Indie Dev

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Hai hai!


Residential Vampire
Hai everybody! I'm FANGirl (haha I'm so clever amirite? XD go vampires!) I made my first game with RPG Maker on the PS1 version, and got the PC versions after that. Mostly fangames at first (my first a 60-ish hour DragonballZ RPG - I made all the music and sprites and just about everything resource myself lol I went all out on my first game), but a couple of originals by now. ^ u^ Though I've had about a ~8~ year hiatus due to a long-term illness I acquired. > .>;; But now I'm trying to get back in the swing of it with MV. I tried VXACE, but I'm more of XP fan I think (the mapping is atrocious in VXACE and I cannot get used to it!!!! > .<)? The team I'm in currently works with MV~ so that's where I'm going to focus my studies.

My main talents are game design, pixel art (and some normal art), singing. I'd be willing to lend singing voice to any project so just let me know! Nice to meechuu all. I'm not shy in the least so feel free to befriend, or ask questions about the project I'm on or otherwise. Bai!


Staff member
Hi @FANGirl, and welcome to the community. I like your play on words for your name. Looking forward to seeing you around, and possibly seeing your works in Resources.


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the sheer insanity we like to call the forums! :D Feel free to ask any questions you may have, for we are all here to help! :D