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  1. Xilefian

    Event repeated after entering the same room

    Building on what JanSnow says, you can use self-switches to add treasure chests for items that stay empty once you grab the item and leave the map or permanently unlock a door with a key item without using up a global switch. The additional self-switches could then be used to make the door...
  2. Xilefian

    Event repeated after entering the same room

    Erase event will remove it from the map, but it will not erase it from the game, so when you leave and re-enter the game will reload the map as normal and see that the event should be there and place it back. It's the same reason why events don't remember their move-routes after you've moved...
  3. Xilefian

    Decisions decisions

    I don't think the poll will help you on this one as there really are pros and cons (ignore whatever your poll results say because its not even a subjective issue, it's situational). The reason RPG Maker moved away from side-view battles from 2k3 to XP is because it reduces how much graphics...
  4. Xilefian

    WebGL BufferData Error fix

    This fix is no-longer required for the latest version of MV (currently 1.3.4). If you are unable to update your project away from 1.3.0 (So if your project is older than September 2016 and has Plugins incompatible with versions above 1.3.0), then just save this plugin to your Plugins folder and...
  5. Xilefian

    Online PVP/Party Tutorial

    If you want an example of an MV project with multiplayer online, there's one in development here; There's many ways you'd go about doing this, but you will need to write your own Javascript Plugins and you'll need to be very comfortable with web technologies. Afar uses a mix of...
  6. Xilefian

    Opinions on background

    This is a rather cliché scenario, nothing wrong with that. It's usually better to come up with small scenarios and events and link them together by justifying the circumstances using the world design - when writing stories for games. By starting with the world and not the player's story you...
  7. Xilefian

    Event Touch Trigger

    Xilefian updated Event Touch Trigger with a new update entry: Added support for multiple events with the same name Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. Xilefian

    RPG Maker Event Touch Trigger - Added support for multiple events with the same name

    By request from Kaza, I've updated this Plugin so multiple events with the same name can now be used as touch sources, as opposed to the first event found with the name. Version is 2.2 What does this mean? You can have multiple events called "FIRE_BALL" and have them all interact with multiple...
  9. Xilefian


    I've actually got plans to write a 3D engine Plugin for MV, which would include these kinds of Filters (and be much easier to use and create your own Filters). Right now, my studio is very busy with creating a commercial game so I have no time to play with RPG Maker MV, so it's going to be...
  10. Xilefian

    Halloween Contest Voting!

    I don't think entrants should be updating their games after the deadline, it doesn't seem fair to fix problems/make your game easier after the fact when other entrants aren't doing the same.
  11. Xilefian

    Halloween Contest Voting!

    I absolutely love Firebase. I've always wanted to see an MV project that uses it, and yours does, very awesome. Are you going to investigate integrating Firebase into MV itself? I've always dreamed about an online MV project that uses Firebase authentication, database and file hosting. You may...
  12. Xilefian

    Halloween Contest Voting!

    In professional games the writing for everything, including user-interface, is separate from the editor, which goes against how MV works. I find that having it separate helps with grammatical mistakes massively. As an example, my game's account creation system has all its guides and message...
  13. Xilefian

    Halloween Contest Voting!

    Proof reading isn't actually too difficult, I think if you were to post your dialogue script to classifieds someone can help explain what the correct grammar should be. I'd say 99% of RPG Maker games have grammatical errors, so don't feel like you're the only one, even native English speakers...
  14. Xilefian


    If re-ordering the Plugins does not work, then I'm afraid they aren't currently compatible. As this Plugin is no longer in development, it won't be made compatible.
  15. Xilefian


    Yes. Beware, this Plugin hasn't been updated for the latest version of MV so it may not work. It needs updating, I just don't have the time.
  16. Xilefian

    I Got A Plan And I Need Your Help (Two-Way Story)

    Here's the release blog post, which has a mirror that is officially endorsed (and still working, I'm happy to say). The complete edition that's in the mirror there has both Act I+ and Act II+ contained. Again, I also recommend Final Fantasy X as they did the journey towards a sacrifice angle...
  17. Xilefian

    I Got A Plan And I Need Your Help (Two-Way Story)

    Without sounding rude, looks like you have an idea for a story rather than a game. With story development the apparent most workable method seen so far is to come up with the beginning and the end first and figuring out what the player does and what events happen during these sequences, then do...
  18. Xilefian

    That doesn't mean use fully custom graphics and hide the RTP and remove all default audio and...

    That doesn't mean use fully custom graphics and hide the RTP and remove all default audio and scripts, but some effort in these areas to lift the game and separate it from the billion other RPG Maker games will help the market perception massively.
  19. Xilefian

    As much as gamers want to believe it, story is not that important and won't carry a game that...

    As much as gamers want to believe it, story is not that important and won't carry a game that doesn't hold high production values elsewhere, so it's not good enough that the default-everything game has a great story, it needs to show effort and passion in other aspects of its production.