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Search results

  1. PandaMaru

    Cover Art Characters [Deleted]

    Are you sure you are allowed to post this? The cover art characters are a DLC.
  2. PandaMaru

    noble interior

    PandaMaru submitted a new resource: noble interior - rearanged, recolored MV RTP tiles and add-on for a noble interior Read more about this resource...
  3. PandaMaru

    RPG Maker noble interior

    - use only with MV licence - Please credit PandaMaru - Pm me/send me a mail if you want to use it in a commercial project - no reposting please
  4. PandaMaru

    Nature Winter

    PandaMaru submitted a new resource: Nature Winter - A complete set with winter trees, treehouses and bridges. Read more about this resource...
  5. PandaMaru

    RPG Maker Nature Winter

    - use only with MV licence - Please credit PandaMaru - Pm me/send me a mail if you want to use it in a commercial project - no reposting please
  6. PandaMaru

    Icons for resources

    OK, thank you. :) Found it. Can be closed.
  7. PandaMaru

    Tileset Maru's MV Bits

    :) Yeah, it's all free to use for your projects. Flying bird by me (Recolor by McSundae) bigger Horse
  8. PandaMaru

    Icons for resources

    Maybe I'm blind... ^^' Is there a way to add a Icon later after the upload of a resource in the db of this side, not just after it?
  9. PandaMaru

    Greetings from Hannover (Niedersachsen)

    Greetings from Hannover (Niedersachsen)
  10. PandaMaru

    Yust take a look at my wip resource thread

    Yust take a look at my wip resource thread
  11. PandaMaru

    Maru's little Advent Project

    Update: noble interior Bonus: MV Santa Pose + DS Style Xmas trees full set * *You need to own the RPGMakerDSresource-Pack to use these xmas decoration I wish happy holidays, wonderfull christmas and a good start in the new year! At least, wrapped up as a present, my entire resources...
  12. PandaMaru

    I'm exhausted... One day to go... And then 24 days of resource rain is done.

    I'm exhausted... One day to go... And then 24 days of resource rain is done.
  13. PandaMaru

    Maru's little Advent Project

    Yeah, you can edit it for your own purpose. Update: noble interior
  14. PandaMaru

    Maru's little Advent Project

    Update: Hills-AddOn Tiles: Last Post
  15. PandaMaru

    Maru's little Advent Project

    Hills-AddOn I have some more ideas for this but I ran out of time and are very busy cause xmas is near. >__< Hope to update this tomorrow.
  16. PandaMaru

    Maru's little Advent Project

    rmweb Happy Holiday Event Nature Set Winter Version Baby + Crib Sample with RTP SciFi-Bits Sample with RTP Not much and the doors aren't animated - yet. I'm incredible slow when it comes to autotiles... But that are work of 2 days... .__. I will add more stuff tomorrow I...
  17. PandaMaru

    Maru's little Advent Project

    Face + Char for the blacksmith Overlay-Bits for a bakery
  18. PandaMaru

    Maru's little Advent Project

    Last minute finish... >___< And I'm sorry, there are some pure RTP-Tiles on this set, slightly rearranged sometimes. (Hope that's ok...) They where spread on multiple tilesets so I put them together for better use. + a lot of tiles matching the style + a charset with a special switch ;) noble...
  19. PandaMaru

    Maru's little Advent Project

    mix of wishes Many request for the windmillarms are now fullfilled. (Sample is updated.) The old witch has a full character now and the cauldron is animated. Edit: + Face for the witch