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Event Touch Trigger 2.2

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Global Moderator
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Resource Team
Awesome!!! Nicely implemented. (wink) Working great so far! (jolly)(icecream)
Thanks for finding a better way to do this. (cool)(thumbsup)


Global Moderator
Staff member
Resource Team
I was going to ask you; do you think you could you remake your demo map with this Plugin? Or does your version do anything different?
Sure thing! I've made a whole new demo for yours. (glad)
Uploaded here: Click to View

Only thing mine really does that is much different besides for being limited in functionality (lol) is I used common events which has pros & cons.

Again, great work on this plugin!

Oh I meant to ask... is "touch_event" a typo in the screenshot? ...or did I miss understand this entirely. (lol, totally possible) (jolly)


Sure thing! I've made a whole new demo for yours. (glad)
Uploaded here: Click to View

Only thing mine really does that is much different besides for being limited in functionality (lol) is I used common events which has pros & cons.

Again, great work on this plugin!

Oh I meant to ask... is "touch_event" a typo in the screenshot? ...or did I miss understand this entirely. (lol, totally possible) (jolly)
Yes it is a typo, I was messing around with the settings at the time when making my test version.

I decided to avoid a dependency on common events as you can call common events from regular events.


Xilefian updated Event Touch Trigger with a new update entry:

Turn Toward boolean parameter

This update adds a parameter for defining a default turn-toward behaviour for triggering events.

This mimics the way that events turn toward the player by default with player-touch/event-touch.

If you set this value to false (or clear it) then you will have to implement the turn-toward within the event page, which means knowing what event triggered the touch - something that isn't possible at the moment.

My plan for the next version is to write the triggering event's variable into a...
Read the rest of this update entry...


I've been trying to work with this script, but it has an issue I can't figure out. My event (below) has another event which is set to move into it with Galv's Move Rout Extra plugin. The campzombieA switch just turns the other event off. In this form, the event works. However, if I move the animation before the switch, the animation plays without stopping and the game freezes. This is also true for other events such as text. It repeats forever and never breaks out of the loop.

Is there something I'm missing?

Hello! I hope I am not just overlooking something simple, but is there a way to make it so when an event bumps another event, one set of conditions will run, but if the player bumps the event, it will run another set of conditions? I need to different effects depending on who collides with the event. Thanks for the awesome script!


Hello! I hope I am not just overlooking something simple, but is there a way to make it so when an event bumps another event, one set of conditions will run, but if the player bumps the event, it will run another set of conditions? I need to different effects depending on who collides with the event. Thanks for the awesome script!
Yes, it's very simple you just have to make the event call a different page for event-touch and then keep the regular logic for player-touch trigger.

So on page 1 make your event touch logic, then on page 2 make your player touch logic and set the Event Touch comment to call page 1.


Xilefian updated Event Touch Trigger with a new update entry:

Added support for multiple events with the same name

By request from Kaza, I've updated this Plugin so multiple events with the same name can now be used as touch sources, as opposed to the first event found with the name.

Version is 2.2

What does this mean? You can have multiple events called "FIRE_BALL" and have them all interact with multiple events called "PILE_OF_WOOD" without having to type in hundreds of event ID numbers.
Read the rest of this update entry...


Hi, great plugin idea! Even though I put in { "source" : "Fireball" } it is still triggered by other events not named Fireball. Also, it seems to not want to recognize events pulled from other maps using the Orange Custom Events plugin, as described. All of the events have the "event_touch" note. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?



If the bugs disappear when you disable Orange Custom Events, then there's your answer. Try re-ordering the Plugin too (so Event Touch Trigger is after Orange Custom Events).

Event Touch Trigger will always call the base methods of what it overrides, so it should be compatible with any Plugin that calls the base methods of what it overrides, otherwise make sure Event Touch Trigger is loaded last so it can handle Plugins that do not call the base methods.

I'm not going to play chase to Orange Custom Events, I see that Plugin has since been updated after I last patched my Plugin to be compatible. This Plugin is no longer in active development, so you may need to find another solution or a programmer who can fix the problem for you.


Hi, this is a really cool plugin! Surprised it's the only one I can find like this as event touch events I think is really useful. I can get this to work in vanilla but for some reason it's not working with Quasi's QMovement plugin.

Is this a known problem, or any ideas why it's not compatible? Is it something to do with the way QMovement handles x y coordinates?

Any help greatly appreciated!


Hi, this is a really cool plugin! Surprised it's the only one I can find like this as event touch events I think is really useful. I can get this to work in vanilla but for some reason it's not working with Quasi's QMovement plugin.

Is this a known problem, or any ideas why it's not compatible? Is it something to do with the way QMovement handles x y coordinates?

Any help greatly appreciated!
This Plugin is no longer in active development, so you may need to find another solution or a programmer who can fix the problem for you.

There's a lot of variables and I spent a lot of time getting it to work with Orange Custom Events, only to have it break when OCE updated at a later date. I'm not going to make it work for Quasi's Movement Plugin.

I am very familiar with that Plugin and how it works, but I don't want to start playing catch up with yet another Plugin each time that updates and breaks compatibility.

I may re-visit Event Touch Trigger in the future and re-write it with compatibility for other Plugins, such as my own Movement Plugin, but there's no promises on that at all as there's a handful of other projects that I have in the pipeline already.

If someone's willing to fund the development of an Event Touch Trigger re-write then I can re-budget and make it a high priority, but unless that happens this Plugin won't be in active development.