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  1. Dad3353

    Needs Opion and Ideas...2

    Well, allow me to be among the first to say that your trees are amazing, too..!
  2. Dad3353

    DBZ Style Tilesets

    @Xman321 ... I'm far from expert in these fields, but I think that there are maybe legal implications in adopting the graphics too close to some commercial Games and such. Do the graphics have to be really similar..? For my part, my imagination allow for much leeway; I'd not let that stop me...
  3. Dad3353

    Well, this 'aught to be interesting.

    Good evening, @Xman321 , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  4. Dad3353


    Good evening, @Lynnea Rune , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. Well, if that's all you've got to say, I suppose it'll suffice.
  5. Dad3353

    Request: How do I add text to the map?

    No worries there, I'm downloading it right now. I'll carry on enduring the 'build-up' and work out later what it's good for (Have I mentioned that I'm a dopey old git with poor reflexes and even poorer understanding..?). There'll be no mention of pecuniary arrangements from me old chum..! I do...
  6. Dad3353

    Request: How do I add text to the map?

    Darn it..! se/Item3.ogg missing..! Just when I'd beaten the Minotaur again, too..! Still no 'Dash' in the Forest or on the Path, either, but never mind. I must say (and this doesn't only apply to your Demo...), I don't really understand the purpose behind the build-up/wait in the Battle...
  7. Dad3353

    Needs Opion and Ideas...2

    It's going to be a darned shame if these excellent graphics aren't used in a Game of sorts. Is there no way for you to contact a software company and see if they could use your talents..? Is there no-one on this forum needing high-quality graphics for their fantasy world..? Could you produce a...
  8. Dad3353

    I am new to this website

    @Avalanche ... Have I created Games..? In another life, I was a freelance programmer (remember the Atari..?) and worked on Projects for that, with a colleague. All in 68k ASM, too..! However, I'm now retired, and do what I do just for fun and the challenge. But what are you reading this for...
  9. Dad3353

    I am new to this website

    @Avalanche ... An impressive video; I can see that you're not 'just starting out'..!
  10. Dad3353

    Request: How do I add text to the map?

    Mmm... Easter Eggs..!
  11. Dad3353

    Request: How do I add text to the map?

    I'm afraid that I'm rather in the 'humble grasshopper' category, so I have a tendency to not dabble with stuff unless I have a darned good reason. I leave all the 'Dash' stuff 'as is', as I've no reason to not want anyone to Dash..! There must be occasions where it would be important (although...
  12. Dad3353

    Killer Gin 0.9.9 (Master Particle Edition), RPG with dating and farming!!

    @Killer Gin ... A tiny detail, but annoying enough. The Game doesn't 'remember' the Options that I'd chosen (all Sounds down to 20%, Remember Commands...). Every time I launch the Game, I have to re-adjust, or suffer the onslaught on my ears of an over-loud (to me...) BGM. All the other Games...
  13. Dad3353

    Request: How do I add text to the map?

    Time for sleep, indeed..! Still no 'Dash' in the Forest, or on the Trail between the Town and elsewhere..! A 'crash', too, when entering the Town (Missing: Face, Actor2.png...). I'll have another go this evening. Nighty-night.
  14. Dad3353

    I am new to this website

    Good evening, @Avalanche , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. If you're just starting out, this is where the Good Stuff is ... MV Tutorials ...
  15. Dad3353

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    @MistyDay ... If it's that simple, have all of the Events conditioned by a unique 'Reset' Switch being 'On', which you turn 'Off' when you want to reset all of the Events. Many questions can only be answered properly if we can see exactly what you've done, but as I can't see your Events, that's...
  16. Dad3353

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    Show us a screen shot of the Event Window and we'll maybe be able to suggest something..?
  17. Dad3353

    White screen

    Sorry; 'OS'= Operating System, ie: Windows 10 32-bit, 64-bit, Vista, XP... When Editing your Project, open the 'Help' Menu, select 'About...'; Version is displayed.
  18. Dad3353

    White screen

    In looking through previous reports of this issue, the typical answer seems to concern updating System drivers. What OS are you running..? Have there been any updates recently..?
  19. Dad3353

    White screen

    @meechon ... Is this a Steam MV or Stand-alone..? What version is the Editor, and the Project..? Is this your first ever Project..? What happens if you create a new, empty Project and play-test that; still a White Screen or not..?
  20. Dad3353

    Request: How do I add text to the map?

    @Tear ... Yes, I got over the Bridge, and even managed (only just..!) to get rid of the Deacon, too..! Very sparse surroundings, with no (or few...) NPC's to animate the scenes. Is it a deliberate policy to prevent 'Dash'..? It gets very slow going from one room to another without it. Nice use...