Today I completely finished debugging: 1) my Inventory limitation and upgrade system. 2) My wallet capacity limitation and upgrade system. 3)My Credit/Debt Banking/Purchase system with fully functioning ATM, with player set pin#, giving access to checking and credit account, and vendor purchases with Cash Debit or Credit. 4) My PC System. with player set password. complete with apps like: 5) My PC Item Storage System with 100 storage boxes for items (one item per box but no quantity limit on storage except the MV variable max [is there one?]), featuring Deposit Items, Withdraw Items, Check Contents, Toss Items (party and storage), Exit.
I am developing several APPs for the PC as I go, My next projects will be an Item/Weapon/Armor/Potion Salvage and Crafting System and an Achievement/Easter Egg/Game Completion/Progress monitoring/display system. I was brand new to all RPG makers before MV came out. With advice from some of you I have succeeded in using ZERO PLUGINS, not even default ones. Only fairly basic scripts were needed to accomplish this. (Much of this can be done without the scripts but you would end up wasting variables. That's not too terrible if you are planning a short game.)