Indie Dev

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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

Easter eggs ! Hahaha :)
Of course!! And...

Since I've had quite a bit of time off from work, I've had a lot of time to work on a lot of things! Project wise, I redid the Title menu after crafting it as a separate plugin for use on the Game Over screen as well and after losing both backups of it twice - offline and online! (Some VERY strange things have happened during development since it was first created on VX!). Third time lucky!

And, while a lot of time has been spent on updates for the RPG Maker Times and Otherworld blogs, I've also been reworking Swan and a few maps, plus the plot (gathering materials from ALL written content, novellas, and short stories I've written for the entire Paranormality series). Plans are underway for a full novel trilogy, but AFTER the game is finished - a long way to go yet! Been feverishly working on composing Swan's Dream, trying to fit the pieces together.

I also started on an experimental project, which is something of a side-project intended to be a short game I'd like to put online and which I'm at a complete standstill with. This is mainly to learn exactly how it's done and to see how well it would work, especially if Otherworld is going to be playable online as well.
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Praised Adventurer
Well aside from the obvious (adding Easter Eggs for Easter heh get it....I know pfft) I've been working on a revamped version of the day/night system (especially since it's very important in my game and wasn't working before) and hopefully that will resolve the issue of not being able to advance to the second chapter. Then there's the finishing off all main character's designs and adding those into the files, sketching out a few more of the title screen images, and working on balancing issues my team has found during our initial testing. But of course, there's more! lol I now have the March Resource pack 100% finished xP so that will be uploaded later today. Should be useful for a bunch of people.


Praised Adventurer
Today I got my time calendar, day/night, and several other features that was blocking progress during our test play, fixed. I added in 2 new characters to fill in some side characters and changed the window scheme to fit a new look. Aside from that, I changed up some dialogue and added a new item to detect what time it is and the date (this will be important since certain major events take place on certain days in the calendar). xD and today was the day I released that resource pack, so I'd say it was pretty productive for me to relax and sleep xP


fighting anomalities, put heroes friend to game was mistake for rpgmaker nowbie!
(omg how many switches will I need in my whole game !)


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I've come so far with dialogues, eventing and end of the story. Unfortunately I forgot what I wanted to write as main plottwist because Im stupid. I just came up with a plottwist and 10 minutes later forgot about that how does that even happen (sleep)
[doublepost=1459292158,1459290989][/doublepost]I REMEMBER IT. I remember the plottwist again :D


Praised Adventurer
Well after test playing TOTL for everything it has so far (over 2 hours worth of content played constantly without doing side quests) I had to deal with a very tedious fixing process for the transformation skills known as Pact Links. BUT!!! after 6 long hours and almost the feeling of utter failure....I managed to get it to revert the graphic changes when the effect wears off! So now that that HUGE portion of the game's mechanics is taken care of, it's time to move on to the next big one (while waiting for my team to get Leon's side going and caught up to Lucia's lol) which is the relationship/romance system and the guild task system (which should be an easy one by using variables to track quest progress heh). The fun begins!

So today what I did was test play the entire game that I have so far, fix everything I found wrong with it and make some serious progress on the balancing of skills and storyline into the next segment. (I also completely revamped and got the day/night cycle and time calendar working perfect too!) Here's to the future of TOTL development heh xP


Praised Adventurer
Well, today I fixed the transformation system in my game (now wears off when it should), added in salvaging, created multiple new items, and created and added in 3 new gen parts to spruce up the NPC's in the world. Next part I'm working on is getting Chapter 3 going with the solid idea that I have now. In that Chapter a new special character will show up as well as the introduction to the crafting and salvaging systems. I've got plans for a lot of systems and they will all work out pretty well once I get them figured out properly.
Today's update was a big one, as far as updates lately goes, worked on throughout the day on and off. It was mostly graphics, though, and I hate doing the graphics. Very time-consuming. So...I finally finished my Status Screen alternate look. It's far from finished though: the Karma system isn't quite finished yet and isn't implemented into the system; the gender model isn't done yet (it's on the screenshot as a placeholder), where it'll change depending on male and female, along with some equipment icons on parts of the body; and the empty space...well, I haven't decided what to put there yet. Oh, and the icons are the MV default. I've yet to figure out what to do for the customized iconset.



Towns Guard
Added Foreground shadows and lights...looks good in Photoshop, but when applied to MV map, oh GOD :(
It looks terrible, the opacity is not even looking good

What do you guys think of the Lights and shadows, even the plot, battle gameplay/ Ru's character ? :3

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Praised Adventurer
I discovered "stepping" fire at fireplace today!
I had warned You encountered biggest newbie :D
I remember when I first learned how to do that haha xD good times.

Today I added in more recipes for the crafting system, refined a few dialogue spots I found errors in, and created a series of new items and enemies. I'm going to go ahead and push the story of Lucia into the next chapter which is Chapter 3: Into the West. This will be the longest chapter by far (so far heh). It will span over 13 maps and have 3 boss battles in it as well as 5-7 hidden areas where you can discover some pretty nifty stuff. There will also be a crafting material zone that can found in those regions. xD it's gonna be fun putting it all together just so you guys can enjoy the full effects of the first 3 chapters in the girl's story. (Still nothing too solid for Leon's side yet, but the maps are being worked on and the dialogue/events being created slowly so we should have something for his side for the next demo at least).

I also created a few more transformed heroes sprites to fit their Pact Linked states (based on their Lumminai's element). Then I went and added in the first 3 major events onto our wikia page for the game, which includes very in depth details of what happened and why some of the world in the game will appear as it does. (A whole kingdom will be surrounded by a man-made chasm, a giant structure will be built by one of the Rifts, and so on, all because of what happened in the Historical events! Hurray for World Building!) And that's about it for now heh xP I'm gonna be pretty busy with this project's progress this month to say the least heh, so far it's gotten like 3% further in just the past 5 days xP so making great progress.