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  1. PandaMaru

    Maru's little Advent Project

    Day 3 - Fun with Gingerbread We are making gingerbread houses and snowmans out of sweets in the school of my son. That was the inspiration for this tiles. Sample with RTP (recolor) + my fir tree
  2. PandaMaru

    Maru's little Advent Project

    I am going to try to make an advent calendar filled with little gifts for every day for you. I have to be honest: I'm terrible slow and despite a lot of stress I put myself trough to prepare some stuff for this plan, I haven't got much together until now. And I have a 7 years old son, so this...
  3. PandaMaru

    Nature Autum

    PandaMaru submitted a new resource: Nature Autum - A complete set with autum trees, treehouses and bridges. Read more about this resource...
  4. PandaMaru

    RPG Maker Nature Autum

    - use only with MV licence - Please credit PandaMaru - Pm me/send me a mail if you want to use it in a commercial project - no reposting please
  5. PandaMaru

    Nature Summer

    PandaMaru submitted a new resource: Nature Summer - A complete set with trees, treehouses and bridges. Read more about this resource...
  6. PandaMaru

    RPG Maker Nature Summer

    - use only with MV licence - Please credit PandaMaru - Pm me/send me a mail if you want to use it in a commercial project - no reposting please
  7. PandaMaru

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    Have a nice start in the holiday season! I hope you are able to see forward to these days and have lot of winter/christmas-fun with those you love. :)
  8. PandaMaru

    How Long Have You Used Your Current Avatar?

    I switch my avatars with new phases of my life. I startet with "SchwarzeNacht" about 14 years ago and switched to "Wolfsmutter" in time of my pregnancy 8 years ago. How long am I sticking to PandaMaru now? Hm, about 4 years maybe? It's not the same picture, if this topic is about that, I like...
  9. PandaMaru

    Tileset Maru's MV Bits

    I totally understand that. :) one more piece - as Avery suggested a fir tree in my own style
  10. PandaMaru

    Advent Calendar

    Have anyone contribute until now? I'm busy with so many things I will need some time until I can send in my things for the calendar.
  11. PandaMaru

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    @Iron Croc I'm sorry but I don't like it too. It doesn't fit together and don't send any message. Can you please describe what the game is about and what do you want to show with the title/logo for it? Then we can give you far more advise what you can change. :)
  12. PandaMaru

    Get well soon and don't overwork yourself :)

    Get well soon and don't overwork yourself :)
  13. PandaMaru

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    Just 4 Fun - I want to check if the MV-Chars fitting into the balloon.
  14. PandaMaru

    Tileset Maru's MV Bits

    Yes :) Just credits. If you want to use my stuff in a commercial project, please PM me with the title of your project (and a link to the thread/homepage/whatever - if there is something like that for your game). That's all! (If you want to make me happy and reward me for my work you can give me...
  15. PandaMaru

    Tileset Maru's MV Bits

    Nothing. Free to use for all. :)
  16. PandaMaru

    Tileset Maru's MV Bits

    @Rise Evil How much of what? o.o
  17. PandaMaru

    Tileset Maru's MV Bits

    Autum! Halfways... meh, autotiles... Litlle Bits:
  18. PandaMaru

    Das Kompliment geb ich gern zurück. :) Deine ist genauso niedlich geworden.

    Das Kompliment geb ich gern zurück. :) Deine ist genauso niedlich geworden.
  19. PandaMaru

    Mascot Voting!

  20. PandaMaru

    What do you like most about horror games?

    What are your most favorite horror games and why? Which elements of the games make them good?