Indie Dev

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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I didn't get too much time to work on things today, but I did get a chance to start remaking another sprite in the new style (cheeky)



Praised Adventurer
i will not need the side view because i need npc cloths thinking of using it for the orc npc army. didn't what the orc's to ware the same cloths as humans lol i would like to try and have them with there own culture in my game. so i will need to have them with a different look with cloth.
lol well that's the second outfit I made fitting a tribal theme and it would actually go pretty solid with your game's setup because of the rough threaded look. You should be able to just save those images and it'll work fine. Just keep in mind, those are for the kid generator, so if you're wanting them for the adult characters you'll have to modify it to work with them as well. I know you can handle that easily enough too xD so all good. But yeah, use it freely.


lol well that's the second outfit I made fitting a tribal theme and it would actually go pretty solid with your game's setup because of the rough threaded look. You should be able to just save those images and it'll work fine. Just keep in mind, those are for the kid generator, so if you're wanting them for the adult characters you'll have to modify it to work with them as well. I know you can handle that easily enough too xD so all good. But yeah, use it freely.
thanks if you get any more let me know.


Towns Guard
Today I completely finished debugging: 1) my Inventory limitation and upgrade system. 2) My wallet capacity limitation and upgrade system. 3)My Credit/Debt Banking/Purchase system with fully functioning ATM, with player set pin#, giving access to checking and credit account, and vendor purchases with Cash Debit or Credit. 4) My PC System. with player set password. complete with apps like: 5) My PC Item Storage System with 100 storage boxes for items (one item per box but no quantity limit on storage except the MV variable max [is there one?]), featuring Deposit Items, Withdraw Items, Check Contents, Toss Items (party and storage), Exit.

I am developing several APPs for the PC as I go, My next projects will be an Item/Weapon/Armor/Potion Salvage and Crafting System and an Achievement/Easter Egg/Game Completion/Progress monitoring/display system. I was brand new to all RPG makers before MV came out. With advice from some of you I have succeeded in using ZERO PLUGINS, not even default ones. Only fairly basic scripts were needed to accomplish this. (Much of this can be done without the scripts but you would end up wasting variables. That's not too terrible if you are planning a short game.)
Well today i continued working on my Project "Wanderers Quest" on which i've been working for 2 years now. I created a Demo (only in German) and sent it to a Youtuber. I also continued on the Quests after the Main Quest. I reworked my project from 815-450p to 1152-458 and yeah, that's about it :D


Towns Guard
I was brand new to all RPG makers before MV came out on steam. Today I completely finished debugging my creations: 1) my Inventory limitation and upgrade system. 2) My wallet capacity limitation and upgrade system. 3)My Credit/Debt Banking/Purchase system with fully functioning ATM, with player set pin#, giving access to checking and credit account, and vendor purchases with Cash Debit or Credit. 4) My PC System. with player set password. complete with apps like: 5) My PC Item Storage System with 100 storage boxes for items (one item per box but no quantity limit on storage except the MV variable max [is there one?]), featuring Deposit Items, Withdraw Items, Check Contents, Toss Items (party and storage), Exit. I am developing several APPs for the PC as I go, My next projects will be an Item/Weapon/Armor/Potion Salvage and Crafting System and an Achievement/Easter Egg/Game Completion/Progress monitoring/display system. Only fairly basic scripts and ZERO PLUGINS (not even default ones) were used to accomplish this..


Towns Guard

I added a bunch of small functions that manage the switch from normal to Film Noir Lighting


Towns Guard
Today I improved my elevator system, and conserved resources, by reducing the amount of variables needed from 1 per elevator in the game, to just 1 for all of them. Also by reducing the amount of switches from 1 per elevator in the game, to just 1 per type of elevator in the game.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I didn't do a ton today, but I started (finished???) a new portrait for one of my characters. I actually had sketched this one out months ago, but I never felt happy enough with it to start (cheeky)

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Towns Guard
I finished my storage safe system, with 3 part combination lock. after player removes the original contents, may store gold or up to 99 of 1 item. (currently does not include weaponry or armor.) my re-usable chests will have an identical mechanism but without the combo lock. it uses 4 variables, plus 3 dedicated variables for each safe/chest. only 2 switches and they aren't dedicated to this. I realize this will limit how many I can have in the game, which sucks ass, but I may keep some of my non-re-useable chests, possibly color code them so the player knows which can be re-used.


Staff member
Today, I started a new project called "Tunl". It is a little game about this bug/critter that is just born and is very hungry. The first goal is to go out his room, and find some food.

I am back at making super duper simple 2D maps and images. I am using "Tru 2D" again, in this one. That means only height and width are represented. It also means NO representation od depth.

Later on, I will give some screenshots, and in a few days...possibly a demo.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I've been recovering from finals for a few days, but I'm getting back into the swing of things. Last night I finished up a basic walk cycle that I can work from for each of my characters. It's a tad rough right now, but I plan on refining it later.


Towns Guard
Made another breakthrough today with help from advice on several RM sites. as of today 557 total hours on MV according to Steam. Of course that's just online. Probably have more than that offline.



Staff member
This morning I finished a few more things on my to do list. Through common events and parallax events, I limited how much food that Tun can carry. I also configured the [E] key for Tun to eat food, which he has to do a lot of.
[doublepost=1496235576,1494697160][/doublepost]To start the day, I made a forest maze for my game SKWAYR, where everything is made with squares.


Of course, I blanked out the middle to not spoil it. The recruits simply have to go from point A, on the right, to point B, on the left.


from the first look. i thought a green area is a room...

not much today. just finish my own custom SV battler sheet for study battle motion. need to fix it more once i learn how to use battle motion plug-in


Staff member
I added three new skills to "The Merchants of Everlive", GIVER, MUSER, and FISHER.

GIVER is obtainable in Real Life. When a person financially donates to the community, and gives the MINER experience to another member.

MUSER is obtainable, also in Real Life, by submitting puzzles to be used in the game.

FISHER is obtained by having your character catch fish, crustaceans, etc.

I also wrote a long story about the desert region, at the beginning of the game. This was done while waiting with my wife in the ER.