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  1. CynicSyndrome

    can you check if a tile contains an event with a conditional scriptcall using either tile xy or screen xy?

    SOLVED! ◆If:Script:$gameMap.eventIdXy(x, y) !== 0 ◆Text:None, Window, Bottom :Text:event found ◆ :End
  2. CynicSyndrome

    can you check if a tile contains an event with a conditional scriptcall using either tile xy or screen xy?

    can you check if a tile contains an event with a conditional script call using either tile xy or screen xy? I cannot seem to find the right script for this, also I am wondering how to call for the value of map weather.
  3. CynicSyndrome

    Check for keyboard input.

    Thank you, I was able to write my own key mapping plugin that is working now. I was not able to change "shift" into "run" but i think I understand why.
  4. CynicSyndrome

    Check for keyboard input.

    Can you check for keyboard input with a script but no plugin? if "key" is pressed stuff {else} different stuff
  5. CynicSyndrome

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Today I added toilets to my game.... I sh!t you not... sinks and urinals also, all equipped with motion effects and sound effects. its hilarious! last night I finished my jump/dashing jump function and much of the same workings will power my portal gun mechanics. Oh and I use scripts but never...
  6. CynicSyndrome

    Need Help With Passability Check

    thank you Xilefian. you are the second person to point me towards $gameMap.roundXWithDirection/$gameMap.roundYWithDirection so I am definitely looking into this. I have come a long way but much of this is still hieroglyphics to me, and I have not written any plugins yet. I am attempting to reach...
  7. CynicSyndrome

    Enemy drop items...

    So i originally wanted to handle this in the victory aspect of each enemy event but i don't think this solution will do it for random encounters as they don't have a standard event process. am i right?
  8. CynicSyndrome

    Enemy drop items...

    Thanks very much. i had suspected a parallel process was the only solution for this. which is trouble for me because of the size of the game I'm building. If i had one process to govern all limitations on only single item size, inventory size, and wallet size, the lag would be quite long. this...
  9. CynicSyndrome

    Enemy drop items...

    I am currently limiting the player's ability to pickup items based on 4 variables, an inventory size, # of items in inventory, open inventory space, and single item carry max. also gold is limited in the exact same way. is it possible to prevent the pickup of enemy drop items and gold using a...
  10. CynicSyndrome

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Today I increased the maximum amount of item storage boxes in my item storage system from 100 to 150, and reduced the amount of variables dedicated to each box of item storage from 3 to 2, I also updated ALL my scripts to the new format and finished playtesting and debugging the whole thing.
  11. CynicSyndrome

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    So I've been back to RMMV for a few days now, having lost pretty much 2 years worth of work (on my free time) due to a laptop crash and faulty backup. I'm glad to say that though my custom carry limitation/item storage system was lost, it is now better than ever. In addition to the expandable...
  12. CynicSyndrome

    Need Help. How do you bind a rotating picture to the map?

    oh I'm sorry I haven't really had much fee time to try and implement this solution into my project. it seems solid enough, and I think the slight lag might actually have a cool effect on what I have in mind. its basically the same thing I already tried but your script is a little different...
  13. CynicSyndrome

    Need Help. How do you bind a rotating picture to the map?

    I love this! Thank you!! I'm gonna try it out with the 1 frame lag and see how it looks.
  14. CynicSyndrome

    Need Help. How do you bind a rotating picture to the map?

    Let me rephrase: I an not currently using a single plugin for my project. I am trying to keep it that way. I got the picture to appear where on the map at the coordinates I want, and rotating correctly, but when the player walks to far or too close the picture moves with the player because the...
  15. CynicSyndrome

    Need Help. How do you bind a rotating picture to the map?

    I know how to show a picture, and I know how to rotate a picture, but how do you bind the rotating picture to the map?
  16. CynicSyndrome

    impressive Amy. are you usually online with steam? most of my time spent on MV is offline. my...

    impressive Amy. are you usually online with steam? most of my time spent on MV is offline. my mobile data is pretty limited and my laptop gobbles it up.
  17. CynicSyndrome

    Thank you, everyone who has helped me learn this much, and come this far.

    Thank you, everyone who has helped me learn this much, and come this far.
  18. CynicSyndrome

    As of today 557 total hours on MV according to Steam. Of course that's just online. Probably...

    As of today 557 total hours on MV according to Steam. Of course that's just online. Probably have more than that offline.
  19. CynicSyndrome

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Made another breakthrough today with help from advice on several RM sites. as of today 557 total hours on MV according to Steam. Of course that's just online. Probably have more than that offline.
  20. CynicSyndrome

    Need Help With Passability Check

    who can help me with this? My goal is a system of checking a tile at $gameVariables.value(x) and $gameVariables.value(y) coordinates, that the player is NOT STANDING NEXT TO, and determine which directions that tile can be entered from and exited from. Seems like no matter what I do I get...