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  1. CynicSyndrome

    The Magical Vending Machine

    *money comes out* *sticks George Lucas in there with Hillary* -wait which Mario did you land in?-
  2. CynicSyndrome

    The Magical Vending Machine

    *You get sucked into the vending machine and transported to the Mushroom Kingdom where you have to battle King Koopa to rescue your princess.* *sticks Hillary Clinton in the vending machine* *hopes she will stay there*
  3. CynicSyndrome

    Plugin Request: Move Character to (x,y) or Event (x)

    I'm sure this a newb question. can you not do this with an event? is the plugin just needed to make it easier or faster?
  4. CynicSyndrome

    Hi everyone.

    I appreciate the offer. I'm definitely in love with MV. I tend to figure things out for myself, but that usually leads to more questions. I've started a few threads here already. Between this site and youtube my few questions get answered pretty quickly.
  5. CynicSyndrome

    What do you like most about horror games?

    Must have epic creepy BGM/SE. Must have nut-wrenching surprise attacks and chase scenes. Must be better written than B horror movie.
  6. CynicSyndrome

    Question about how things can work out with choices.

    going back to what you were saying about the player keeping his job and the game being a drama, or quitting and the game is suddenly an adventure. I'm working on my first game now, but even I know that that's like making several games out of one game. you would need to divide your limited...
  7. CynicSyndrome

    Hi everyone.

    Well this is my first game maker of any kind. I'm picking it up pretty quickly. In a way it's good I'm not used to older versions. I don't miss any of the old features I keep hearing about.
  8. CynicSyndrome

    set movement route problem

    yep. it works great now. I created one version that could be used all the way around the ring using x and y cords, but i'm not using it because its too much editing when creating multiple rings.
  9. CynicSyndrome

    set movement route problem

    no. that's not what I wanted. I wanted the corner pieces to put you on a "set movement route" toward the center. in order to achieve the exact center no matter what, the route has to be different if you enter from the side or from above/below. I ended up using the characters x coordinate as a...
  10. CynicSyndrome

    Developing credit system.

    I like that idea. its' little similar to what I was saying about the inmate/boss who yields you a favor to advance your quest. the favor could be putting you in contact with the guild.
  11. CynicSyndrome

    Developing credit system.

    I'm toying with the idea of jail as a penalty to not paying eventually. it would be hilarious. there could even be other offenses that land you in jail. I love the idea that if you are sent to jail only the party leader goes to jail, and the rest continue. they can pay his/her fines and release...
  12. CynicSyndrome

    Developing credit system.

    the story is not exactly defined but is obviously modern day to have ATMs. It will have Sci-Fi elements, and fantasy elements. This will be my first game and I'm stil learning. So i'm focusing on creating detailed maps and neutral events so I can see what's possible and get some ideas on where...
  13. CynicSyndrome

    Developing credit system.

    I like your idea. What I have done so far is create an ATM event that can copied endlessly without any changes. Offering the standard six choices laid out in 1. Check Bank Balance 2. Withdraw 3. Deposit 4. Check Debt Balance 5. Borrow 6. Pay. I have placed ATMs at convenient locations never...
  14. CynicSyndrome

    Developing credit system.

    I have built a way for players to borrow money until they reach their credit limit. I'm looking for a way to penalize players who do not make payments on their loan. Any practical suggestions?
  15. CynicSyndrome

    set movement route problem

    which part has you confused? look at the picture and read it again. not to worry, I figured it out already.
  16. CynicSyndrome

    Event Script

    Thank you. This is exactly what I needed!!!!!!
  17. CynicSyndrome

    The Magical Vending Machine

    *coin slot is now jammed* *vending machine takes your picture and alerts the authorities* *vending machine plays "We wish you a merry Christmas" *
  18. CynicSyndrome

    Event Script

    Inside an event I want to take the difference between two variables and store it as a third variable. I have found no way to do this and I think that means it will fall under the "script" option. is that right? I know nothing about javascript. can anyone explain to me how I'd accomplish this?
  19. CynicSyndrome

    set movement route problem

    ok so now I have the corners working. I would still like to see any solutions to this to see which is better.
  20. CynicSyndrome

    set movement route problem

    I'm trying to use these puddles as kind of a teleport pad. when the player steps on the outer ring it should put them on a set movement route to the center. the middle pieces are easy, but the corners are where i'm stuck. I need the corners to set a different route depending on whether...