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  1. Dad3353

    Hi, I'm Artemis

    Good evening, @Artemis , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. If you're just starting out, this is where the Good Stuff is ... MV Tutorials ...
  2. Dad3353

    RPG Maker MV Mini-Map Plugin

    ... and now you have me on tenterhooks, impatiently awaiting the forthcoming version, which whistles 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' while pouring your tea..! A must-have; should have been part of the first version..! ... No, seriously... Good stuff, lad; keep the innovations coming, and...
  3. Dad3353

    Hello Im Spooky

    Good evening, @Spooky Mooky , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. There's a head-start to be had if you'd care to cast a glance at our ... MV Tutorials ...
  4. Dad3353

    Hey and mabye some help

    Good evening, @DeadMan1O4, and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. If you're just starting out, this is where the Good Stuff is, as mentioned above ... MV Tutorials ... ... As to the question of changing appearance, it can be done by means of an Event...
  5. Dad3353

    Does My Computer Just Suck Or is It RPG Maker

    @iblamevictoria ... Yes, there's not much to be done to upgrade that, I'm afraid. Such a PC won't be able to move to a 64-bit os, probably, and so can't handle more memory, even if there were memory modules available. Any extra memory that the PC needs will come from 'virtual' memory on the...
  6. Dad3353

    Greetings ^~^

    You're new here, aren't you..?
  7. Dad3353

    Just A Music Guy Saying Hi

    Good evening, @DarrenCurtis, and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  8. Dad3353

    RPG Maker Contest - One Day Left

    May you rot in the deepest bowels of ... ...and 'Good Luck..!' to you too, MJ..! Let voting commence..!
  9. Dad3353

    Does My Computer Just Suck Or is It RPG Maker

    @iblamevictoria ... If you're not at least a semi-geek, I'd suggest doing very little, as more harm than good can be done with insufficient knowledge or experience. There are, however, one or two fairly safe approaches. One has to clearly distinguish between free memory and disk space. For the...
  10. Dad3353

    Does My Computer Just Suck Or is It RPG Maker

    @iblamevictoria ... The lag you describe sounds like the hard disk having to load every time. This would suggest a shortage of free memory. If your computer really is that old and under-nourished, is it worthwhile, now, adding extra memory (or is that even an option..?)..? Another cause for...
  11. Dad3353

    Greetings ^~^

    Good morning, @NekoGirl08, and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  12. Dad3353


    Good evening, @rululu , and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. You're not addressing a void, as you'll find out. In bygone times, it was considered quite normal to sit down and write a letter, often in the quiet of one's home, study or boudoir. How things...
  13. Dad3353


    @Tailson ... Nowt wrong with tall characters with MV, either. As long as the file proportions are respected, they work just fine, I find.
  14. Dad3353

    Enemys going away?

    @meechon ... The answer to these, and many pore questions you'll be asking soon, are in the Tutorials, many of which can be found here... MV Tutorials ... ... but to answer your question directly... You don't actually have the Character Event go away, simply change aspect. An NPC (Non-Plyer...
  15. Dad3353

    Needs Opion and Ideas...2

    @Ronivan ... Either or both are good; the effect is different, depending on how the Map Maker wants to portray the perspective. Personally, I'd go for the second one, and have the Wall in the fore to be through, above the Hero, so that he could appear from behind it. The first one is more true...
  16. Dad3353

    Simple Advice for making an RPG Maker Game for someone who overthinks/procrastinate

    Echoing the above, with 'Jump right in', but I'd say start a very small, simple Project, with just a couple of Maps, maybe, and not too big. Don't try to create, first go, a Game to rival Final Fantasy or such. Get used to how things work, and ask away if or when you get stuck. Don't go filling...
  17. Dad3353

    Needs Opion and Ideas...2

    Good gracious; how many more times..! YES, IT'S FINE..! A bit cruel, perhaps, but, yes, it's more than fine, it's splendid..! You know, I'd really not like to be behind you in the queue when you're out shopping choosing underpants..! Be confident..! There are few (maybe some, but few...) as...
  18. Dad3353

    "Worst RPG Maker Game Ever" Event

    I may have a go at this, after all (except that I've not got a theme on hand for the moment...). I've some interventions coming up soon, though, so don't wait up for me. If I make the deadline, fine; if not, plough on...
  19. Dad3353

    Hey there! Just passin by!

    Good afternoon, @Zesk, and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. There's a head-start to be had if you'd care to cast a glance at our ... MV Tutorials ...
  20. Dad3353

    Hi Guys

    Good evening, @funBox, and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. There's a head-start to be had if you'd care to cast a glance at our ... MV Tutorials ...