I didn't add anything but I did run it through a test play myself and I found a bunch of issues but managed to fix all but one. For some reason on one of my skills, there's an error about text gradient? I'm not sure why that happens but it's only that one specific skill...I haven't done anything with gradients in terms of changing so to me that's alien language...so not sure how to fix it. I may just have to rework how that skill works I guess.
Aside from that, I managed to play the 2 side quests, all three story chapters and I got my party of 4. So as far as I'm concerned it's a success and it's almost ready for public demo release xP. I do have to input one small event introducing the next character they will bump into. I have created a trade item system that the player can use to trade goods between towns to make small coin profits. (The Guild Quests are still a work in progress, so despite the story telling you to check into it, you won't be able to do any of the 3 quests it offers since the enemies don't exist.) I'm still working out a way to get that system working, as my initial idea is a bit chaotic and not really workable heh. But look forward to the next demo prolly tomorrow unless my team finds something else wrong!
Aside from that, I managed to play the 2 side quests, all three story chapters and I got my party of 4. So as far as I'm concerned it's a success and it's almost ready for public demo release xP. I do have to input one small event introducing the next character they will bump into. I have created a trade item system that the player can use to trade goods between towns to make small coin profits. (The Guild Quests are still a work in progress, so despite the story telling you to check into it, you won't be able to do any of the 3 quests it offers since the enemies don't exist.) I'm still working out a way to get that system working, as my initial idea is a bit chaotic and not really workable heh. But look forward to the next demo prolly tomorrow unless my team finds something else wrong!