thank you Xilefian. you are the second person to point me towards $gameMap.roundXWithDirection/$gameMap.roundYWithDirection so I am definitely looking into this. I have come a long way but much of this is still hieroglyphics to me, and I have not written any plugins yet. I am attempting to reach my goal using an event or events with short scripts and conditional scripts. I may be wrong, but its been my experience that a plugin is only necessary when trying to change what MV does by default in favor of something else. I have achieved quite a lot in my project using zero plugins and I am hoping not to have to start now.
[doublepost=1494185820,1494042238][/doublepost]I am trying to check each tile, one direction at a time. I'm no longer getting the error but the conditional returns false no matter what the coordinates. do you see anything wrong with this?
◆If:Script:$gameMap.isPassable($gameVariables.value(18), $gameVariables.value(19), 2)
◆Text:None, Window, Bottom
:Text:Tile at x=\V[18], y=\V[19] can be exited downward
[doublepost=1548839657][/doublepost]SUCCESS! A combination of $gameMap.isPassable( x, y, d); AND $gamePlayer.canPass( x, y, d);
This FINALLY got me what I needed.