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  1. Cate

    Enthusiast, perfectionist, scripter and unofficial writer:

    Hey! Welcome to the forum. I bet you're going to really contribute to the forums.
  2. Cate

    Another dreamer

    I love your map! I'll have to follow you on twitter. I'm @caterwaulings
  3. Cate

    AMA -- Cate

    RISK or Monopoly, then. Definitely plot. I think that all other elements of the story (even great characters) cannot be compelling enough to carry a story without strong plot.
  4. Cate

    AMA -- Cate

    @Cunechan I am pretty damn nerdy when it comes to music. I tend to do playlists based on whatever novel/game I am working on. Lately I have been listening to LOTR soundtracks and Final Fantasy soundtracks... But also a whole punch of pre-WWI music (Ada Jones, Billy Murray) because I am writing...
  5. Cate

    AMA -- Cate

    My husband has one that I sometimes steal.... I've never played it. Should I?
  6. Cate

    AMA -- Cate

    Console games. I don't play a lot of games on the computer, but that's partially because I have a mac and there haven't been many of them, traditionally speaking.
  7. Cate

    AMA -- Cate

    Salty for sure. I don't go overboard with the salt, but I am not that big into sweets. I just have a bit here and again.
  8. Cate

    AMA -- Cate

    Coke for sure. I drink a lot of diet coke... I used to drink diet pepsi but then they dropped the aspartame. I probably drink too much soda, but I also just drink "too much" liquid anyway. I'm about on the cusp of dangerous >>
  9. Cate

    AMA -- Cate

  10. Cate

    AMA -- Cate

    Togapki!! Probably because I adore him in the anime. I also love Oshawott for the same reason...
  11. Cate

    AMA -- Cate

    That is such a hard question, @Amysaurus Maybe samosas? I love them :< @Black Shadow ... Definitely a business suit on a dog. I would love to put my dog in one of those!!!
  12. Cate

    New to the MV community

    Do you think you would do art that would work for a visual novel?
  13. Cate

    Celtic Design TileSet 1.0 [Deleted]

    This looks great! Way to go :)
  14. Cate

    Show your workspace!

    I love how so many of us have figurines.
  15. Cate

    Show your workspace!

    You're going down.
  16. Cate

    Show your workspace!

    What if I sniffle and bat my lashes?
  17. Cate

    Show your workspace!

    That is quite crowded. LOVE the pillows. And mug. Gimme the mug, @DarcHiro
  18. Cate

    Show your workspace!

    We've shared desktops, but why don't we share the place where we're often working from? I used to have an office, but since my husband and I are going to have foster children soon I (happily) gave that up for a nursery! Instead, we found a way to fit a desk in the master bedroom. I work here...
  19. Cate

    Official Skype Group

    Okay, I'm going to jump back in. No one in this community wants to be babysat or feel that someone thinks they are babysitting them, especially by someone who finds it difficult to keep from patronizing people or calling them 'dums.' You wouldn't like it if people tried to do that to you. In...
  20. Cate

    Working on a NPC relationship system

    I am sure you will get it right. Don't feel the need to rush (cute)