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  1. Cate

    Working on resource team stuff :)

    Working on resource team stuff :)
  2. Cate

    Official Skype Group

    Please come join us! It's a great way to make more friends and get to be more of a part of the community.
  3. Cate

    AMA -- Cate

    Hey guys! As I have gotten more and more entrenched in this community, I thought that it might be a good time to let you guys... ask me anything. I just ask that everything in this thread stay respectful :) I'm generally an open book, but everyone has those pages they want stuck together.
  4. Cate

    hello im comicler

    Hey @comicler! Welcome to the forums, and best of luck with your project :)
  5. Cate


    Hey Morpork! I think it's so cool that you're making a game for your son. Good luck with that! Is the game about him? Welcome to the forums!
  6. Cate

    Hello all! #IPSF

    Hey Swordfile! I haven't done anything educational with my games, but I think it's really cool that you're able to use RPG Maker that way! Welcome to the forum.
  7. Cate

    Here I go

    Hey Ronivan! Great to see you here. That's some really cool work that you've done.
  8. Cate

    Working on a NPC relationship system

    That would be awesome. I am debating doing a visual novel and it would help so much!
  9. Cate

    Working on a NPC relationship system

    Have you been able to keep going with this? I'm interested in utilizing this into one of my games.
  10. Cate

    Writing template idea.

    You are definitely giving a great framework for people to work with :)
  11. Cate

    Writing template idea.

    This is fantastic! I like your example of the mad scientist with bombs. Sometimes people don't realize that the backgrounds they have for their characters can generate some really unique ideas. I am working on something for the Resource Team that involves skills and such--There's such a big need...
  12. Cate

    Hi everyone! XD

    Hi @sirashton! So glad to have you here. An artist! We love artists here. We could always use more of them :)
  13. Cate

    And the fun begins.

    Hi Deezil! Glad to meetcha, and have you here. I hope that we'll get to see some of you work!
  14. Cate

    Good evening

    Hello, @Forgottensage! I hope you're doing well, and we sure are glad to have you here. Good luck with all your coding. I'm so bad at it!!! I focus on the stories.
  15. Cate

    The website told me to make this

    Hey Jer155! Welcome to the forums. Glad you sure are here ;) Hope you stick around! We'd love to see some of your work.
  16. Cate

    Hi, I'm Oracle of jamie

    Hi OracleofJamie! Glad to have you here. I really enjoy RPG Maker MV because it gives me different avenues to be creative. I am a novelist and am putting a story into a game that I would have done a novel. Unsurprisingly, it's going to be very story driven... But hopefully a ton of fun! Hope...
  17. Cate

    Nice to meet you.

    Hey, Tempest.Me! Those look great. Welcome to the forums :)
  18. Cate

    [Workshop]Plugin creation (beginner, novice, intermediary and advanced)

    Hey Eivl, this is great. I was curious--Are you thinking of charging? As far as a platform... Have you considered GoogleHangouts? I use them a lot and you don't have to do video. I *think* that if you are just doing voice you can still 'screen share,' but I will have to double check that. For a...
  19. Cate

    Greetings Friends!

    Hey Chrono Mage! So glad to have you here. Your logo looks amazing. We are coming up with more resources all the time, so I think you'll be pleased. We have a resource team that will be releasing more resources before too long--including writing resources.
  20. Cate

    Hy guys!

    Hey Joubert! I hope we get to learn more about your story soon!