Indie Dev

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Hi, I'm Oracle of jamie

Good evening, I as well have just joined recently (Today in fact), and from what I can tell of my brief membership, it is a great community. I hope you find what you are looking for.


Staff member
Hi @oracleofjamie and welcome to the forums. Glad that you have looked into the RPG Maker MV. I have had other game engines, and I love this one the best. Yes, with the basics it is simple to use...BUT there are some complexities that make it exciting. There is a large variety of skilled people here. From what you have seen, what do you like about it?


Hello and welcome to RMMV! Hope you have fun and find what you are looking for here. ^_^

I'm actually interested in trying out Unity myself. It just seems like a huge pain to try to get the resources together and so many licensing issues to worry about. If you want to make a 2DRPG though, RPG Maker is the best. ;)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Welcome aboard @oracleofjamie glad you could introduce yourself. I myself played with unity for about a month, and unless your a good programmer I would not even bother touching it, I mean yes they have scripts to download, and a lot are free, but if you want to make the game you want specifically, then I would stay away from it because you need knowledge on programming in either C#, Javascript or umm I forget the other one it uses. That's my take on it, otherwise, it's fun to play around with and make a 3-D landscape. Anyways I'm glad you could sign up and I look forward to seeing you around, cheers :D


Hi OracleofJamie! Glad to have you here. I really enjoy RPG Maker MV because it gives me different avenues to be creative. I am a novelist and am putting a story into a game that I would have done a novel. Unsurprisingly, it's going to be very story driven... But hopefully a ton of fun!

Hope you stick around.


Towns Guard
if you've got a good grasp on more advanced engines, you're going to hit some points where you're like 'wait, where is this. i just need to find this one simpe command to pull off this next step of this massive mechanic i've been working on all day' and the answer will be you can't do it with the interface and have to find some plugin as a workaround. besides that, very stable, it does what you want it to do at this point. worth invesitng time into.


Studious Dark Lord
I have been working with Unity for a while and decided to give RPG Maker MV a try. I am loving it. I am interested to know what people have to say about it.
Welcome! I hope you love it here~
Anyways~ If you need any help, just ask because we are all willing to try to answer your questions.


Dragon Goddess
Hey there, welcome aboard! I really like RPG MV since it's a great tool for beginners and pros alike - you can make a game as simple or as expansive as your knowledge allows, and there's tons of room for improvement and new ideas!