Indie Dev

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Your Top 10 Favorite Movie!


Tell me what's your Top 10 Favorite movie! (or trilogy), (devilish) I might check them out!

Alright I will go first
1. Star Wars
2. Indiana Jones
3. Wolf Children
4. Sprited Away
5. Django Unchained
6. Lord of the rings
7. The Dark Knight
8. The Raid
9. Ponyo
10. Grave of the fireflies


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Ok hmm lets see :D
1. Across the Universe
2. The Pianist
3. Les Choristes
4. Axis Powers Hetalia: Paint It White!
5. Little Red Riding Hood
6. Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amelie Poulain
7. The Man From UNCLE
8. Les Intouchables
9. All da James Bond movies
10. Remember Me
Hmmm...This will be a tough one for me (except the top 5).

1. Labyrinth
2. Dark Crystal
3. The Lord of the Rings (trilogy)
4. 2001: A Space Odyssey
5. Bladerunner
6. District 9
7. All of Stephen King's earlier movies (Firestarter, It, The Shining)
8. Pan's Labyrinth
9. Never Ending Story (1 and 3).
10. Shaun of the Dead


Praised Adventurer
Hmm...interesting thing to think about. I probably couldn't put them in any order, but mine would be something like this.

Lord of the Rings (1978 animated)
Return of the King (1980 animated)
The Beastmaster
Heavy Metal (not 2000. Never 2000)
Conan the Barbarian (Schwarzenegger, not Momoa)
Conan the Destroyer
Secret of NIMH
The Last Unicorn

There are others that I struggled to fit in, but 10 isn't a lot so they didn't make the cut.

2. The Pianist
You know, you're probably the only other person I know who has even seen this movie, which is sad because of how fantastic it is.


Towns Guard
Well, that's not so easy...especially considering it's SO tough to compare different genres.

Harry Potter
Star Wars
Lord of the Rings (+Hobbit)
Indiana Jones
Star Trek (New Trilogy)
Mulan (I needed a Disney movie in this list, though it's nigh impossible choosing one for me)
Princess Mononoke (like disney above, this could also be another Studio Ghibli movie)
Inside Out