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Search results

  1. Dad3353

    Request for enemy images of wild animals

    @lilypuff ... I've a little 'trick' I use when adopting graphics from different sources. The idea is to unify them, to give them all a similar aspect. I have an early version of Photoshop (CS2...) with which I can apply filters. My favourite is 'Posterise', which emphasises the contours...
  2. Dad3353

    Request for enemy images of wild animals

    @lilypuff ... Have a look here for quite a wide range of animal Battlers... Thalzon's MV Resources ... Try the Snow set first, maybe, as it has a polar bear, Arctic foxes, wolves and more... Hope this helps.
  3. Dad3353

    New person, new greeting, yaddayaddayadda. You've all seen it before.

    Good afternoon, @lilypuff , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. There's a head-start to be had if you'd care to cast a glance at our ... MV Tutorials ...
  4. Dad3353


    Good evening, @Terra91 , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. If you're just starting out, this is where the Good Stuff is ... MV Tutorials ...
  5. Dad3353

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    Sorry; my impish sense of humour has not resonated with everyone. ... No, on second thoughts, I'm not as sorry as all that..!
  6. Dad3353

    (Paid/Commission) Rune Factory Project Recruitment

    @FANGirl ... How to do 'spoiler' tags..? Here's how... Start off with an opening Square Bracket ('['...)... Type the Key Word 'spoiler' (without the inverted commas, of course...)... Now a closing Square Bracket (']'...)... Then insert the Text, or Pics, or whatever is to be inside the...
  7. Dad3353

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    @MistyDay , I have had ideas that I thought were only mine, and others were having extremely similar idea, at the same time. It happens pretty often.
  8. Dad3353

    Hai hai!

    Good evening, @FANGirl , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  9. Dad3353

    I was instructed to introduce myself as a part of my account set-up.

    Good evening, @Gabe , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. Asocial..? Tell me about it. However, as with much in Life, the more one gives, the more one receives.
  10. Dad3353

    Hello, brought in for One Day Left contest

    Good evening, @Xamusel, and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  11. Dad3353


    Good evening, @Aaron Clark, and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. There's a head-start to be had if you'd care to cast a glance at our ... MV Tutorials ...
  12. Dad3353

    Badge Making Contest

    'Wise Words' Badge ...
  13. Dad3353

    How Long Has Remove Unused Resources....

    Yes, indeed; I spent an evening preparing a pared-down 'empty' Project, which is now my starting point for new stuff. I don't use the 'New Project' menu in the Editor, but open my Empty Project instead, and use 'Save as...'. I only add the elements (BGM, SE, Pics etc...) that I need as I go...
  14. Dad3353

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    Middle of last week..?
  15. Dad3353

    How Long Has Remove Unused Resources....

    I rarely use Plug-ins at all, but had one which was really useful (leaves fading footprints behind the Hero, or any NPC...). In its original form, the required Graphics were not declared (and so missed by the 'exclude unused files' option...), but, by following the recommendations in the MV...
  16. Dad3353

    David from quebec

    Good afternoon, @rinoa55 , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. If you're just starting out, this is where the Good Stuff is ... MV Tutorials ...
  17. Dad3353

    Hey Hey!

    Good morning, @Borinyukami , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  18. Dad3353

    New but experienced

    Good morning, @HiroArk , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. There's a head-start to be had if you'd care to cast a glance at our ... MV Tutorials ...
  19. Dad3353


    Good morning, @INDRA II , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. If you're just starting out, this is where the Good Stuff is ... MV Tutorials ...
  20. Dad3353


    Good evening, @Kittylove94, and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.