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  1. Companion Wulf

    Social Media Buttons Plugin

    Paypal is my preferred method, as it's quick and easy. We may be able to arrange something else if it's not convenient (to be honest, I've never looked into alternative payment methods). I'll implement something on the blog tomorrow after talking with my other half about it.
  2. Companion Wulf

    RPGM MV Font help?

    You can use Window_Base to set most of the font settings, such as outlineColor, outlineWidth, etc., which will then apply to all drawn content in windows. It relies on the Bitmap class, which you can alias for more global effects, thus (as an example): var _alias_Bitmap_init =...
  3. Companion Wulf

    Social Media Buttons Plugin

    Yes, but this has been something that's bounced around for quite some time. It was initially going to be a few dollars, but my other half suggested donations, based on "worth", with a minimum $1. Anything above that would be bonus (most of that will go towards my hosting costs anyway). So we'll...
  4. Companion Wulf

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Totally!! Even Skyrim and Runescape run smoothly on Ultra settings! It helps with my video tutorials too. Definitely keeping it! As long as Microsoft keeps itself out of places it shouldn't (I have software for that!). ;)
  5. Companion Wulf

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I decided to try Windows 10, right? (Something I said I wouldn't do, but I did any way, especially after learning how to disable the "Everything you do we'll log and keep and..." thing from MS!) Anyway, to my surprise the graphics render MUCH faster than Windows 7 did. That may have something to...
  6. Companion Wulf

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    While I've not really focused too much on Otherworld (or Gaia's Dream) that much today, I did create another Events Tutorial video - uploaded tomorrow because editing it took way longer than previous videos did. Also, added a few more functions to my Extra Message Codes plugin (such as party...
  7. Companion Wulf

    How to change by script the Currency Unit, please..?

    The code I'd posted originally was from my NON working version. And now I can't find my working copy! But the main thing is you found a resolution. And so did I (found the working one). :)
  8. Companion Wulf

    How to change by script the Currency Unit, please..?

    I'd forgotten about that one. Good one at that! This has made me discover a fundamental bug in Otherworld's system with this.
  9. Companion Wulf

    How to change by script the Currency Unit, please..?

    TextManager sets the currency unit based on whatever text you've set for it in the Database. (I started doing this in Otherworld.) EDIT: Code was working, now it's not (removed for now). Use /G for the default gold display. Use /CC[0] for the default also, but /CC[1] (or greater) to display...
  10. Companion Wulf

    Help javascript beginner

    This works for me: It's common form to use Window_ first, although it's still a matter of preference. Plus, it's easier to identify.
  11. Companion Wulf

    Social Media Buttons Plugin

    Companion Wulf updated Social Media Buttons/In-Game Website Plugin with a new update entry: More Twitter Options (Screen Name, User ID or Follow) Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. Companion Wulf

    RPG Maker Social Media Buttons Plugin - More Twitter Options (Screen Name, User ID or Follow)

    Added more Twitter options: Screen Name and User ID. These will go to the corresponding Twitter account. I also added a Follow option for Twitter, enabling players to follow your Twitter account directly from within RMMV. There's also no need to type the full URL for Facebook, just the page...
  13. Companion Wulf

    Tips and tricks?

    Hi, @Professor VX and welcome to the forums. Best advice is to look around the forum. However, if you have ANY questions about MV, this forum has a real friendly "vibe", so whatever you'd like to ask or learn, we're all willing (and able) to help. Whatever that may be!
  14. Companion Wulf

    Need Help in Scipting - Deleting some space on Save/Load Screen

    Glad I could help some. Thinking of doing a plugin for this; I have to do one for Otherworld anyway. :)
  15. Companion Wulf

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Ironically, I've had all this time off - since Thursday - but don't feel like I've accomplished much (although I actually have). My 2-week vacation officially starts today! I finally finished Otherworld's character selection screen, but haven't implemented any "OK processes" yet, as I don't have...
  16. Companion Wulf

    Need Help in Scipting - Deleting some space on Save/Load Screen

    This is what draws the File1, File2, etc. so you can remark this out (as I've done with the //) or have a blank function. Then change the width and height variables in the initialize function. Play around with the rect settings (notably rect.x and rect.width) until it fits your needs...
  17. Companion Wulf

    Why do I compose the most complex, most difficult, most frustrating to play melodies?! Latest is...

    Why do I compose the most complex, most difficult, most frustrating to play melodies?! Latest is so "intense"...Makes me sweat Haha!
  18. Companion Wulf

    Skills Help

    In which case, you could do one of two things: 1) Put the following in the formula instead: b.hp + (b.mhp * (x/100)) x is the percentage you want to heal. 2) Copy and paste the function into a JS text file in the plugins folder, then when you add it to the Plugin Manager, you should be able...
  19. Companion Wulf

    Skills Help

    You can use this (taken from my Functions Add-Ons plugin): Math.toPercent = function(number, percent) { return Number(parseInt(number*(percent/100))); }; You can then set hp to 25%, 50%, etc. Calculate the number using base HP/MP, and use percent for the percentage amount, then...
  20. Companion Wulf

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Today's major update for Otherworld started with the (mostly) completed Character Selection plugin. And it ended with the first draft of each character's starting maps (these aren't tied in with the plugin yet...Details! Details!) We wrote some more to the storylines too. More like synopses...