Thanks Dad3353 for making your entry playable in the web browser - it's much easier to play and review MV games that are deployed to a webpage.
Thanks MinisterJay for deploying a Mac version of their MV project - if you've not deployed to a website then you should always deploy MV as both a Mac and Windows version as there's zero reason not to.
Halloween Board Game by Dad3353
Pretty much a random number generator demo. Despite the numbers being random, I had all players roll 7 twice in a row and they all gained 6 candies in the same round. Some additional logic to make the numbers feel more random would have been great.
Skelee's Halloween Adventure by MinisterJay
I laughed for a good 2 minutes at "Stempleton". Apologies to anyone who has that name in reality. I think the narration could have been better without the windowskin, displayed in the middle of the screen, to set it apart from the spoken dialogue.
Game is pretty much run around mashing the interaction button. I suggest everyone turns on auto-dash. Skelee is a wimp, only managed to take down 2 enemies. There's no reason not to use the attack option.
The human characters gathered up at the lower left and lower right of the map for me, so I beat the game by accident it felt like.
Clown Ghetto by Minakill
The grammar is its own horror story.
There was strange, jerkiness to the character following at the very start. Gameplay is basically run away from the nemisis. I loved the clown stabbing animation and the lighting is okay. Not being able to go into the doors was frustrating.
"Why would I want to go in there?" - I don't know, maybe because there's a killer clown chasing you?
I don't think I ever found the lighter.
Hallo by JoePie
I loved the artwork and the animation. Really good job. The writing isn't so great
I think I broke the game as my character disappeared after some events looped a few times. The traffic-cone pyramid head guy killed me every time, I couldn't guard in any direction.
I thought the event loops were intentional, I find horror stories that loop very scary, but this looks like a bug rather than intentional.
Couldn't reach any kind of ending, sorry.
Missing by Ike
Grammar mistakes. Custom artwork is appreciated, but it looked incredibly flat.
A long time ago I made a horror/puzzle RPG Maker game set in an abandoned hotel, the biggest complaint I got was the slow movement of the character, I think this character feels slow-moving too. If you want to have slow-paced horror, you can achieve it with additional animation. So rather than have the main character walk slowly, have them turn around or make a movement like turning their head.
Was sort of a creepy-pasta style story. I'd say the police officer's questions were unrealistic, but I literally had a police officer ask me questions about a missing person in real life and they were just as useless as this game's police officer. More details in the story were needed, but I think you were being thoughtful about how much reading is involved for the player which is why the interaction was rather bare.
Ouija by Nite Umbrium
The title screen reminds me of genitals. The characters didn't really have a very smooth introduction, which made their names feel rather generic. Found an impassable blank tile error.
The Ouija made a spelling mistake, which actually helps it feel authentic, however I think some animation would have improved the Ouija sequences. The sound effect of the sliding cup was good, but felt lengthy. I think some fading in-out letters of the alphabet would have been good and simple enough to implement.
Also, Rowan is traditionally a boys name - so it was a little weird having a girl character be called Rowan.
Not sure the maze towards the finale was neccessary. I could change my player character's direction during the finale too.
The use of audio was good.
Geode by Orange Jones
Ringing sound, yet the text says <bzzt>? Probably didn't need that text there. Appreciate the custom artwork.
The atmosphere is actually pretty tense, but the dialogue had me bursting out with laughter a little too much.
The dialogue directed the player very well, and having them walk past the labelled rooms to let them see where they are before the player needed to find them helped a lot. Felt like some good thought was put into helping the player navigate - hopefully this was intentional and not an accident. The character portraits were great too.
Alien sounds nearly broke my speakers. Also, their heads look rather phallic.
I actually really liked the setting.
Felt like some good effort was put into the areas that the developer felt they could do best within the time limit.
Servers operate on a need-to-code basis? Those must be some very unreliable servers...