and thingy started moving again :)
I improved some dialogues, added some items and new switches for adventure times :D
I hope it will go easier since now.


Praised Adventurer
I came up with 6 different choices for the player's character in Ebony Stars. 3 male choices and 3 female ones, all of which are nameable as the player sees fit up to 8 letters. So after the intro part of it which I will hand draw the animations for in time, they get to pick their gender and starting build basically. Everything is modifiable from then out except the base character they chose. Should be fun once this one gets more ideas put into it, but the emphasis of this one is purely on simplicity and customization. So while being simple it should provide a lot of replayable content that only gets better as you go. But yeah, for today I got the core characters created and some ideas brewing for the "hub" which will expand as more "colonists" land on this mysterious planet you're exploring the underground of. Don't see that often heh, an expanding hub city that grows over time!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I got almost all the mechanics for my fruit basket game/plugin polished, there are still a few things but overall it's looking good. The whole time developing it I have been thinking of the best ways to make it as lightweight as possible and as customizable as possible so when the time comes to release it as a plugin it will be easier on me. No video today, sorry but I can leave you a few screenshots to reflect the small progress on the newer mechanics.

Bonus! I have it setup so you can set each individual fruit to provide a time bonus, in my case it's a clock.
Bonus MV.png
You can also pause the game now, it's quite subtle right now, I will provide an exit button later, to activate you can either right click the mouse or press escape to pause the game


Praised Adventurer
Whoot so today I been pretty busy with Ebony Stars (I keep wanting to call it Ebony Hearts ugh x.x). I managed to revive some older VX Ace futuristic tilesets to fit with MV xP and it actually looks pretty neat. The maps these are going to be used with is for the ship called the CS 173 "Yofie". It's a colony ship that brings colonists along with the Ebony Stars to new planets that are discovered by the first Star launch fleet that passed by them many years prior.


The point of introducing the game by first putting the player on a ship that will "land" heh on the planet below is to give them an idea of the technology this group contains as well as knocking out any tutorials that may be needed (since you know, waking from cryogenic stasis can be uh...memory effective xP). But this is my unique way of introducing the stuff that will be used in the dungeon crawler aspect of the game.

Anyhow, I have the idea for the beginning set in stone now, and I believe animating it should be relatively simple (but I'm not talking like movie quality epic video lol but more of a simple animation created through static images and then being taken to the inside of the ship you're on). The staff will speak among themselves for a bit and then check on the player to see what gender and appearance they have (thus where choosing your character will come into play). They will wake the player up, (fun part is it will actually show them in the stasis pod xP gotta love overlays) and they will get out of the pod for a test examination (to confirm the player is alright of course xP). They'll ask a serious of questions and familiarize the player with setting up their base stats and such. After which they will have you give your name to the NPC at the teleportal pad and step onto it. This will give you a choice of where you can go (all locations on the ship, but they want you to go to the training visualization chamber which is where the obvious battle tutorial will take place, but this can also be skipped along with any other tutorials if the player wants to just dive into the game.)

I've got a pretty decent idea of how it should start out that is xP can't just spoil it all here. But that will give a general idea of what to expect in the beginning. There's the mechanical companion as well, you'll see the little guy, but can't really do anything with it while on the ship since well, you're not an Ebony Star yet xP just a new recruit. If I can do this right though, it should be a unique Dungeon crawler esque game with an actual story, and replayability since every level of the dungeon will be randomized except for every 5th floor (each and every time you go to those floors!)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Fruit Basket is has progressed even further but now that it has, I will need to take some more time to polish & re-polish the mechanics. As of now all fruits have individual settings, points gained, speed, spawn rate, and bonus. When the timer is up, a window pops up and it counts the points gained, fruits collected & bonuses received then tallys up the total score, I also made the screen resolution larger. So far all of this has been done in under 600 lines of code, still more work to go but after a bit more work it's all about making it so it's easy to setup levels and change images for each level etc.
I have a GIF to show off the score tally, I think it may be a bit slow & it's only barebones but for now it's good.

Score tally.gif


Praised Adventurer
Today I started putting in some of the beginning ideas for Ebony Stars. While it's mostly still blank maps or bare at best lol, I am starting to feel the desired mood when looking at them! Hurray for teleportals on a space ship! lol So I created a whole crew for the colonist ship "Yofie" which will be the same outfit as the main characters but instead of yellow trim (Ebony Stars recruits) it will be a white trim (colonist/civilian trim) since these don't do anything other then well...colonize the planets they wind up on lol. In addition to those types of crew (NPC's) we'll have blue trim for merchants, and red trim for Ebony Star Leaders (the person captaining the ship and their XO) as well as a purple for the higher ranked Ebony Stars.

While that don't seem to play an important role in the game in any way, it will certainly make it easier to find who's who in the beginning (and later when more colonists arrive and expand the hub xP). So after making those variations for over 40 NPC's so far, I've began ideas for how the intro will take place (it won't be animated until later), but I'm thinking a brief history of why the Ebony Stars are doing what they're doing and how they came to be (same info can be discovered throughout the game too via "Paiges". By finding those you can learn things from the history of your people (I.E. skills that are unique to those). But yeah, after the short intro the events with the cryo lab will take place which is where everything begins. xD it's coming along, slowly but it will be done right lol.

In terms of TOTL though, I actually just got a bunch of new sprites for enemies and Lumminai for it. So it's been expanded on the possibilities and wildlife now too! It's still in process of being editted so I can't really do too much with it as of yet until that's done. Once that's done, we'll be kicking the door open for crafting and salvaging as well as the guild system that will be pretty unique comparing to other games' guild systems while still holding true to a familiar concept everyone should know of. Welp, that about does it for me today lol.


Today I first had some things to learn again because I recently busied myself with the Rpg Maker 3 years ago. So I had set up some plugins for my project (which was more or less difficult ;) ) and have a character selection evented along with several other foundations. So if one has no longer his old projects and templates, i can tell you, this is not at all simple. (right)

But where I am it is about 15 PM so I'm busy with more to do and the weekend is long. ^^