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  1. Companion Wulf


  2. Companion Wulf

    Very VERY busy. Even on days off now! 0_0

    Very VERY busy. Even on days off now! 0_0
  3. Companion Wulf

    Back to my vapid unfulfilling job tonight. Thankfully, it's only for 3 nights, so I have 4...

    Back to my vapid unfulfilling job tonight. Thankfully, it's only for 3 nights, so I have 4 nights off. That's balance!
  4. Companion Wulf

    Your Top 10 Favorite Movie!

    Agreed, it is a good movie. My favoured genres tend to be sci-fi/horror/zompocalypse so my list is a bit biased. There are SO MANY movies that deserve to be in a Top 10 List, so it was actually quite tough to make this one. LOL
  5. Companion Wulf

    @[17:@LTN Games] Thank you. I'm sure going to be kept very busy (with all of my projects) now. Haha!

    @[17:@LTN Games] Thank you. I'm sure going to be kept very busy (with all of my projects) now. Haha!
  6. Companion Wulf

    Your Top 10 Favorite Movie!

    Hmmm...This will be a tough one for me (except the top 5).
  7. Companion Wulf

    Your opinion on online ads?

    Here too, politics does NOT interest me because in the end they're all the same and I don't want that mediacratic BS shoved in my face! Haha! (This is even despite the fact that my other half is American and I'm working towards moving there. I'm just interested in HER not a pyshopath and a...
  8. Companion Wulf

    HI there!

    Hello @Terozu and welcome to the forums. "Bright rose". I like that! (smile) There are, indeed, a LOT of resources here. I'm still discovering some I've missed. I like your Yuna sprite by the way; looking forward to seeing more of your pixel artwork!
  9. Companion Wulf

    What inspires you?

    Whenever I get writer's block (which is so often I could ironically write a book on it!), I usually sit somewhere quiet or noisy. Notebook in hand. And jot down observations. Anything of interest: events, snippets of conversation, even things that appear odd or out of place. When I get home, I...
  10. Companion Wulf

    Help with resources not 'showing up'?

    You could try deleting your images while RMMV is closed, then copy and paste them directly into the project folder or re-import them using the Resource Manager. If it still fails, this is apparently a "known" issue with only some resources not showing up and not others.
  11. Companion Wulf

    Needs Opion and Ideas...2

    Haha! Graphics in general are NOT my thing at all! But I can certainly appreciate it when others are graphically competent or when they achieve some of the effects they desire. I've done some experimenting with parallaxes, but have yet to master that "creepy vibe" I'm going for in parts of...
  12. Companion Wulf

    List Custom Weather Effect in "Set Weather Effect" Window

    You won't be able to, as those are defaults in-built into the program itself. Instead you'll have to call it from the map you want to use the effect. Firstly, be sure to always alias where you can (even when experimenting). So the _createBitmap method can be aliased. var...
  13. Companion Wulf

    Needs Opion and Ideas...2

    Really good! I too like your style. I'll be watching (in the background) for the finished product. (smile)
  14. Companion Wulf

    What series do you watch / like ?

    That's on my watch list. I'm finishing off watching The Last Ship, Young & Hungry, Supernatural and UnReal first. Looks like I have a good Vikings binge watch ahead of me. (wink)
  15. Companion Wulf

    Social Media Buttons Plugin

    Companion Wulf updated Social Media Buttons/In-Game Website Plugin with a new update entry: Google+ Support Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. Companion Wulf

    RPG Maker Social Media Buttons Plugin - Google+ Support

    The plugin now has Google+ support. Another minor update: The buttons dynamically position depending on which are toggled on or off.
  17. Companion Wulf

    I will be updating current plugins, deleting some, and creating/releasing some more over the...

    I will be updating current plugins, deleting some, and creating/releasing some more over the next few weeks (days off). Way busy!!
  18. Companion Wulf

    Theory & Tips for Great Dialogue

    Some very sound insight indeed. Useful for non-writers and writers (even if to serve as a reminder for those fluent with prose). Thanks for sharing this. (smile) As a writer, dialogue isn't really my forte, but I'm constantly listening to other people's everyday speech for ideas. That's the best...
  19. Companion Wulf

    I will. Can't give details yet (except screenshots and movies). Full review (probably...

    I will. Can't give details yet (except screenshots and movies). Full review (probably multi-part) plus videos and tutorials when it's officially released. :) Making a sample game atm!
  20. Companion Wulf

    Will be doing a lot of this beta-testing this next month, so won't be as active, but will still...

    Will be doing a lot of this beta-testing this next month, so won't be as active, but will still be around.