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  1. Xilefian

    The Sony Playstation server configuration is probably the worst in-production setup I've seen in...

    The Sony Playstation server configuration is probably the worst in-production setup I've seen in a large-scale 24/7 use. It's an absolute miracle that it works (and when it doesn't work, it's entirely expected).
  2. Xilefian


    The only reason not to deploy to Mac as well as Windows is because you don't want to archive and upload a second copy of your game to your host. I do not believe that's a very good reason. So if you're deploying to Windows, deploy to Mac as well, it's another desktop platform and it makes you...
  3. Xilefian

    @[17:@LTN Games] I use git, so additions and subtracts are all tracked and I have some other...

    @[17:@LTN Games] I use git, so additions and subtracts are all tracked and I have some other services set up tracking other things (server side stuff). Where I'm at right now with running a games company seems to be where everyone wants to end up, but the reality is I didn't have much choice...
  4. Xilefian

    This week for me it's 3,214 lines added and 4,539 deleted (a lot of refactoring is happening at...

    This week for me it's 3,214 lines added and 4,539 deleted (a lot of refactoring is happening at the moment) EDIT: those numbers do not include server-side work
  5. Xilefian

    Zelda/Link sprites

    This is rather off-topic to this thread, but it doesn't matter if you're selling the game or giving it away for free, as soon as it leaves the realm of private creation (it's no longer just on your hard-drive) it will be breaking copyright. There's many, many free (zero profit, including...
  6. Xilefian

    Still on the fence about writing a 3D map Plugin. Right now I have a spinning cube in MV, but...

    Still on the fence about writing a 3D map Plugin. Right now I have a spinning cube in MV, but the hard part is drawing the tilemap.
  7. Xilefian

    Plugins I want to work on (but don't have the time)

    This thread is for a bit of insight to my ideas and how I'd tackle them. There's a good chance I'll never make any of these as I barely have any free time at all (I pretty much spend 80% of my time working on my studio's first commercial game and 20% of my time running a game studio - I also...
  8. Xilefian

    WebGL BufferData Error fix

    Xilefian submitted a new resource: WebGL BufferData Error fix - Fixes "WebGL: INVALID_VALUE: bufferData: size == 0" console log error Read more about this resource...
  9. Xilefian

    RPG Maker WebGL BufferData Error fix 1.0

    THIS PLUGIN IS NOT REQUIRED FOR RPG MAKER MV PROJECTS VERSIONS ABOVE 1.3.0 (11th August 2016 onwards) Fixes the error as described by Companion Wolf here. This will override the WebGL core method for buffer uploads. Will not affect canvas rendering in any way. Very minimal, so performance...
  10. Xilefian

    WebGL BufferData Error

    The problem isn't the context being lost, otherwise that would have been notified in the console. It looks like a very simple fix so I'll write it myself now. EDIT: Spent most of my time tracking down the object structure. You can't simply override the original prototype (some bizarre...
  11. Xilefian

    WebGL BufferData Error

    What it means; glBufferData allocates (and can also upload) memory to your GPU, it requires the size argument to be greater than zero otherwise it will give you this error (if I ask you to give me zero apples and I hold my hand out expecting apples, how many do you give me? The answer is...
  12. Xilefian

    Mode 7 - Javascript optimisation story

    If you like moe then you'll absolutely love the project I'm working on at the moment. It's a real time RPG where you get a moe girl who goes on cute little adventures.
  13. Xilefian

    Mode 7 - Javascript optimisation story

    Mode 7 in MV can be done perfectly fine in WebGL, so if you're on a desktop or you know your players will have WebGL enabled on their mobile devices then you're fine. That would certainly support animations and MV maps as well as other advanced 3D features. I may do a WebGL version in the...
  14. Xilefian

    Mode 7 - Javascript optimisation story

    The other day I decided to spend an hour writing a quick Mode 7 plugin, just to test the possibility. Usually I'd do this kind of thing in hardware via WebGL, but to keep compatibility high this time I opted to use the slower, software rendered canvas features of HTML5. Immediately, there were...
  15. Xilefian

    RPG Maker MV Mini-Map Plugin

    Specific areas would be cleared by painting a rectangle with the "transparent" colour. If you're drawing directly to the mini-map, you can just reuse the code that selects the colour from the region map and redraw that. As for checking if the player has moved, you can overload...
  16. Xilefian

    RPG Maker MV Mini-Map Plugin

    Excellent for a first plugin. I'm not sure about using the regions for defining the mini-map. Some games probably already use regions for other features, so that could be a deal-breaker. If you are going to use regions, I think I'd have made it so you need to enable which regions you want to...
  17. Xilefian

    Event Touch Trigger

    Yes, it's very simple you just have to make the event call a different page for event-touch and then keep the regular logic for player-touch trigger. So on page 1 make your event touch logic, then on page 2 make your player touch logic and set the Event Touch comment to call page 1.
  18. Xilefian

    Understanding Event Pages

    If you look at the containers of the code it will tell you that this is Javascript. This is actual code from vanilla RPG Maker MV condensed down (to avoid copyright and reduce how big it is in the post here). It's the code relevant to how Event Pages work in the editor.
  19. Xilefian

    Event Touch Trigger

    Xilefian updated Event Touch Trigger with a new update entry: Orange Custom Events compatibility Read the rest of this update entry...
  20. Xilefian

    RPG Maker Event Touch Trigger - Orange Custom Events compatibility

    This update adds compatibility with Orange Custom Events; So now you can do things like spawn multiple projectile events that can hit other events and trigger actions such as killing them. Perfect for an event-based ATB.