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Search results

  1. Dad3353

    Non-violent Fights/ Word-Duels

    Everything is a contribution. No that's not a saying from Buddha, it's just that, in asking questions, folks are provoked into thinking about things and coming up with answers. This helps others, and adds to the general Knowledge swashing about on forums such as this. Nothing is useless; all is...
  2. Dad3353

    Non-violent Fights/ Word-Duels

    @Gudetama ... I worked out ho to do a primitive 'Damage-No Damage' depending on a Switch, which in turn is 'On' if one answers correctly. At the next 'Fight', then, there is either no damage to the Enemy or, in the formula I created, enough to win the Battle. The formula could, of course, be...
  3. Dad3353

    Hello :)

    Good evening, @Balalankz , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. There's a head-start to be had if you'd care to cast a glance at our ... MV Tutorials ...
  4. Dad3353

    Non-violent Fights/ Word-Duels

    @Gudetama ... Interesting concept; I'll do a test version to see how I could have this as a 'combat' option myself. I don't use Plug-ins if I can help it, so I'll see bout using Battle Events and Common Events first. I've a first notion which I'll explore later on this evening; a bit complex...
  5. Dad3353


    Good afternoon, @Ignis84 , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. There's a head-start to be had if you'd care to cast a glance at our ... MV Tutorials ...
  6. Dad3353

    Tileset Swamp tiles

    Plenty of scope left for new inspirations, without even delving into the realms of fantasy..! Australian aborigines..? A Pygmy tribe, or Zulus..? Eskimos..? Tibetan monastery and associated monks..? Bedouins..? Cossacks..? I'm lousy at graphics, of any type, but made a couple of double-height...
  7. Dad3353

    partymembers gathering around your main char?

    No wonder you're having problems with this; firstly it's from HimeWorks, not YanFly, and, secondly, it's not for MV..! Probably for VX or VX Ace, but useless for your purposes. Forget it (as will I..!)
  8. Dad3353

    Halloween Contest Voting!

    An excellent question.; well done. A click on any Member's name that's in link form (such as @Dad3353 ...), and it will bring up a Profile window. In the middle of that window is a link 'Start a conversation'. Take it from there...
  9. Dad3353

    Hey everybody

    Good evening, @PuzzleWolf , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. If you're just starting out, this is where the Good Stuff is ... MV Tutorials ...
  10. Dad3353

    Halloween Contest Voting!

    It would help if your phrases were a little less cryptic, and some context wrapped around them. I have tried, in the past, mind-reading and telepathy; I could not get it to work. We need full, lucid descriptions, not unconnected phrases, to be able to make sense of posts, not only from yourself...
  11. Dad3353

    Halloween Contest Voting!

    I'd like to add my congratulations to both winners, and to all who entered. I enjoyed playing each of the entries, and was pleasantly surprised by the ingenuity and variance displayed. Well done, all; thanks, of course to the generous donors of the prizes. @Minakill ... Could you refrain...
  12. Dad3353


    Good evening, @haihieu12 , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. If you're just starting out, this is where the Good Stuff is ... MV Tutorials ...
  13. Dad3353

    Halloween Contest Voting!

    Has the Fat Lady sung, then..?
  14. Dad3353

    partymembers gathering around your main char?

    ... which is one of the reasons I don't (as yet...) use Plug-ins, if I can avoid it..! I'm sorry, I can't help more on that right away, as I use none of that 'Dark Magic' stuff. If I have time, I'll set up a dummy Project to try it out; someone more experienced in these murky waters may well...
  15. Dad3353

    partymembers gathering around your main char?

    @DolorIpsum ... No, no, no..! MV does, indeed, use Plug-ins, but also uses Scripts..! It's true the the Script window is a bit small, though, but there are often ways of working around that. Plug-ins are fine, but require another level of understanding of MV for creating them (or even, in many...
  16. Dad3353

    Don't know what I'm doing

    There's plenty of inspiration to be found in the Sample Maps (Right-Click on the Map List on the left, and choose 'Load...'. Once you've had a look through those (some use the 'Loop' feature, which can be useful...), there is also 'Shift Mapping', which enables many effects and detail...
  17. Dad3353

    Halloween Contest Voting!

    As long as the votes are pouring in; that's the main thing..!
  18. Dad3353

    Halloween Contest Voting!

    Ah, so..! Not Mighty Enforcer, then..? Phew, I'm glad of that; I was quite scared for a moment..!