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  1. Cate


    Thanks for the welcome, you two! Xyphien, never give up on the novel! :) Don't worry about how long it is, you can always edit it later. I tend to write on the shorter side.... Always have to add more! Micro, I don't do visual novels. I wish I had the skill! Mine are standard young adult...
  2. Cate

    Collaborative Games?

    Well, Kaimen, maybe we should talk sometime, lol! DANG, Macro. That really sucks. I've done a lot of collaborative writing through RPG (kinda like forum rpg, but on communities like LJ), and I know how bad it can be when people act like that. Ugh, to be investing into a game and have that...
  3. Cate


    That's awesome! I think, in exploring the forums, I've seen you mention even more experience with the written word! I'm not quite published, but very close. I recently left my agent because she decided to focus on MG and picture books (I write YA), so once I finish my current novel I'll be...
  4. Cate

    Collaborative Games?

    Yeah, I think it would be so great to work with people who have great skills and are all excited to use them and treat each other with respect. Middle ground is so important, as is chemistry. I'm trying not to think of other game ideas that I'd want to share...
  5. Cate

    Collaborative Games?

    Well, at least you do your side of the bargain, right? :X Yeah, I can see that being a big issue, especially when it comes to artwork since it needs to be consistent, right? I think if I did a game with others, at least the first one, I'd want to just use the RPT maker (maybe with some...
  6. Cate

    Collaborative Games?

    Hey all. Still brand new to the forum (haven't seriously focused on RM for a long time), but I'm curious as to whether or not people make collaborative games on MV. I have seen some people requesting people to help with story information, graphics, etc. Are all of these things done outside of...
  7. Cate


    Thanks, everyone! This really does seem like a great community. I'm so glad to be here.
  8. Cate


    Thank you so much! I'm really excited to get back into this form of storytelling. There are a lot of similarities with your average novel, but so many unique experiences that you can create for your reader that makes them feel even more a part of the story. This might sound silly, but in some...
  9. Cate


    Hey everyone. I'm new to this forum. I loved RPG Maker back in 2000-2001, but then left the warm world of it to pursue literary writing instead of game writing. I'd toyed with coming back for a long time, but learning about the release of MV had me diving back in. I am most skilled at stories...