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  1. LTN Games

    Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc.

    Except now your taking the word of a complete stranger and trusting she is not lieing to you. So, that means you still don't know the truth. Fact? Can I see this source stating its fact? You speak of truth yet blindly believe what you're told? So wait, now all of a sudden you have a someone...
  2. LTN Games

    If you have I would like to know your secret because I still struggle with life's escapades.

    If you have I would like to know your secret because I still struggle with life's escapades.
  3. LTN Games


    Way to go totally off topic but If you can't comprehend JavaScript you won't be able to comprehend any other language. As a side note JavaScript is completely modular, what is not modular is the way the developer of MV wrote their engine but you can still customize everything except for the...
  4. LTN Games

    can you check if a tile contains an event with a conditional scriptcall using either tile xy or screen xy?

    You should be able to check against the events array in the map and compare their coordinates with yours. Replacing 3 with the tile position you want, at least I'm pretty sure it's the tile position. $ => { return event.x === 3 && event.y === 3 }) If you want...
  5. LTN Games

    Check for keyboard input.

    Yup you're right, I should probably double check the source code before reciting from this brain of mine lol
  6. LTN Games

    Check for keyboard input.

    This should do the trick Input.isKeyTriggered(keycode) Input.isKeyPressed(keycode) Keycodes are here: MV also has a keymap so you can use words like 'left', 'right' etc Input.keyMapper = { 9: 'tab', // tab 13: 'ok', // enter 16: 'shift', // shift...
  7. LTN Games

    Looks like the website is in safe mode lol It's way faster though!

    Looks like the website is in safe mode lol It's way faster though!
  8. LTN Games


    @KaineOfElderon I'm assuming that is due to the current changes happening, once the changes are complete those errors should stop.
  9. LTN Games

    LTN Core

    LTN Games updated LTN Core with a new update entry: Updated link Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. LTN Games

    RPG Maker LTN Core - Updated link

    Link now points to website hosting all plugins
  11. LTN Games

    Item Categories

    LTN Games updated Item Categories with a new update entry: Updated link Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. LTN Games

    RPG Maker Item Categories - Updated link

    Link now points to website hosting all plugins.
  13. LTN Games

    Day And Night

    LTN Games updated Day And Night with a new update entry: Updated link Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. LTN Games

    RPG Maker Day And Night - Updated link

    Updated link to website hosting all plugins
  15. LTN Games


    LTN Games updated Layers with a new update entry: Updated link Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. LTN Games

    RPG Maker Layers - Updated link

    Now links to website where all plugins are hosted
  17. LTN Games

    Time Engine

    LTN Games updated Time Engine with a new update entry: Updated link Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. LTN Games

    RPG Maker Time Engine - Updated link

    Now links to website where all plugins are hosted
  19. LTN Games

    Quest Journal

    LTN Games updated Quest Journal with a new update entry: Updated link Read the rest of this update entry...
  20. LTN Games

    RPG Maker Quest Journal - Updated link

    Now links to website where all plugins are hosted.